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How tanky should one be in solo lane?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » How tanky should one be in solo lane? 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Technotoad64 » November 28, 2016 1:52pm | Report
I'm trying to make a Cabrakan build that has the most potential damage possible, but I'm not sure how much protections I need. Is Dynasty Plate Helm with Void Stone enough? What about getting just Hide of the Urchin?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » November 28, 2016 3:14pm | Report
You've got options...but I would say that Dynasty Plate Helm + Void Stone isn't really enough...there's some decent protections, but it's a bit low on physical protections (which you'll probably want for minion/objectives, and there's no added health, which can be a problem, especially since one of your abilities ( Tremors) makes you stay in one place.

Maybe throwing Hide of the Urchin between those two items would be good...?

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by masterricu » November 28, 2016 9:00pm | Report
I mean, you can build him like Ao Kuang and 2 shot people, or you could build him slightly tanky and still 2 shot people.

Ive found the best build for me is Shoes of the Magi Dynasty Plate Helm Void Stone Ethereal Staff Polynomicon Rod of Tahuti

Soul Reaver and Spear of Desolation are just overkill on him IMO, and dont offer much in time to kill for having such expensive price tags either.

So damage wise, my build should be the most DPS to consider. If you are okay with a 3 shot build, swapping tahuti for mantle or urchin isnt a bad idea either. You just lose that element of surprise.


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