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SMITEFire Guide Contest: A Frosty Welcome!

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Forum » News » SMITEFire Guide Contest: A Frosty Welcome! 43 posts - page 4 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » November 10, 2016 11:19am | Report
Your friendly reminding neighborhood over here giving you a... friendly reminder that those seeking to participate and win this contest only have a week left to polish their guides to the best of their abilities!

To increase your chances of winning, reread your guides, and make sure it has all the necessary components:

Guide content:
1. Good build quality.
• A guide is nothing without a good build! Make sure your build works, and that you can explain what to buy to the reader!

2. Skill order.
• Let your reader known how to level up their abilities. Abilities are very important to any god.

3. Ability usage.
• Let your readers know how to use the god's abilities. You won't be any good if you can't even use your abilities right!

4. First purchase.
• You'll need some gear to get started. Your starting gear is a key component to achieving victory, so don't forget to tell your readers what to pick first before leaving the drinker! I mean, fountain.

5. Build order and how to counterbuild.
• You need to tell the clueless reader what to build in what order. It's generally a bad idea to build stacking items last, and critical items first, for example. Also explaining counter-builds is crucial. You need to explain the reader that they should build the ******* MFIN Divine Ruin or Pestilence against healers!

6. Tips and tricks.
• The reader wants to become a pro, but cannot do that with the famous "tips & tricks, SWAG-Edition" from your guide. Did you know that Janus can use his portals on walls and go through them? I know right, #MLG-Protip!

7. Matchups and synergy.
• A key component to MOBA is being able to cooperate with your team, and knowing how to deal with a certain enemy. That's your job to provide that knowledge. Get typing!

8. Other game concepts.
• Or "gameplay" for short, tell the poor, confused reader how to play their favourite god in whatever gamemode. Jungle, laning, pushing, split pushing, etc... are all concepts that you'll need to explain to the readers!

Guide appearance/overview:
1. Spelling and grammatical appearance.
• "I sprek Engrishl Gufsd." This is no way to represent a guide. Your spelling and grammatical appearance need to be readable and understandable. You don't need top-of-the-line English writing skills, and mistakes are human, but the presented example is no way to present a guide to others.

2. Readability.
• Your guide needs to be readable. A flashy coloring book or rainbow hurts the eyes, and an entire wall of text creates headaches because they require to much focus to read. Get a nice balance between lay-out and readability, to create the best appearance possible!

3. Appearance.
• A guide that is attractive will have a lot more success in being read, and liked. Information is still the more important of the 2, but that doesn't mean you can't give your guide a nice dressing to go with it. An object that looks good, grabs a lot more attention. And yes, boys & girls, you know what I'm talking about...

<Hunter Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » November 10, 2016 2:55pm | Report
This contest encouraged me to make my first guide!
I think it is pretty complete, go check it out if you want to: (I need feedback!) :D
#9e2aff #a12bfd #af29e8 #bd29d0 #c828be #d728a8 #d728b0 #e02899 #ee2891 #f02887 #d72875 #d72860
#8a42ff #9c30f6 #ab21ec #b329e4 #b829d9 #ca29c7 #d429bd #de299f #ee2887 #e62873 #e03163 #e53d44
#7b54ff #8d39f6 #a311f4 #a22afb #ae29ed #b63dc7 #a247c7 #ca3d9f #ee3175 #e6325f #e94348 #f14f2c
#676cff #793fff #910aff #871ef5 #7f2ee4 #7542da #665bc7 #8e519f #c04777 #f0464b #f2552d #fc6410
#5384ff #6545ed #7b00e0 #6b1ada #5738d0 #4356d0 #2d74cc #5c65b3 #985b77 #dc5037 #e94c1b #de4606
#3598fe #4750da #5d00a8 #4423b2 #2b46bc #1762c4 #008fcc #377b9f #636b7b #9a574e #d73a12 #c12300

<Meat Shield>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dash » November 11, 2016 11:54am | Report
Thanks for joining us Bernardo!


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Posts: 246
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Estidien » November 15, 2016 6:43pm | Report
Big question, Do I have until the end of tonight or the end of tomorrow night t publish? ASAP responses would be fantabulous.

<Ambush Artist>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 15, 2016 8:45pm | Report
Ummm... Last minute questions!

Dash can answer for sure but if I were to venture a guess, I'd say you'd have until the end of tomorrow. Don't hold me to that though.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bernardozomer » November 16, 2016 9:58am | Report
I am thinking about the same thing.
#9e2aff #a12bfd #af29e8 #bd29d0 #c828be #d728a8 #d728b0 #e02899 #ee2891 #f02887 #d72875 #d72860
#8a42ff #9c30f6 #ab21ec #b329e4 #b829d9 #ca29c7 #d429bd #de299f #ee2887 #e62873 #e03163 #e53d44
#7b54ff #8d39f6 #a311f4 #a22afb #ae29ed #b63dc7 #a247c7 #ca3d9f #ee3175 #e6325f #e94348 #f14f2c
#676cff #793fff #910aff #871ef5 #7f2ee4 #7542da #665bc7 #8e519f #c04777 #f0464b #f2552d #fc6410
#5384ff #6545ed #7b00e0 #6b1ada #5738d0 #4356d0 #2d74cc #5c65b3 #985b77 #dc5037 #e94c1b #de4606
#3598fe #4750da #5d00a8 #4423b2 #2b46bc #1762c4 #008fcc #377b9f #636b7b #9a574e #d73a12 #c12300

<Meat Shield>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Dash » November 16, 2016 10:28am | Report
Hey there,

You have until 11:59 PM EST to enter.


Memorable (13)
Posts: 246
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Estidien » November 16, 2016 10:46am | Report
Yay! That means I Have more time to write.

<Ambush Artist>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » November 16, 2016 10:58am | Report
If you guys do publish last minute, some of the judges have begun looking over the guides, so leaving a pm or posting here to let us know that you've made changes so that we can give your updated guide another thorough look would be appreciated ^^
Smite Account: Zilby__________Steam Account: Zilby
Blizzard: Zilby#11991_________Twitch: TheZilb

I am the most foul, cruel and bad tempered rodent you've ever set eyes upon!.. Oh, her? Yes, well... she's with me.

Feel free to PM me with any questions or comments. I can offer feedback on gameplay and BBcoding tips, as well as moderation help if needed.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ThePerfectPrism » November 16, 2016 12:31pm | Report
I made a really quick change of wording, cuz before it sounded like my Gameplay section wasn't ready, but instead what I wanted to say is that it should be ever-growing, and not "Everything I'll ever know is in there already" sort of. Yeah. Nothing too major tbh
Signature by Stuke99, check out his Website Portfolio and his SmiteFire Profile!

<Mage Master>

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