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Buy Speed Elixir lategame and sell Shoes of the Magi for
Ethereal Staff,
Rod of Tahuti, or
Spear of the Magus.
Buy Speed Elixir lategame and sell Shoes of the Magi for
Ethereal Staff or
Rod of Tahuti.
Can swap Shoes of Focus for
Shoes of the Magi.
Can swap Spear of Desolation for
Spear of the Magus (in which case likely avoiding Chronos' Pendant late).
Buy Speed Elixir lategame and sell Shoes of Focus for
Spear of the Magus or
Chronos' Pendant or
Rod of Tahuti.
Swap Spear of the Magus for
Divine Ruin if you need anti-heal, or
Spear of Desolation.
Buy Speed Elixir lategame and sell Shoes of Focus for
Soul Gem.
Alternatively, sell boots for Chronos' Pendant and sell
Bancroft's Talon lategame for
Soul Gem.
Buy Speed Elixir lategame and sell Shoes of the Magi for
Charon's Coin or
Rod of Tahuti/
Conquest Mid Builds.
Based on how good Agni players perform and how quickly they can perform combos using Instant cast, I recommend that you at least get used to using it on Agni. If you give it a try I also recommend you have the ground targeter on. To exclusively turn instant cast on for Agni I believe you have to go on the in game menu (press start on console) and go to abilities and it will let you change it there (on PC press K by default to bring up the abilities menu where you can change the casting for that god's abilties).
How to clear wave using Path of Flames at level 1? Check out this section from this video (watch 20 seconds onwards from the time-linked part of the video) :
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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Anyway to fufill your request:
Note: I am ignoring the "notes" section for each example build mentioning valid lategame boots replacements when
Early Magus Rush Builds: Allows high damage early game against squishies when Agni's passive is stacked to proc Magus easily and afterwards spam his ult for high poke damage.
Example build 1: Early focus on pen and anti-heal. Reaver for tank busting and for the mana/higher power item in build. Pendant at end for extra CDR. Obs Shard for lategame instant penetration without requiring Magus stacking.
Example Build 2: Same as build 1 but anti-heal is removed, Shaman's Ring is put in to synergise with Shaman's and give more ult spam damage, and build is *slightly* cheaper. Chronos' swapped for Soul Gem, to get help get the 20% (from Soul Gem and Shaman's) that was lost by removing Chronos'.
Chronos' Pendant builds: Early CDR rush/focus to spam abilities more and have more safety as your escape and stun are available more. Expensive in the early game with early Chronos'.
Example Build 3: Early CDR and Magus/flat pen focused build to harassed squishy gods on enemy team. Soul Gem at end for extra burst procs. Spam heavy build. Has E-Staff and Reaver for procs to delete enemies, but won't delete tanks super hard unless/until you sell boots late for Obs Shard.
Example Build 4: Similar to Build 3 but heavier/earlier anti-tank focus with Obs Shard present.
Example Build 5: 10% less CDR and more bursty version of Build 3 against squishies.
Example Build 6: Very similar to Build 4, but trading some damage loss from dropping magus for anti-heal.
Book of Thoth Builds: High mana to help with bad mana usage and/or extended teamfights. Allows possiblity of including
Example Build 7: Bursty, high-mana build, but low CDR so not much ability or ult spamming. Though boots late be sold late for Chronos'.
Example Build 8: Less surviability and less tank-melting than Build 7, but more CDR, has anti-heal, but weaker squishy damage early game without Magus.
Example Build 9: High mana glass cannon build if you're doing well early game. Lots of flat pen and some CDR to harass squishy gods. High power build and some proc damage from Reaver present.
Bancroft's Builds: Early Bancroft's rush for power spike (Starting tier 2, and the passive comes into play when fighting early game on lower health) and for early sustain through lifesteal. Risky build if using the tier 2 start, but you don't have a massive reliance on mana for early clearing as
Example Build 10: Anti-heal, flat pen focused, proc heavy later in the build. Large squishy damage but poor tank damage unless boots is sold for Obsidian Shard. Vety low CDR so less spamming abilities.
Example Build 11: High flat pen damage focus early game, some CDR to spam more, late Obs Shard to help deal with tanks.
Example Build 12 (mislabelled as a second Build 11): Similar to Build 11 but cheaper by swapping pen boots for CDR boots and Chronos' for Soul Gem to keep the same amount of CDR but with a cheaper build.
Other build sources:
But in the current patch I don't really build Bancrofts on Agni (in conquest). I would go something like pen boots, magus, reaver, divine ruin, chronos' pendant, soul gem.
But the build you listed is fine, though I would get Shaman's after Chronos' Pendant.
Did you think it was viable because it gave movement speed?
The small amount of health from ascelpius is not going to help you at all.
Agni isn't that slow once you have boots, he has a dash, and a stun, you should be fine unless you're being dived a lot, in which case consider
"I fell like have a protection is like a must on every god for stay a minimun safe" - No you don't need protections all the time as I've already said. It is matchup dependent, dependent on who you are playing, if you're behind in xp/gold, if it's lategame, etc... In some cases even, if you have enough damage you can kill enemies faster than they can kill you, removing the need for defense, but again, you can't be an average player if you attempt to go full glass cannon, because then you can be punished for it.
If you're not comfortable playing mages maybe play warriors, guardians and tanky assassins.
Anyway, +1
But that doesn't mean it's not worth it anyway.
In your Build 3, I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on
Build looks reasonable. Assume you like
How reliable do you find
I highly recommend if you play this god that you set all his abilities to Instant cast, you will instantly activate his 1 and either his 2, or ult for quick combos that would be much slower to pull of in normal cast. Of course though, make sure you have the ground targeter on to make up for using instant cast if you dont' have it on already.
Also if you go to here:
Even if he's not currently streaming, type !"god name" in the chat to get a general build for each mid laner, (except poor