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852 DPS with Lifesteal | Artemis: Statistically highest possible based on in-game test data.

22 6 25,552
by iIIDOOMIIi updated July 18, 2021

Smite God: Artemis

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Artemis Build

End Game

Notes Build in whatever order you find best.


Build in whatever order you find best.

Build Item Asi Asi
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Ornate Arrow Ornate Arrow
Build Item Poisoned Star Poisoned Star
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade

Build purely based on in-game testing and data capture.

I've always been interested in tinkering with Smite builds to find maximum damage output, sometimes with some conditions like "If I need these three core items, how can I optimize the other three for DPS?"

This morning, I sat down for a few hours and wrote a script. This is based on activating /combatlog toggle piped from Smite's system commands. I just have to buy / sell builds and go do 10 seconds of DPS on the Odin bot over and over and when I'm done, the system reads through all the logs and based on the timestamps of each one finds the highest 10 second damage output recorded for any build used, recording the DPS average.

This is DPS against a 200 protections Odin in Jungle Practice.

Note that DPS isn't everything, and a couple of these builds are missing key ingredients, like life-steal. Something with 50 less DPS but higher attack speed might be more forgiving of missed basics. Maybe something with stronger life-steal but 150 less DPS would be worth it. That's why I provided all the builds I tested. There's more to a build decision than just highest DPS.

Full data.

852.1 | Asi, Deathbringer, Ornate Arrow, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
847.3 | Deathbringer, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Runeforged, Executioner, Wind Demon
806.5 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Ornate Arrow, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
793.4 | Atalanta's Bow, Deathbringer, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Transcendence, Wind Demon
783.6 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Ichaival, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
772.1 | Asi, Deathbringer, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Silverbranch, Wind Demon
766.2 | Bloodforge, Deathbringer, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Runeforged, Wind Demon
764.6 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Ichaival, Poisoned Star , Rage, Executioner
756.6 | Deathbringer, Dominance, Hunter's Cowl, Poisoned Star , Runeforged, Wind Demon
744.9 | Asi, Deathbringer, Poisoned Star , Qin's Sais, Executioner, Wind Demon
741.9 | Deathbringer, Dominance, Hunter's Cowl, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
740.2 | Asi, Deathbringer, Dominance, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star , Wind Demon
735.2 | Asi, Deathbringer, Odysseus' Bow, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
734.2 | Asi, Deathbringer, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Transcendence
728.8 | Asi, Deathbringer, Ichaival, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
722.5 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Fail-not, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star , Wind Demon
697.8 | Asi, Deathbringer, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Runeforged, Wind Demon
697.1 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Dominance, Fail-not, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star
687.6 | Atalanta's Bow, Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Fail-not, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star
684.9 | Deathbringer, Hunter's Cowl, Poisoned Star , Runeforged, Executioner, Wind Demon
680.5 | Asi, Deathbringer, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
674.1 | Asi, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Silverbranch, Executioner, Wind Demon
672.4 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
671.3 | Asi, Deathbringer, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Runeforged, Executioner
670.6 | Asi, Atalanta's Bow, Deathbringer, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
664.4 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Dominance, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star , Wind Demon
656 | Atalanta's Bow, Deathbringer, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Runeforged, Wind Demon
648.5 | Asi, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Transcendence, Wind Demon
641.1 | Atalanta's Bow, Devourer's Gauntlet, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Transcendence, Wind Demon
631.5 | Asi, Deathbringer, Poisoned Star , Runeforged, Executioner, Transcendence
630.1 | Asi, Dominance, Leader's Cowl, Poisoned Star , Silverbranch, Wind Demon
623.9 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Hunter's Cowl, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Wind Demon
623.8 | Asi, Atalanta's Bow, Deathbringer, Dominance, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star
611.3 | Asi, Deathbringer, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Runeforged, Transcendence
603.4 | Devourer's Gauntlet, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Transcendence, Wind Demon
601.3 | Asi, Deathbringer, Poisoned Star , Qin's Sais, Runeforged, Executioner
590.2 | Asi, Deathbringer, Dominance, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star , Runeforged
586.4 | Atalanta's Bow, Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Dominance, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star
567 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Fail-not, Heartseeker, Poisoned Star , Executioner
552.4 | Asi, Dominance, Frostbound, Qin's Sais, Silverbranch, Executioner
526.8 | Animosity, Asi, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Silverbranch, Wind Demon
524.8 | Asi, Poisoned Star , Qin's Sais, Runeforged, Silverbranch, Executioner
520.7 | Asi, Frostbound, Qin's Sais, Runeforged, Silverbranch, Executioner
520.7 | Asi, Frostbound, Ichaival, Qin's Sais, Silverbranch, Executioner
503.8 | Asi, Dominance, Manikin Hidden Blade, Poisoned Star , Silverbranch, Wind Demon
501.4 | Asi, Frostbound, Qin's Sais, Silverbranch, The Crusher, Executioner
494.8 | Asi, Dominance, Manikin Mace, Poisoned Star , Silverbranch, Wind Demon
464.3 | Asi, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Executioner, Void Shield, Wind Demon
419.6 | Asi, Deathbringer, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Void Shield, Wind Demon
390.1 | Asi, Bumba's Spear, Dominance, Poisoned Star , Silverbranch, Wind Demon
365.4 | Animosity, Asi, Frostbound, Odysseus' Bow, Qin's Sais, Stone of Gaia

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Jmclarence253 | July 24, 2021 12:41pm
Love building crit with this god
Kriega1 (143) | July 18, 2021 10:59am
Why don't you run these tests on a 3k health 250 to 300 phys prot warrior/guardian with Spectral? Crit (with Deathbringer) would still come out on top ofc, but comparing dps without realistic stats doesen't make sense.
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 18, 2021 11:11am
His calcs won't need to worry about amount of health unless it contains Qin's or something. He'd need a friend to jump in and use a build with Spectral also.
iIIDOOMIIi (1) | July 18, 2021 11:19am
He's right, and I do have friends hop in to test qin's but it's hard to represent in the data like "for this build the target has 3K HP", where for most of the builds I'm testing against Odin Bot. The best solution of all would be a project where you launch VMs on a cloud, bring a few clients into a jungle practice and test in an automated way that runs for a day or so and captures data for every possible build and shows the results against squishy and tanky targets. Its just a lot of work to set up that automation and some money to rent the VMs too, not worth the effort for me personally. But if someone did it and exposed the data in a user friendly web page, I think the outcome would be very cool. With a good user interface, you'd be able to query the data to the effect of "If I want 20% antiheal and 20% CDR, show me every possible build sorted by actual DPS averaged over 4.75 seconds"
Kriega1 (143) | July 18, 2021 11:16am
Well I don't see why you wouldn't test with Qin's in one of the slots. If you have Deathbringer + Wind + full stacked Ornate, it's not 100% necessary to get another shuriken like Poison Star (though it is fine to get), when you can consider Qin's or Dominance instead.
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Branmuffin17 (401) | July 18, 2021 9:10am
The number for your build seems pretty consistent with my DPS calculator spreadsheet. My own requires some assumptions but gets close...
  • Full stacks for Ornate
  • Art's passive is active due to PS passive
  • Full stacks of Exe
  • WD passive is active
  • Art's steroid is active
At that point, my calculator lists 860.89 DPS on an enemy god w/ 200 protections...within 10 of yours. Note that her AS without steroid active is she's close to max and you're getting very little out of her steroid. Depending on how you feel about that, you might decide to try optimizing further with lower base AS to try to boost DPS specifically when her steroid is active.

Using the same above assumptions, let's also see all of the above except for Art's steroid, so evaluating DPS when her steroid is down. That value for your top build is 829.9 DPS.

If we then start messing with builds, replacing Ornate w/ Qin's Sais gives you lower base DPS (797.19), but slightly higher when steroid is active (878.75). This is based on a god with 3,000 health (assume health should be around there for a tanky god with 200 prots).

If we use a build including Devourer's Gauntlet, Ichaival (full stacks), Rage, The Executioner, Deathbringer, Poisoned Star, DPS without steroid is 675.45 (1.84 AS), but with steroid is 917.7.

I might be able to get that DPS even higher if I think about the build a bit more, but that's probably close to max.
iIIDOOMIIi (1) | July 18, 2021 10:05am
Branmuffin17 wrote:

If we use a build including Devourer's Gauntlet, Ichaival (full stacks), Rage, The Executioner, Deathbringer, Poisoned Star, DPS without steroid is 675.45 (1.84 AS), but with steroid is 917.7.

Let me see if I have data on that build yet... Nope, running the test in-game rn.

Ok tested this, results:

764.6 | Deathbringer, Devourer's Gauntlet, Ichaival, Poisoned Star , Rage, Executioner

Added it to the build. Result (and I prepped the ichival and executioner's passives before starting for best case scenario) after executing her full combo and continuing basic damage for at least ten seconds. You mentioned 1.84 AS, but remember we do go to 2.5 for the duration of Artemis's buff from Vengeful Assault. I can even send you the damage breakdown, tick-by-tick, for the ten seconds if you don't believe it.
iIIDOOMIIi (1) | July 18, 2021 10:00am
Hey, yeah well this data is all recorded on what actually happens in game over 10 seconds, then divide to get the average DPS.

DPS calculators are cool, way easier to use, but I tried coding one some years ago with another dev. The challenge we ran into was that there are a lot of intricacies to take into account. Various abilities have varying durations, the way certain item effects stack isn't always simple, certain abilities have certain cast delays, and if you want to know a god's DPS with a build, you have to simulate their combos. Heck there could even be bugs in the game that make certain things more or less powerful than what you'd expect. You have to include how long each ability takes to cast, cooldown, but there's even more to it than that. Then, our biggest issue was that with any patch, they could change countless things not only with stats on items and abilities, but even in the damage calculations themselves, maybe they fix a bug or tweak something. It sounded like a maintenance nightmare to keep a calculator truly accurate and updated.

That's why I chose the route of actual rapid in game testing. I just really like the idea of KNOWING for a fact that the data is correct, and how better to do that than the game client itself?
Branmuffin17 (401) | July 18, 2021 10:22am
The nice thing about a calculator, as long as you have all the calcs/equations correct, is that you can tweak things quickly to evaluate different builds. I have options to adjust god level, enemy health/protections, see total costs, see expected DPS at any moment in time (e.g. Rage at no/full stacks, steroids on/off), etc. I can switch gods to see how the same build might work between different gods without having to leave/enter jungle practice, go back and sell/switch items, and other things that take more time.

Granted, it took a long time to work out all of the calcs. Sure there might be some funny interactions or coding errors in-game, but those nuances of a potential difference in "knowing" vs. a reasonable expectation aren't enough for me to not find the calculator very helpful.

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Pwuntahs | July 18, 2021 12:01am
I mean that's a cool experiment, definitely wouldn't build it tho :p
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iIIDOOMIIi
852 DPS with Lifesteal | Artemis: Statistically highest possible based on in-game test data.
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