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Executioner vs. Titans Bane

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Executioner vs. Titans Bane 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by EnjoiDank » September 9, 2013 10:06pm | Report
This comparison is mainly for ranged physicals because you generally take more consideration into which strengthens your auto attacks more. However you can compare the items with any physical God if you want :D

Now when deciding between the two there are quite a few things to take into account. Such as the 20% atk speed gain from executioners. And also the fact that execution debuff helps your physical allies deal more dmg. And also that you need to get 3 hits for executioners to reach highest potential. And also that Titans bane is much easier to use in conjunction with your God abilities.

TL;DR: this is purely to compare auto attacks.

Lets say an enemy God has 100 physical protection:

Executioner: 100 - 100(.21) - 15 = 64

Titans Bane: 100 - 100(.33)= 67

Executioners lowers the armor more therefor auto attacks/ abilities will do more damage with the armor debuff on.

Looking at 125 physical protection:

Executioner: 125 - 125(.21) -15 = 83.75

Titans Bane: 125 - 125(.33) = 83.75

125 is the dead-even value
Therefor any armor value above 125, Titans Bane will always deal more damage minus the atk speed bonus from Executioners.

I did this for my own benefit but I figured alot of other people would be interested in this as well. So ya there you have it.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by touchmenot » September 10, 2013 2:20am | Report
executioner early game vs titans bane late game. Most players buy titans bane early in the game, but I don't think they should, the enemies early game defense is not gonna be high, meaning titans banes att wont affect much


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » September 10, 2013 5:01am | Report
How I see it, they are not even meant for the same purpose. Titan's Bane is a stronger option for gods whose play style relies on quickly taking out enemies, or gods who specializes in aoe damage. Examples would be Loki, Fenrir and Thor. The Executioner on the other hand is meant for gods who specializes in crits or basic attack debuffs in general, and preferably ranged gods as they're harder to come by than melee gods. Examples would be Anhur, Arachne and probably Ne Zha because of his basic attack scale.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 10, 2013 6:07am | Report
Ehhh Pieder, Loki goes for executioner too, because the attack speed benefits well from his 5-swing progressive chain. You shouldn't ult to start an initation, it's your escape or finisher, so the Vanish+Aimed Strike opener will lower their armor with basically a guaranteed 3 hits, then the ult can do damage past armor, or be used to escape. Additionally, both his Vanish and Aimed Strike count as auto attacks.

Still, his point rings true. Titan's Bane is for any AD god that would cast spells BEFORE auto attacking, and therefore not benefit from the passive on Executioner.

Examples are early game Kali, Fenrir (although he usually takes voidblade), Bastet, Arachne, etc. Usually bruisers won't get it as their Jotunn's Wrath and Voidblade are enough, but that's neither here nor there.

Any caster ADC's that decide to build that way could use it as well, such as damage (not attack speed) based Neith, or Cupid for a massive instant heartbomb.

So, in general, Executioner if you auto attack, Titan's Bane if you use many damaging spells first. This is vastly different from the Obsidian Shard vs Spear of the Magus, though, as all spells will proc the Spear debuff, obviously not auto attacks, and as such unless you are seriously intent on one shotting someone, it's better to go with spear 90% of the time.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » September 10, 2013 10:25am | Report
The Executioner is AMAZING on Cupid since unlike Titan’s Bane, it gives him attack speed which is almost more important than Physical power on him (almost!). Also it synergizes where well with his playstyle since he relies on hitting basic attacks, THEN using Heart Bomb too do damage.

HOWEVER! I’m not saying that The Executioner is superior. It all comes down to if your god relies on abilities to do damage or basic attacks and how quickly and consistently they can get full stacks on enemies because The Executioner gives you no penetration unless they have stacks on them. For example: Neaith relies more on ability damage compared to basic attack damage and having penetration on her World Weaver is really nice, so Titan’s Bane is a better choice.

Nex The Slayer

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Piederman » September 10, 2013 10:29am | Report
If you like to play him with The Executioner, then fine. It was a brief example of three gods who specializes in either aoe damage with their abilities, and gods who are supposed to take out the enemy carries quickly in team fights. For me, I would find Loki to be more efficient with Titan's Bane than The Executioner as you want to quickly do all damage that you can and then quickly get out of there until your abilities are up again or the enemy are losing the team fight. If you remain in the team fight, you'll, without doubt, get taken out at ease in one way or another which is why I don't find prolonged items to be useful for him.

But personally I do not pick either of these items when I play Loki. I usually go with Jotunn's Wrath and Focused Voidblade that gives him 40 flat physical penetration along with a nice chunk of physical protection and 25% cooldown reduction. However, these two items were not in the argument which is why I couldn't bring them up.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by All4Games » September 10, 2013 10:29am | Report
take executioner on every ranged carry and on assassins who use their basic attacks a lot like Loki, Bakasura and Ne Zha
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » September 10, 2013 1:04pm | Report
The Executioner on adc. Never Titan's Bane, unless you skip lifesteal. Then you can go both, but The Executioner is first priority (I think Titan's Bane would be good on Apollo for split pushing). Neith with Titan's Bane is good if focus on Spirit Arrow :)

Titan's Bane on gods like Tyr and Thor (I personally go for it on Loki as well, but that is just because I like to kick *** when I'm all out of chewing gum). But it is still a mid-late game item, Focused Voidblade and Jotunn's Wrath before Titan's Bane

My reason for getting it on Loki is that your burst is from the Vanish and Aimed Strike and you will normally initiate with those before you get to do 3 basic attacks :P
IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » September 10, 2013 1:10pm | Report
While you initate with those before 3 auto attacks, the vanish is over time, and thus will benefit from Executioner as you are attacking past it - you only need 2 auto attacks past the opener to reach 21% + 15 (which is way more than 33% unless they are STACKED with protection. Don't engage on tanks you silly Loki). Titan's bane may make your first hit do more damage but definitely not any of them afterwards. And you won't kill someone in literally one hit. I tried. ;)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » September 10, 2013 1:18pm | Report
If you go, Titan's, Jotunn's, Focused Voidblade and Warrior Tabi for pen and some damage (Hydras=OP). Ymir will melt like a ice cream on a hot summer day :P

But it comes down to you play style. On carries the Titan's Bane is not worth it and it is totally overkill. Would be better of adding some sustain or something if all you are out for is the carries :)
IGN: Marki

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