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xMysterioNz Tier List - How easy is to play with this god?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » xMysterioNz Tier List - How easy is to play with this god? 23 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 23, 2019 1:43pm | Report

Hello gods and goddesses

I'm here to bring to you today my tier list that answers this question:

How easy is to play with this god?

I got all smite gods and made a Tier list, listing which one is easier and which one is hard to play, so you, new player or experienced player can choose the best god to get your next Mastery X, getting something more calm and easy or something more challenger, all according to your preference!!!

But before do it, I want to tell you some stuffs:
  • This isn't a community tier list which means that it will ALWAYS show my personal preference, however, I'm open to change it if you want and give me good explains to do so.

  • To make this tier list I tried to think especially as a new player. My thought process was: "If I was a new player and had to choose a new god to play, which one should I get? Which one would be easier or harder to learn how to perform well?"

  • As you can notice, this tier list DOES NOT MEAN THESE ARE THE PLACEMENT OF THE GODS LISTED, so just because someone here is Hard, that doesn't mean the god/goddess is GOOD in the game, it only means that He/She is hard to learn all the mechanics and apply it in a decent way, always thinking for new players (at least prioritizing them).

  • Since the thought uses the "perform well" concept, the god position in the real tier list may have some influence. Like, OP gods may get down a tier or 2 because they are stronger than they should so they are easier, same for weak gods, that may go up a tier or 2 since the recent meta don't favor them.

  • If you have any doubt about why is this god that tier, just ask in the comments and I will answer. If you don't agree we can discuss about it and I may even finish changing his tier...Or not.

Here's the Tier list:

the tier list (v1.4)


Very Hard:

Hard gods to play with. Usually have a lot of skills and each one doing something different, so you may have to play a lot with him to learn all his mechanics and achieve his true potential or skills that need high precision to hit/land or you will become a bag for your team carry you.


Same as Hard but a bit easier. Needs some good knowledge in general about the game, positioning and precision is your ally. You all need to be very fast between your combos and you might need to understand multiple abilities.

A bit Hard:

Gods a bit harder to play with than the normal. Usually their kit has a major issue that the enemy can abuse and/or you need to get a nice position to play with needing nice precision and quick combos execution to achieve true potential.

Not hard but not easy:

Gods not hard but not easy as the name suggest. Usually they are not weak nor too strong and their kits are pretty balance requiring not too much precision and/or quick thoughts but it also has majo flawless that make them balanced talking about difficulty.

More easy than hard:

Gods that tend to be a bit easier to play with. Their kit usually are pretty simple to understand and usually not hard to do their roles in the game nor you have major issues with their combos.


Easy gods to play with (Oh, really?). Simple skills, don't require much, much precision and can still doing their job without giant efforts.

Very easy:

Gods with combos and skills extremely simple to understand and apply. Usually gods you press one or 2 buttons and you get easy kills.

New Gods:

Some Gods may be missing and it's because I haven't played enough to know which tier they should go.




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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SkyPirateShini » September 23, 2019 2:31pm | Report
I really don't think Nox needs to be S+. Hardest thing with her to me is hitting her two-one combo reliably which will just take some practice. I'd put her in maybe A. Don't know why you left Ravana out but I'd put him at A or B+.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 23, 2019 2:54pm | Report

I really don't think Nox needs to be S+.

The point is that she is extremely dependent of her 2 + 1 combo and if she miss it she can't do anything in the game until she has her combo back and for beginners I wouldn't recommend a god like that.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 23, 2019 3:52pm | Report
That said, I would also put her down a bit. Her kit is quite straightforward overall, and I feel that any god that has an escape of some type is going to be a bit "easier" to play than gods without escapes.

Her escape is not only a very solid one, but being able to hide in teammates' shadows for an elongated period of time gives her a ton of safety.

Yes, if she doesn't hit her combo, she's significantly weaker, but I can tell (outside of you saying you hate her) that you're not a Nox player because it's not always just about her 2-1 combo...sometimes you use one without the other.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Gulfwulf » September 23, 2019 4:04pm | Report
I'd put Susano in S or S+ due to his attack-cancelling mechanics, mainly with Storm Kata.
Persephone is also S-S+ due to how her Harvest works.
Ravana is A to A-. He's pretty easy to play as long as you know when to use Overhead Kick.
Poseidon is very much D tier: just Whirlpool and Release The Kraken! for an easy kill (or three).
Nu Wa is pretty and pretty easy to understand; the only difficult thing with her is positioning due to her not really having an escape. I'd drop her down to A, if not B+.
Set should probably be raised up to S because of how he can interact with his Spawn of Set.

None of the others stand out to me as needing to be moved. Good job, Myst.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » September 24, 2019 5:25am | Report
Branmuffin17 wrote:

(outside of you saying you hate her) that you're not a Nox player because it's not always just about her 2-1 combo...sometimes you use one without the other.

Well, look what we have here, a Sherlock Holmes? Ok, foda-se eu admito, maybe I have played only to get mastery I with her :v

I will drop down her to A+, but not below than it.
Gulfwulf wrote:

I'd put Susano in S or S+ due to his attack-cancelling mechanics, mainly with Storm Kata.

I mean, he can work for new players with just a few AA canceling (or 0 AA-canceling), but I got your point.
Gulfwulf wrote:

Persephone is also S-S+ due to how her Harvest works.

Ok, I guess she will be S because one of her attacks is auto target.
Gulfwulf wrote:

Ravana is A to A-. He's pretty easy to play as long as you know when to use Overhead Kick.

Ok, so It's gonna be A.
Gulfwulf wrote:

Poseidon is very much D tier: just Whirlpool and Release The Kraken! for an easy kill (or three).

He is in B+ because to be honest, work with Poseidon's passive isn't the easiest thing for some people. Not only for the Movespeed but the extra damage, also, he doesn't have a easy escape than pure movespeed (extremely dependent of his passive to work properly) and enemies needs to be in the center of the kraken to deal the entire damage, the knockup and stun. I mean he is pretty easy to play, but he has these issues that makes him be a bit harder than Anubis for example, which is literally press 2 and 4 and you got a kill.
Gulfwulf wrote:

Nu Wa is pretty and pretty easy to understand; the only difficult thing with her is positioning due to her not really having an escape. I'd drop her down to A, if not B+.

Nu wa has a kinda complex kit. Her passive is hard to apply effectively, her one is kinda meh, her soldiers and 3 can be hard to land all the possible damage (explode all 3 soldier + hit the metal on the enemy too) and as you said, she has 0 escapes and can be a REAL EASY TARGET. That's why she is A+. For us she might be easy to play with because we know smite and conquest, but we aren't everyone in the world :v
Gulfwulf wrote:

Set should probably be raised up to S because of how he can interact with his Spawn of Set.

I mean, the spawns are something hard to deal with but it is the only thing in his kit that needs to be learned. The rest is pretty easy to understand and apply so I don't think he deserves the S tier. He is almost there but isn't there :v
Gulfwulf wrote:

None of the others stand out to me as needing to be moved. Good job, Myst.

Thank you :3


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 16, 2020 6:14am | Report
Finally updated to Season 7!!!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Vini_sds » March 16, 2020 7:07am | Report
I'm sorry, but I can't get behind a lot of the placements on this list.

Aphrodite isn't an easy god to play, because of her Kiss mechanic. If you play like a freaking bot and just stay linked to someone, sure. But if you play her like she's supposed to, she should be "Not hard, but not easy".

• You're overvaluing Nox's difficulty.

Set is the hardest god to play in the game, along with Persephone.

• Since when is Merlin hard? LOL

Yemoja and Thanatos should be placed higher. Thana's schythe is hard to hit, and Yemoja's 3 is hard to master.

• I can't understand how Odin isn't the easiest god in the game. You just do your bird bomb combo, hit your auto-aim 3 and ult. Done.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 16, 2020 7:57am | Report
Vini_sds wrote:

I'm sorry, but I can't get behind a lot of the placements on this list.

Aphrodite isn't an easy god to play, because of her Kiss mechanic. If you play like a freaking bot and just stay linked to someone, sure. But if you play her like she's supposed to, she should be "Not hard, but not easy".

• You're overvaluing Nox's difficulty.

Set is the hardest god to play in the game, along with Persephone.

• Since when is Merlin hard? LOL

Yemoja and Thanatos should be placed higher. Thana's schythe is hard to hit, and Yemoja's 3 is hard to master.

• I can't understand how Odin isn't the easiest god in the game. You just do your bird bomb combo, hit your auto-aim 3 and ult. Done.

Nox is hit the entire combo combo or be useless, 100% efficient or 0%, yes or no, no maybe. So from my view point, hit all the times a combo is something hard.

Aphrodite is pretty easy. Basically link to someone and switch sometimes but still and easy combo that is hit and run.

Set is not hard, his clone mechanics is. And honestly, if I was overvaluing Nox's difficulty, you are doing the same with set. As far as I played his clones is the biggest issue (hit them to be exactly). Else he isn't that hard.

Merlin has a total of 10 different skills and learn all of them can be something hard for most begginers from my view point. Just because he is strong that doesn't mean it makes him easy.

About Yemoja and Thanatos both are basically hit a skill and done, the enemy dies. Can't see much efforts to do that.

And for last, Odin has a considerable fall at late game on all roles which makes the player have a minimum of knowledge to play with him. He also doesn't have any sustain in lane that may be something annoying for new players when compared to other solos that has it (the giant part)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Devampi » March 16, 2020 8:45am | Report
I still believe this list looked more to skill floor instead of ceiling right?

Also Odin's playstyle changed as his bird bomb combo is only used to clean up. the shield is now better utilized as a shield to help you in sustained fights


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