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Non-Standard Role Picks - Propose Builds!

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Non-Standard Role Picks - Propose Builds! 6 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 25, 2018 10:33am | Report
With the emergence of the various masks in Patch 5.13, it got me thinking more and more about non-standard class picks for various roles. Wanted to have a discussion and see what ideas people have.

I know in S5 with mobility and utility having more effect, we've seen the emergence of a wider variety of picks in the Support (Conquest) role, and these masks provide the opportunity to further increase our options.

Specifically, I'd like to hear about your ideas/thoughts on the various Assassins/Mages for Support, or typically tanky gods for more offensive (or mobility) function. I expect most proposals to use the new masks, but you don't have to.
  • Bumba's Mask (mobility mask for all gods): 20 physical power OR 50 magical power, 20% CDR, +35% movespeed, +10% damage taken & -10% damage dealt.

  • Lono's Mask (tanky mask for Assassins / Hunters / Mages): 200 health, 35 magical protection, 35 physical protection, 20% CC reduction, +20% damage mitigation, -20% damage dealt.

  • Rangda's Mask (damage mask for Guardians / Warriors): 15 penetration, 35 physical power OR 70 magical power, +15% ability damage & +20% basic attack damage, +25% damage taken.

  • FYI, I've added notation to the database for Lono's and Rangda's to reflect their limitations.
For me, I'm excited to use Lono's Mask with Hel, Ne Zha, Nox, Ratatoskr, and Serqet. Might be interesting to try it on Awilix as well.

Anyway, let's hear your ideas!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » July 25, 2018 11:07am | Report
Lono's Mask could be ok as a last item on a Ra mage build if you need defense. I saw Zyrhoes try it out the other day.

Rangda's Mask could be allright on Warrior jungles, e.g. Hercules.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 25, 2018 11:33am | Report
To me, Ra always has potential for damage, though, where, in my mind, Nox typically outputs less overall (though her burst can be nice). Nox is more for the CC for the rest of the team, so I see no issue getting Lono's Mask for her.

But for Ra...I wouldn't want to hurt his ult potential too much, and higher power also will help his healing.

Rangda's Mask doesn't make as much sense to me. Where the rest have equal mitigation/dealt balance, I feel this should be the same. Instead, you get 10% less ability damage balance, and 5% less basic attack damage balance. Sure, you'll deal a good amount more, but...not balanced. Think it should just be 20% more damage dealt, 20% more damage taken.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » July 25, 2018 12:19pm | Report
For Assassin and Mage supports using Lono's Mask, how would your typical build progression look?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » July 25, 2018 1:22pm | Report
Lono's Mask is a weird item, and doesn't exactly take the place of any one normal tank item. Obviously if committing to this, you're looking to maximize tank potential in combination with disruption, rather than damage output. This means ability-based gods with good forms of CC are likely to make this work well.


So the question is, where and when do you make this fit in?

As Conquest Support...I think this could work early game in place of Sovereignty against a balanced enemy duo (phys + mag), especially if your ADC solves their own health sustain via early Devourer's Gauntlet or it's a magical ADC with their own health sustain. This means the HP5 from Sovereignty might be less needed, and you can supplement your own with Chalice of Healing, which is a common early item for Supports. Sure, you won't get the added protection aura for your teammate, but if you've got solid CC, like Nox, it should be okay. It's also fairly cheap (2,300 gold), so won't take too long to get. Because of the solid, balanced protections + mitigations, you could move directly into CDR from there, instead of the normal sequence of considering Gauntlet of Thebes or Heartward Amulet next.

Otherwise, if you want the auras, you'll have that early protection that way, so it can fit in late game (probably after you get some CDR).

Build suggestions:


I dunno, conceptual. Thoughts?

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » July 25, 2018 2:01pm | Report
Overall, that seems solid to me.

I was looking to try Susano, Eset, and maybe Thor support. ***** & Giggles.


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