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Artemis build?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Artemis build? 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RipleyW » March 29, 2018 10:45am | Report
Hello, could anyone put suggestion for Artemis build, I'd really love her, I don't know how to build her, I'm not really into hunters, but I'm willing to learn her :D


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 29, 2018 11:04am | Report
Hi Ripley,

Moving this into the theorycrafting section.

Here's a standard build. Note that she's absolutely a crit based hunter, due to her passive.

Hunter's Blessing, Devourer's Gauntlet, Ninja Tabi, The Executioner, Deathbringer, Rage, situational.

You can drop the blessing if you're in Arena or something, but if in Clash, Joust, or Siege, I'd probably still build it.

Level your 3 to probably level 3 or 4 first (for poke and waveclear). As you start building into attack speed, get your 2 fully leveled, then finish up 3 and then 1 is last priority. Level the ult whenever you'd like.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RipleyW » March 30, 2018 8:14am | Report
Hmm what about odyssey bow?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 30, 2018 10:33am | Report
You CAN build Odysseus' Bow, but I'd say it's situational and probably would be best with a slight build adjustment.

Consider the benefits of O-Bow, and why you want it. It provides a ton of attack speed, but no power. The biggest benefit arguably is the passive's chain lightning effect, which is great for helping clear minion waves (do you need help clearing the waves at the point you'd be buying this?) or possibly triggering and hitting multiple gods in a teamfight, but that requires them to be close enough. Also consider that part of the passive's damage depends on the amount of power you have, so has less effect when bought early.

Check this out. This article is old, but gets a good point across. When looking to be efficient in building, you want to maximize your DPS throughout the build. This means balancing power and attack speed. In addition, Artemis has a great steroid, and depending on your build, it's easy to overcap, at least when Vengeful Assault is activated. Building more than 55% attack speed means you will overcap with the steroid.

That last situational item is one you can choose depending on need. The Crusher is nice, and yes, you can get O-Bow there as well. An alternative would be to replace Rage with Wind Demon. It'll overcap when WD's passive and her steroid are active, but otherwise will just provide solid DPS.

So...personally, I get O-Bow very situationally, and usually only in teamfight modes. For Conquest, I'd probably default to something else, but that's just me.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xZeroStrike » March 30, 2018 12:14pm | Report
I wouldn't get Odysseus' Bow because it overcaps on her attack speed with her Vengeful Assault active.

Items I'd consider useful in that last spot with Bran's build would probably be:

  • Hydra's Lament - The power is good (because power..) and the Cooldown reduction will allow you to use Calydonian Boar more often. The passive works incredibly well for Artemis since you'll almost always start your battles with an attempt to trap an enemy with a predicted Transgressor's Fate or by activating your Vengeful Assault. This will ramp up that damage of the first hit. This would be my personal pick in most situations.

  • Toxic Blade - In case you're fighting a healer or your opponents have some nasty amount of lifesteal. The stat bonuses are pretty good regarding survivability too with some nice bonus health and movement speed, and it also provides a bit of attack speed and penetration.
  • Winged Blade - Purely for survivability against obnoxious slows. Especially useful when the enemy team has a lot of slow potential (think facing Rama for example) or if they have slowing items ( Frostbound Hammer or Gem of Isolation for example). The stat bonuses will help with your survivability as well.
  • Witchblade - Good against other hunters who rely on attack speed to get their damage out, think Rama or even Artemis herself. Stat bonuses provide survivability as well as some offensive potential (CDR and Attack speed).

Don't usually recommend defense items on characters who's goal is to do damage but in case you really feel like you need it, I'd suggest Spirit Robe or Hide of the Urchin, for all the reasons you'd pick this on any other god, pretty much.

<Hunter Master>

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