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xMysterioNz Tier List - How easy is to play with this god?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » xMysterioNz Tier List - How easy is to play with this god? 23 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 18, 2020 5:59am | Report
Let's talk about the tier list but before doing it I want to point some stuffs that I wrote and I noticed people are forgetting when commenting:
  • "I'm open to change it if you want and give me good explains to do so." - Which means that I can change if you tell me why I should and not just "This god is complex, put him 2 tiers up".

  • "To make this tier list I tried to think especially as a new player." - Sure that some gods becomes very hard to be effective at high levels people but put in mind that people looking for this tier list will usually are new and I tried to look from their reality and not ours.

  • "perform well" - IT DOES NOT MEAN PERFORM WITH MASTERY, it just mean perform well. So we are not considering perform like a pro player and as we say here "Tirar leite de pedra" which means make the impossible with a god. So put in mind that it is just good. As example, Aphrodite. People said she is not easy...and it is not wrong if you consider that be a master with her can be really hard, especially in high elo, however, for a new player in low levels or medium levels it isn't hard. It's not hard you see people without any antiheal + her simple kit helps a lot people perform decently with her.

  • "OP gods may get down a tier or 2 because they are stronger than they should so they are easier, same for weak gods, that may go up a tier or 2 since the recent meta don't favor them." - I guess it's very simple, just keep in mind that.

  • Also, a simple tier of difference is not something to really worry about, it can be just personal preference or personal opinion. Not that we cannot discuss, however, gods with more than 1 tier difference should be the priority to worry and discuss about.

Now with this in mind I gently ask you guys think a bit about your comments and if you still thinking some things should change then let's talk about it but pls, remember the first topic!!!

I'm also updating the tier list, now thinking better about my decisions


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by DV-8 » March 18, 2020 2:01pm | Report
Just to clarify, the intention of my comment was simply to bring to light our differences in opinion. My hope was that you would simply think again about the placement of those certain gods, and perhaps reconsider your stance. Discussing every single god would be too tedious. If you feel that you placed the gods correctly, then I would like for you to keep them there. At the end of the day, it is your list.

Devampi wrote:
looking on what it's based on I would say DV-8 that you placed KA a lot lower I am curious why, as I can specify during my Z-A I was stuck on KA the longest and still only figured out some combo's. and then his AA which are very wonky.
I don't think A+ is all that low. I admit that I wouldn't be opposed to having him in S either. xmysterionz mentioned that he is just concerned with using the god well, not with mastery (note that I believe Arthur has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game), so this also affected my placement.

Arthur has several easy ways to apply damage and he possesses excellent movement capabilities. For a new player, all you have to do is slap Glad shied on and spam your abilities and you should be pretty safe. He has a proactive style of play which makes others have to adjust to him. The more decisions you cause your opponent to make, the more likely it is that they make a mistake.

My last point is a big factor. One of the biggest obstacles for newer players is the sheer number of gods there are in the game. It is so much more difficult to play against a god when you have no idea how they function, but this is exactly what new players have to do. For this reason, gods with proactive kits have an advantage over gods with a reactive kit.

Take Aphrodite for example, whose ultimate is a reactive ability. Most new players are not going to use this ability effectively at all. For them, they will most likely have a difficult time predicting damage. Compare this to something like a Kukulkan, whose ultimate is simply a big damage aoe... Not as difficult to use well.

So proactive and reactive kits should be a considered factor within all this, in my opinion.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by xmysterionz » March 19, 2020 5:27am | Report
DV-8 wrote:

Just to clarify, the intention of my comment was simply to bring to light our differences in opinion. My hope was that you would simply think again about the placement of those certain gods, and perhaps reconsider your stance. Discussing every single god would be too tedious. If you feel that you placed the gods correctly, then I would like for you to keep them there. At the end of the day, it is your list.

Yes, I thought again and updated the list, however, seeing your list I got a lot of doubts about why you chose that tier for some gods and if you don't explain I cannot change unfortunately.

Also just to clarify about Arthur, he falls a lot at late game compared to lane phase, all his skills will always be instant cast and he doesn't have Attack Speed and a "weird" basic attack. Plus you have multiple Skills so even to perform well he needs a lot of practice and knowledge which makes me think he deserve a high tier.


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