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Assault - Basic Attack Assassin Builds

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Assault - Basic Attack Assassin Builds 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 20, 2015 10:58am | Report
Assault: If there's one class that's hit or miss every game for me, it's the basic-attack assassin...e.g. Kali, Mercury, Bakasura, etc.

In my guide, I've got a general build suggestion, and again, hit or miss...sometimes I do well, sometimes I get demolished. I'm sure part of it is just how I'm playing, but I sort of want to maximize my effectiveness with regard to items, if possible.

Part of my issue, also, is that when i sit back and don't do much, I feel worthless to my team. Assassins aren't built for 5v5 team fights (e.g. CC, CC, CC, dead), but I think it makes me a little more reckless, which is not good for my k/d. I do try to hold back...use Merc's Made You Look, Kali's #2, Ne Zha's stupid hat throw, etc., but I can only do that for so long.

Here's the link to my assassin builds:

Assassin Builds

I often get Watcher's Gift, level 2 boots and Salvation to start. Idea behind it is that most basic attackers are weak to start, so I want to be helpful where I can, while I wait and build up $$$ and levels. Salv has been consistently helpful to the rest of my team, as people often burn through their mana + Meditation.

After completing Warrior Tabi or Ninja Tabi, I then suggest either Shifter's Shield or Bloodforge.

After that, The Executioner or Qin's Sais. Which do you prefer of these?

Rage + Deathbringer, along with another utility item, bring up the rear.

So, on an overall, general basis, what builds have you found work consistently well for you in Assault? Suggestions are greatly appreciated, and I want to try it out and maybe revise that section of my guide.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » March 21, 2015 6:10am | Report
Haven't played much assault lately. But with Baka I always go heavy hammer (tier 2) and whatever else I feel like :p

And on merc I usually just build rage and some pots.

On kali its normally heavy hammer 2 as well. Sometimes jotunn's...
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Diomedes232 » May 26, 2015 10:28am | Report
You need Magis blessing, on Aa focused assassins late game otherwise you will get CCed to death, other than that power attack speed crit and maybe lifesteal


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bullfrog323 » May 26, 2015 12:13pm | Report
Honestly, when I have Kali, I go for a damage build and hope to kill my target to survive longer.

For other assassins, I go tanky.
I prefer not have much kills rather than ending feeding the enemy.

Also, Bakasura, even fully tank, can throw some damage with his true damage steroid.

If your team composition doesn't allow you to go tanky (Already 2 guardians + healer), then I'll just do what you said, start carefully and play safe, wait for other to engage, and aim for those squishy behind, keeping your dash/jump for escape.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » May 27, 2015 3:18pm | Report
Thanks for the responses guys. I hate having to sit back, but if I don't, I'm much more likely to die. Thinking I really should build a bit more tanky and see how I do that way. I'm much better with actual tanks, so maybe that would put me into more of a comfort zone, and allow me to dive in a bit more without dying.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Zilby » May 27, 2015 3:51pm | Report
Agreed with bullfrog about tankiness and sitting back. Assassins aren't meant to poke, they're meant to go into a teamfight when it's to their advantage. In assault, in order to do this you definitely need some defenses since you're much more likely to get focused than other game modes since it's always an in-lane 5v5 teamfight. For assault I feel that Shifter's Shield and magi's blessing as well as Purification Beads is enough for most assassins to survive. You're pretty much focusing the squishies anyway so as long as you have some damage and pen you'll be fine.

As for other items, lifesteal is usually a bad idea since you're teamfighting most of the time, not dueling. It's rare that lifesteal will come in use since unlike hunters you can't poke minion waves from afar to regain health and your abilities don't give you healing with physical lifesteal.

Watcher's Gift is only a good item on late game assassins (eg: Kali). If you're playing someone like Bakasura then you're much more likely to want full boots (warrior or ninja tabi) or another item to get the most out of your early game (however I think that getting Salvation is still a good idea regardless). In general though, I avoid starter items in assault seeing that you can afford a full tier item off the start anyway.

(also if you're building AA go The Executioner, more attack speed, penetration, and cheaper)
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