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TMNT | 7.11 Update Notes (w/ 7.10 Bonus Balance)

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 14, 2020 1:25pm | Report

TMNT | 7.11 Update Notes

By: TitanCupcake | 2020/10/14

Source (7.10 Bonus Balance):
Source (7.11 Main Patch):
Bonus Balance Patch scheduled to go live: October 20
Main Patch scheduled to go live: November 3

*NOTE* For full patch notes, please visit the source. Only Update Schedule, Item and God Balance will be listed here.


  • 7.10 Bonus Update – Get all the details on Balance and new content here
  • TMNT Battle Pass
  • Radical Chest
  • Odyssey: Reckoning Content
  • Odyssey: Reckoning Content (the Odyssey skins after Valiant Huntress Artemis)
  • Digital Loot Pack

Please note that these dates are tentative and subject to change.




“There has been a lot of discussion on damage and penetration since Mid Season 7, and our stats show that Assassins are contributing to most of the damage increases. They got some strong new items and meta shifts that has empowered them to deal more DPS than previous eras of SMITE. We are making two adjustments to this concept. First, Heartseekers % Health damage is coming down across the board, to reduce damage to tanks.”
  • Decreased bonus damage from 3-6% to 2-5% of the targets max health. Range of damage still scales off of the owners power at the same rate


“Along with the Heartseeker change, we are also applying a small nerf to the stats on Serrated Edge. This item is allowing Assassins to run down enemies of all types, so we are nerfing the movement speed in line with our past concerns about too much of that stat floating around the game, as well as to take a little bit of “edge” of this item’s total stats.”
  • Decreased Movement Speed from 10% to 7%



"Loki’s rework has hit the battleground to great reception! He has been in the majority of games and the feedback surrounding his previous frustrations seem to be greatly improved. The goal was to bring new strengths to his ability to fight enemy gods while giving enemies more room to counterplay his previous tactics. He is essentially a new god in terms of balance which means players still have some learning to do before they can fully unlock his potential. With that being said we do see some consistent feedback around power and feel and want to address those while players continue to learn him.

Agonizing Visions felt like it lacked a little damage even when getting a target stuck inside it. A boost to its scaling will help Assassin Loki’s who find good opportunities get more damage out. Flurry Strikes is also getting a scaling boost on its initial damage with an additional slow to anyone that is hit by the first five strikes. The reward for landing Flurry Strikes as well as the ability to keep someone in it was too high so these changes will help Loki bring more consistent higher damage to a fight. We will continue to watch new Loki and look forward to seeing his gameplay evolve over the course of the next few patches!"

  • Increased Physical Power Scaling from 10% to 15%

  • Increased Flurry Damage Scaling from 15% to 18% on the Initial 5 Strikes
    (135% to 150% total Scaling, 5 Initial Strike + 6th Final Strike)
    Each Initial strike now applies a 15% slow that refreshes. The final hit still applies a 30% slow


"In this Bonus Update we will be nerfing a lot of the top SPL picks in every role. Junglers had their items nerfed instead, but every other class will be seeing nerfs to the top 2 gods. Sun Wukong has steadily risen in performance throughout the year due to some direct buffs and meta shifts. He can dish out a lot of damage while also being extremely evasive for a Warrior. We are taking down the top-end damage on his ult to bring him in line with the rest of the class."

  • Decreased Physical Power Scaling from 120% to 100%


"It pains me to type this but we have yet another nerf for Amaterasu. She has continued to dominate pro play with her stronger early game that transitions well into late game team presence. Her Ultimate provides high damage and high CC, and was at a surprisingly low cooldown for its strength. Ultimate cooldowns tend to affect the highest level of play more than ranked or normals, so this feels like a fair nerf for her considering that she has had a few in a row now.]"

  • Cooldown Increased from 75s to 95/90/85/80/75s


"This little guy has been putting up big numbers. Cupid has quickly become the actual #1 hunter across the game, in both pick/ban% as well as win-rate. When looking at his numbers there is one that clearly stands out. Heart Bomb has an insane amount of Physical Scaling. His early lane clear is much better with recent buffs, and his team fight presence has always been top tier, so it seems fair to bring down his primary damaging ability."

Heart Bomb
  • Decreased Power Scaling from 90% to 80% on both the hit and the explode (180% to 160% total, hits 2 times)


"The snipe montages have been flowing freely ever since Rama’s heavy balance adjustments earlier this year. These changes caused Rama to skyrocket in priority to the top of the role. His lane phase and consistent damage output are both strong, but what seems to be making the biggest impact in pro play is team coordination with his ultimate to pick off high profile targets. We are taking this damage down slightly to make these picks a little harder to pull off."

  • Decreased Base Damage from 180/270/360/450/540 to 180/265/350/435/520


"The Queen of the Gods has become the Queen of the Mid Lane. Hera, and Argus, bring some unique utility to the Mid role, while also having high damage and strong CC. Hera is surprisingly hard to gank for a goddess with no mobility. This is an expected result of her strong self peel, but it can also be directly balanced through adjustments to her shielding ability. We are bringing that level scaling number down to put Hera players in a bit more danger throughout the match."

  • Decreased the Health on the shield from 20*Hera’s Level to 15*Hera’s Level


"The god with 4 ultimates. A nickname affectionately given to He Bo’s powerful kit. Even with high pro performance for most of the season, he tends to coast under the radar for casual players. He Bo is a riskier Mage with an all-in play style who flexes well into the Jungle. We are taking down his damage as well as his utility to make sure there is room for more mages in the meta."

  • Decreased Damage from 70/120/170/220/270 to 60/110/160/210/260

  • Decreased Slow from 25/30/35/40/45% to 20/25/30/35/40%
  • Decreased Movement Speed Buff from 25/30/35/40/45% to 20/25/30/35/40%


"HEEEEEEEEYYY! Kuzenbo’s level one Sumo Slam has slain many a god. The damage potential of this ability became apparent once Sumo Slam was given a more forgiving turn radius. We like the reward Kuzenbo players get for playing aggressive and utilizing its damage, but this was simply too much."

  • Decreased Damage from 80/110/140/170/200 to 60/95/130/165/200


"There are few things more frightening than a Hercules running at you full speed ready to burst you down. Strength From Pain provides Hercules with a large amount of free stats that make him difficult to effectively fight, allowing a full tank Hercules to brawl with the best of them. Decreasing the power gained from this Passive will improve many scenarios where it feels like a Herculean effort to overcome Hercules."

  • Decreased Base Physical Power from 5+1 per level to 2+1 per level per stack




“For many relics, the effect of stacking multiple relics doesn’t provide additional benefit; and this is especially true of buffs for teammates. The block stacks stacking while the shield did not seems unintuitive and difficult for enemy teams to keep track of. Block Stacks from Upgraded Shell will no longer stack.”
  • Block Stacks from this item no longer stack with multiple fires of the relic
  • Should be noted that the shield from this relic never has stacked, and will continue to not stack


“With a new Season on the horizon and many items being adjusted, we are looking to round out a few smaller issues before the World Championships. The first step we are taking is a small protections buff to the early game for Supports. Duo lane can be punishing, and we want Supports to feel sufficiently tanky. This obviously doesn’t help them from being shredded by high pen builds in the late game but it does help Supports progress through a match more safely, which should give them an edge as the game goes on.”
  • Increased Magical and Physical Protections from 5 to 10


“The legendary Arthurian item for mages received a lot of hype on release, but has since fallen off. Its special effect can be difficult to use optimally, and its stats just don’t feel like they fit the cost. We are making this item slightly more affordable to make it a more viable Mage build pickup.”
  • Decreased Cost from 3000 to 2800



"The goddess of night is a popular topic for balance discussion. Nox’s kit focuses on all-in gameplay and heavy lockdown, making her a rather unique mage. Her high amount of CC has often been a limiting factor for her, as buffing overall damage or ease of use on the kit would likely cause frustrations. After much deliberation and statistical review, we are looking to bolster Nox’s laning potential as a way of bringing the goddess into a more competitive spot. Her Shadow Lock ability will now be able to deal a small amount of damage to minions as it passes through them. This gives Nox more efficient lane clear, but more importantly gives her more decisions to make in the laning phase on how to pressure her opponents."

  • Now deals pass through damage on minions 50/85/120/155/190 + 40%
  • As this ability is now able to hit multiple targets, its lifesteal multiplier is being decreased from 100% to 33%


"By popular community demand, the goddess of wisdom will have a cleaving basic attack in her hit chain. Athena’s balance has been in a great spot over the years, where she never felt oppressive but always felt relevant. However, she has slowly dropped off over time and now we can feel comfortable applying some buffs. This change should help her early lane clear or her jungle flex potential, and will feel more fitting for the animation of the attack."

  • The final Basic Attack of her hit chain will now Cleave


"When you play Bacchus you’re here to party. Unfortunately, chug doesn’t feel great to rank up and the buff from it feels lackluster. We want Bacchus players to chug right before they engage in combat, so we are adding an extra Magical Power buff to the effect. This should have our big boy swinging hard on his enemies like the good old days."

  • Now provides Bacchus with a Buff of 0/7/14/21/28/35 Magical Power per rank
  • Decreased Mana Cost from 40/45/50/55/60 mana to 40 at all ranks


"The goddess of war is notoriously tricky to buff, being able to quickly overtake a meta when even slightly too strong. With this in mind we looked to make changes to Bellona to improve her flexibility. We are decreasing some mana costs that seemed abnormally high for her playstyle."

  • Decreased Mana Cost from 75 to 60

  • Decreased Mana Cost from 70/75/80/85/90 to 60/65/70/75/80


"What do you give the god who seemingly has it all but can’t quite break into the meta? When looking at Chaac’s kit on paper we see strong damage output, self sustain, debuffing zone control, and impactful CC. Chaac is already putting up some decent casual stats so we are being measured with our buffs. In this pass we are making the self buff aspect of his Torrent much more relevant. Many players overlook this feature of his kit entirely, and this should help him stay alive in extended fights. We will be keeping a close eye on this god as we see constant community outcry for him to make more competitive appearances."

  • Increased Protection Buff Duration from 4s to 6s
  • Hitting a god with Torrent now provides 2 Protection Buff stacks


"This change is a long time coming. It was discussed with Olympians at the Season 6 Summit, but Da Ji’s meta position was too high for a change. Currently, this ability has some very interesting per rank scaling that causes it to feel bad in the early game. We are increasing the rank 1 damage considerably, while decreasing the per rank increase and the late game base damage. This change is intended to be a buff so that base damage loss is being compensated with a Physical Scaling Buff."

  • Adjusted Damage from 15/40/65/90/115 to 25/45/65/85/105 per hit (60/160/260/360/460 to 100/180/260/340/420 total, hits 4 times)
  • Increased Physical Power Scaling from 30% to 35% per hit (120% to 140% total, hits 4 times)


"The goddess of magic was a force to be reckoned with earlier this year, which led to a long series of nerfs. With other meta and item changes we can now clearly see that those nerfs were too much, and we are slowly reverting them. Wing Gust needs a high top end damage to be worth the channel time and positional risk, so we are bringing that back in this update."

  • Increased Magical Power Scaling from 35% to 40% of your magical power per hit


"Lately the Danger noodle is too much noodle, not enough danger. Jormungandr had a huge arrival on the battleground, causing a lot of disruption to the meta and dominating Solo Lane for months. Considerable nerfs were applied over time and now Jorm is clearly looking underpowered. His damage potential tends to be a frustration point so we are looking to buff his utility instead. Submerge is getting a lower cooldown and stronger CC to make sure Jorm can impact a fight in more ways than just dealing damage."

  • Increased knock up height from 300 to 375
  • Decrease cooldown from 18s to 16s


"Our quest continues to bring Medusa up to a point of competitive viability. Acid Spray doesn’t rank up in damage very well, but Medusa needs to tank this first anyway. We are increasing the base damage per rank to make sure Medusa can clear waves effectively as she transitions from the early game to mid game."

  • Increased Base Damage from 90/135/180/225/270 to 90/140/190/240/290


"After a Heroic launch, Mulan has settled in nicely into the ranks of the SMITE gods. She feels viable without being frustrating, and brings fast paced combat and flexibility to the Warrior class. Her Ultimate, however, has a strangely long cooldown for the effects, and is being toned down slightly to better fit within the scope."

  • Decreased Cooldown from 100s to 90s at all ranks


"The new backflip timing is feeling great, but we have received feedback that the mana cost is rather archaic and punishing. We are bringing this down to match Neith’s more modern gameplay goals."

  • Decreased Mana from 70/80/90/100/110 mana to 60/65/70/75/80


"The Allfather was another strong rework that led to slight overnerfing. We are reverting one of those nerfs to Gungnir’s Might’s base damage which should help his early clear and solo lane potential. Bastet, who was reworked at the same time, is also being considered for more significant changes in the future."

  • Increased Pulse Damage from 20/40/60/80/100 to 25/45/65/85/105 per hit (60/120/180/240/300 to 75/135/195/255/315 total, hits 3 up to 3 times)


"The Earth Mother is continuing her transformation from true support to bruiser. Terra was originally thought of as a more protective Guardian, but as her pro gameplay and balance progressed we started to see her played more aggressively and even in Solo Lane. We are adding cleave attacks to all of her punches only when her passive is active. This adds a unique management component to her deployables, and bolsters her early game which tends to be awkward until she has all of her abilities ranked for shatter combos."

  • Terra Now gains cleave basic attacks on her entire hit chain while this passive ability is active


"A buff shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. Well Vulcan is missing those limbs and there isn’t much we can do about that, but we can buff his Ultimate. This ability has insane long range snipe potential, but feels far too weak when used at closer ranges. We are increasing the floor on the damage curve to make this ability more useful in a wider range of situations."

  • Increased Damage at close range from 60% to 75% of the max dmg


"The Mayan hero twin has had some very interesting balance developments over the past season. After some interesting changes in the past Season Xbalanque has settled into the lower end of the Hunter roster. With Branching Bolas and his Ultimate now feeling to be at great spots, we looked at his movement ability. Rising Jaguar used to be a key source of damage in the old days, but has crazy low scaling for today’s standards. We are increasing this damage scaling by a considerable amount to give Xbal more options in combat."

  • Increase Physical Power Scaling from 30% to 50%


"He might not be getting another skin yet but he is getting a buff. Zhong Kui is surprisingly underperforming in a meta where solo lane mages have been quite potent. Zhong is intentionally designed with slightly lower damage traded for tankier stats, but his damage numbers looked surprisingly low in a few places, even for a solo lane mage. We are buffing a base damage and a scaling effect in his kit to bring his damage up across multiple build paths or roles."

  • Increased Base Damage from 60/115/170/225/280 to 80/135/190/245/300

  • Increased Magical Power Scaling from 20% to 25% per tick (100% to 125% total, hits 5 times)

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 14, 2020 1:33pm | Report
Overall, some really good, minor adjustments. I knew they'd need to add something to Loki's CC, and I called for the Serrated MS nerf.

Sad that Cupid got a damage nerf when he's only got 2 damaging abilities, with one of them being his ult. If anything, if they nerf that damage, they should look at decreasing CD on it by a second, or instead nerf the top end base damage a bit, IMO.

The most interesting things about the main patch to me are:
Don't know why they felt the need to buff the near-range damage of Vulcan's ult.

*EDIT* Also...holy **** a lot of skins. But they hit it out of the park on this one. Old school TMNT was my favorite cartoon to watch before school (along with OG Thundercats). Donatello FTW! Really nice that they added the old cartoon style skins, Splinter and Shredder. Well done HR.

Also really like the Hun Batz and Jing skins.

What are your thoughts?

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 14, 2020 3:26pm | Report
And the moment you've all been waiting for, the new avatars are now in the system.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Draisaitl » October 14, 2020 7:20pm | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

And the moment you've all been waiting for, the new avatars are now in the system.

Thank god. I've been refreshing the page all day waiting for this.


Remarkable (7)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 14, 2020 7:49pm | Report
No one asked you for your opinion, chump.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » October 15, 2020 12:23am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

No one asked you for your opinion, chump.

Ain't his fault you're slow. :p

<Guardian Master>

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » October 16, 2020 1:49am | Report
feel the balancing department did well. the only thing I'm wondering about is the change to antiheal/buff items affecting hp5. I personally liked how it was before. antiheal is already a valuable stat but now could become even more of a necessity.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » October 16, 2020 7:47am | Report
My two cents:
I didn't like the way they nerfed cupid. I am afraid cupid return to B class and stay a god "oh we can't fight he has an ulti", "he doesn't have ulti, it's a free kill". I do think they could have nerfed him on other aspects.

Also he bo nerfs are ridiculous. I can't understand why the ****ing company freely admit the god has 4 ultimates and nerf 10 base damage? Like cupid 20% scaling on his only damage skill, He Bo with 3 ultimates 10 base damage on 1 skill? WTF?

I'm okay with the rest of changes

I also loved that hun batz skin and of course Ratatoskr Skin. Amazing.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » October 16, 2020 8:12am | Report
Cupid needed a nerf, he’s been a top hunter outside of Rama and Heim.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » October 20, 2020 9:05am | Report
Just a reminder that the bonus update for this patch is live as of today. HS/Serrated nerfs, Loki buffs, top SPL performing gods nerfed.

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Mythical (401)
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