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Hades in Solo?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Hades in Solo? 5 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kelavandoril » January 20, 2017 1:08pm | Report

Hades Solo

Okay so, I haven't played A LOT of conquest but I've found myself taking a liking to a certain strategy.

My favorite/number 1 god is Hades. I play him in every game mode I can excluding conquest because I don't find myself playing with randoms a lot (mainly because I don't feel like getting yelled at by my team if I die every now and then) so I usually play with friends. I want your opinions on this setup to see if it's a viable strategy.

I've tried this with a group of 5 friends and I bully so easily. I go as Hades in the short lane and build I start off with Vampiric shroud and Tier 1 of Bancroft's Talon beginning a lifesteal setup. I continue on in the game until I get:

Bancroft's Talon > Shoes of Focus/Magi > Polynomicon > Breastplate of Valor (or whatever defense item I need to outplay the opponent) > Gem of Isolation (because slows are pretty nice on Hades) > and the last one is really debatable based on the situation. I find myself building either Rod of Tahuti or Spear of Desolation as my last item.

This build is supposed to bully their solo-laner, which is most oftenly a warrior so they'd be thrown off if a Mage shows up. I've found this setup to be useful when playing with friends but here is my issue. I wish to play this setup online but typically when I play as Hades with randoms, they always tell me I have to go middle because I'm a mage but whenever I go middle, the jungler and opposing mage end up destroying me because Hades can't handle being in the center of action, and is really good at scaring off opponents in one-on-one which led me to play him in the solo lane. Advice?


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Bgby » March 14, 2017 2:45pm | Report
I too was a huge fan of Hades in the Solo lane He was the first god I hit level 10 Mastery With. At lower levels and unorganized game modes he has some power behind his combos and a decent sustain. HOWEVER, What I learned is that currently in Conquest and higher levels of play he is not a strong pick. His combo is predictable and his ULT is countered by beads and also leaves him vulnerable for quite some time if not canceled. What people forget is that he used to be a guardian meaning that if you play him in the solo you might have an easier time building as a hybrid rather than just a pure damage build. This way his ULT will come up more often than the other teams beads and when you do get the opportunity you will give your team an amazing damaging opportunity without dying yourself.

Good Luck Bud and hopefully this helps.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by masterricu » March 16, 2017 2:38pm | Report
Hades does less damage than bacchus, to put this in perspective.

Because of this reason, I dont see the point in building any damage on him, and instead focus on building prot and cdr. Ive played hades in the support role before and have done well with him, the goal is to run at somebody to force their dash, then when they dash you dash after them and ult them.

Building hades full damage only makes his ult do like 60 more damage per tick or something pitiful. Im sure hades could do well the the solo lane, scaryd has been playing him for a bit now. But I play him support with cdr boots -> sov -> heartward -> breatplate -> gengis -> thebes. and absolutely wreck late game.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sodsboy » March 28, 2017 2:29am | Report

So comparing Hades to Bacchus is like saying Scylla does no damage

The fact of the matter is that at the end of the day, Bacchus is a guardian. Hades will more then likely have more damage since he's expected to have more power over the guardian.

A simple build is as such: Warlock's Sash, Shoes of the Magi, Breastplate of Valor, Bulwark of Hope, Bancroft's Talon and finally Rod of Tahuti

This is a somewhat average build for Hades which provides him the damage whilst allowing him not to be burst down whilst using his ult. With Bacchus the most damage he's going to have is with Shoes of the Magi and maybe Ethereal Staff or Soul Reaver.

I ain't going to do maths for you but it's safe to say the power spike between the two is different. Anyway, Hades can be played in solo lane just expect to be out cleared till at least level 4/6.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » March 28, 2017 3:09pm | Report
@Sods: remember, though, that Hades was originally in the Guardian class himself...albeit an odd Guardian.

What ricu is saying is that base damage is strong, but building power doesn't do quite as much for him as building more pen. This is absolutely true for a lot of pen on him and he does some amazing damage.

That said, I think your build seems pretty solid overall. Pretty standard tanky magical god in the solo lane, somewhat like how you'd build Zhong Kui, at least at the start, with things like Warlock's Sash.

Kelavandoril's build is definitely aggressive, with that early Bancroft's Talon. Granted, that lifesteal is amazing with the most recent buff, but if you're starting out at level 1 in Conquest, it's probably not going to be quite as effective as getting some strong base health, a la Warlock's Sash.

His 3rd item, Polynomicon, is totally not needed, as far as I'm concerned...I just wouldn't want to go double-lifesteal, and if you're going Bancroft and Shoes before, an actual protection/counter item would be way more functional. Poly is just not that great of an item on him, I think...great if you build glass cannon power/pen, but that's not how Hades thrives.

So if in fact Bancroft first is his preference, I'd get counter protection 3rd, perhaps another protection item 4th (or a high pen item...maybe even Spear of the Magus with its recent buff...), and finish with Gem of Isolation or other situational item.

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