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Tsukuyomi Guide Contest Winners!

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Forum » News » Tsukuyomi Guide Contest Winners! 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Hades4u » September 18, 2020 6:49am | Report

It's finally time to announce the winners of the SMITEFire Tsukuyomi Guide Contest!

Many guides have been created and we carefully went through all of them. We are very satisfied with everyone's creations and we believe we have picked the best of the best as the winners of this contest. Without further ado, let us move on to the winners! :)

Tsukuyomi Guide Contest Winners!

The following winner will receive $75 USD, a SMITE T-Shirt and a Golden Tsukuyomi badge for their amazing guide!

It's always a pleasure to see new authors joining our community and to find out what amazing guides they can create. Emu8 has joined us not even a month ago and they've already managed to create a valuable learning resource for all Tsukuyomi fans. With in-depth information on abilities, item choices and game strategy, their guide will surely give you the edge in your next matches with The God of the Moon. We're lucky to have you here and we're excited to see more of your guides! :)

The following runner-up will receive $25 USD, a SMITE T-Shirt and a Silver Tsukuyomi badge for their wonderful guide!

Another new face around the community leaves their mark with a great guide for Tsukuyomi. With a solid build to follow and different situational items to pick from, you'll be ready to face any foes that stand in the way of victory. The guide also covers information and tips for every role and multiple game modes, making sure that you have some insight no matter what game you jump into as Tsukuyomi.

How To Claim Your Prize

  1. Check the email associated with your SMITEFire account and look out for our mail!

  2. Reply to the mail received with the required information.

  3. That's it! You will receive your well deserved prize as soon as possible. :)

We would like to thank everyone for participating and for creating awesome guides! Please let us know if you have feedback regarding our guide contests and we will do our best to improve our future ones for your best experience. Good luck and have fun! :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Fraeduu » September 24, 2020 1:14pm | Report
Congratulations to the winners of this! Awesome to see that their hard work paid off and they were able to score a spot as a contest winner here.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 28, 2020 3:49pm | Report
A bit late but congratulations to all winners!!!


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