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FATALIS, what do you think?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » FATALIS, what do you think? 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by stompt » January 27, 2014 11:42am | Report
Hey everyone,

I have been playing for two months now and have played quite a few games. I play assassins for the majority of my games and I have came to a conclusion. With my personal play style I seem to thoroughly enjoy Fatalis. The big feature being being able to keep the same movement speed while moving in any direction. Now as far as the main stats go they can be iffy, but to be able to kite someone while facing them to use your abilities is a stat that outweighs a lot of other stats IMHO. With team battles and being an assassin (or hunter) I have the ability to set CC abilities a lot more effectively with no one being able to catch up to flank me.

I could keep going on about all the times this item has helped me, but I just want to see other people's opinions on this thought and why isn't it used more.

Have a good day!


IGN: stompt - add me if you want to play some time :^)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » January 27, 2014 11:48am | Report
Fatalis offers no power except on basic attacks, which is bad...on everyone except Bakasura and Artemis because both rely a LOT on basics. Also on chronos and freya.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by pieface » January 27, 2014 12:54pm | Report
Fatalis can be a very niche pick on gods that are very AA dependent, but since sprint does the same job for less, it kind of doesn't make sense to get fatalis.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » January 27, 2014 1:21pm | Report
Hastened Fatalis is a good item on Vamana (almost a must have) and depending on your playstyle it can be very effective on Mercury and Ne Zha.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thiel » January 27, 2014 1:43pm | Report
Hastened Fatalis is a good buy when picking up Sprint gets in the way of a potential necessary Aegis or Beads.

As BME mentioned, it's pretty much a must buy on Vamana.

You should only get Hastened Fatalis if you already have plenty of damage, otherways it'll make you lose fights. Exceptions are prior mentioned gods like Vamana, Bakasura and Freya who can already whip out alot of damage without strong items. (Making it a 2d/3rd buy rather than a 4th/5th)
That's just my 2 cents.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » January 27, 2014 1:55pm | Report
Oh yeah Freya forgot about that sexy lady, Hastened Fatalis first item (after Bumba's Mask every game :)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » January 27, 2014 2:39pm | Report
Hastened Fatalis is good on people who are exceptionally mobile. It's not a god factor, it's a player factor - do you want to reposition yourself during auto attacks to either disengage while firing/chase while firing, OR would you rather do more damage/have more utility while being less mobile?

I personally take it on every single auto-attack based assassin as well as certain hunters as an item to combo with Qin's Sais.

Assassins I will get it on: Bakasura, Bastet (last item), Kali, Mercury, Thanatos, Ne Zha.
I find arachne, fenrir, and loki are too cast-based. Sure, Loki's vanish and aimed strike are both auto attacks, but he's made to 3 shot people, not chain a bunch of auto's into them.

I'll pick it up on Freya as well, as well as *certain* other mages. I do not get it on Chronos. He already has his movement speed penalty removed with his Accelerate, and for attack speed bonus items just go with Demonic Grip and Telkhine's Ring. (Fill that build out with boots, rod of tahuti, gem of binding, and polynomicon. That's literally 100% your build.)

But a general rule of thumb.

>Are you a Bruiser?
->If yes, just take Frostbound Hammer. More utility for team, more health. Fatalis is bad on most bruisers outside MAYBE Sun Wukong.
If no
>Are you based around auto attacks?
>If yes, do you need a LOT to be effective?
>If yes, do you have trouble sticking to a target?
>If yes, do you have any way to remove your movement speed penalty or slow the enemy?
>If no, take Hastened Fatalis.
(EG. Bakasura: Based around auto attacks. Has to use them a lot. Can jump but doesn't help with sticking to opponent. Ult slow not enough, can't remove movement speed penalty. Take hastened fatalis.)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » January 27, 2014 2:43pm | Report
But note: Except in certain very specific situations, or where their team is SO mobile that you need the speed to escape while still being able to do SOMETHING (Note this is in arena, assault, or non-conquest maps, where you're in a permanent teamfight situation, because in lane this isn't applicable), you should NOT get fatalis early on at all. As said, it doesn't provide enough raw damage, and in this game, base damage on gods is actually pathetically low compared to other MOBAs. You need early physical power. Unless you're like, actually bakasura who has built in 3-pure damage, you can't go with it.

The only exception, as I said, is if you're in, say, arena, and they have people like Loki, Mercury, Hades, etc...people who dive toward you or are fast. In that sense, boots, fatalis, and qin's sais make up for your physical power deficit. But it's still not a prime build. I'd rather have fatalis as a 5th or 6th item.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Ghraf » January 27, 2014 5:59pm | Report
There's just something funny about watching a Chronos with Hastened Fatalis.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DroboBrandegee » February 5, 2014 6:04pm | Report
I usually get Fatalis with Chronos or Freya, but rarely anyone else.


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