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Alycia Fear's Scylla God Builder [ADVANCED]

10 0 26,068
by AlyciaFear updated June 4, 2020

Smite God: Scylla

Build Guide Discussion 4 More Guides
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Scylla Build

Guide Disclaimer


This guide IS NOT for new or casual players just looking for a quick Scylla build. This guide is geared towards only highly-experienced Scylla players looking to min-max the effectiveness of their builds.

This guide is still under development, and I will continue to clean it up over time, so it is a bit easier for users to read and follow along. However, I wanted to go ahead and open it up to the public as soon as possible, so I could start getting user feedback.

I will also be adding new Build Generations for various situations in the future, but I am currently short on time. Some other builds will include ones geared towards Maximum CDR, increased Protections (Magical, Physical, and Both), Health, etc...


This guide will not be like many of the general guides here, but will instead serve as a home for me to post the results of my 'Scylla God Builder' program that I have been developing. Please note that I am still working on the application and this guide. However, I will do my best to keep them up to date.

Please note that this guide will only serve to host the various builds and, at this time, will not cover things such as Build Order, Scylla Skill Leveling, Build Strategies, or Item Breakdowns. I will address those in my other Scylla guide, which I will hopefully update soon.

Why Did I Make The Scylla Build Generator?

Why Did I Make The Scylla Build Generator?

How the Scylla Build Generator Works

How It Works

Build Generator Limitations


Scylla Builds - Standard Combo

Reference Guide & Notes

Reference Guide & Notes

Build Gen. #1: Maximum Damage

No Minimum Requirements.
Defensive Items Disabled.
1,344,904 Unique Combinations Tested.

Build Generation #1

Build Gen. #2: Maximum CDR
Must Provide AT LEAST 40% CDR.
Defensive Items Disabled.
Coming Soon...

Build Gen. #3: Bruiser Scylla (General)
Must Provide AT LEAST 60 Magical Protections.
Must Provide AT LEAST 60 Physical Protections.
Must Provide AT LEAST 400 Health.
All Items Enabled.
Coming Soon...

Build Gen. #4: Bruiser Scylla (Physical)
Must Provide AT LEAST 60 Physical Protections.
Must Provide AT LEAST 400 Health.
All Items Enabled.
Coming Soon...

Build Gen. #5: Bruiser Scylla (Magical)
Must Provide AT LEAST 60 Magical Protections.
Must Provide AT LEAST 400 Health.
All Items Enabled.
Coming Soon...

Build Gen. #6: Tank Scylla (General)
Must Provide AT LEAST 120 Magical Protections.
Must Provide AT LEAST 120 Physical Protections.
Must Provide AT LEAST 800 Health.
All Items Enabled.
Coming Soon...

Build Gen. #7: Tank Scylla (Physical)
Must Provide AT LEAST 120 Physical Protections.
Must Provide AT LEAST 800 Health.
All Items Enabled.
Coming Soon...

Build Gen. #8: Tank Scylla (Magical)
Must Provide AT LEAST 120 Magical Protections.
Must Provide AT LEAST 800 Health.
All Items Enabled.
Coming Soon...

Scylla Builds - ADC

Coming Soon.


[June 6th, 2020]
* Released Alpha 1.0 of Alycia Fear's Scylla God Builder [ADVANCED]

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boogiebass (46) | June 5, 2020 6:30am
Good effort man. May help to make a YouTube video about your build generator
Kriega1 (143) | June 5, 2020 3:44am
Are you sure your build generator factors in Soul Reaver passive?
AlyciaFear | June 5, 2020 8:05am
No, it doesn't. Since Soul Reaver scales off of the target's Health, I haven't factored it into these calculations that I've shown. I do, however, have a setting in the Build Generator where I can set the target enemies "Health," which would then allow the passive to calculate. But since there's already a wide variety in Protections, adding in a second dimension with Health would exponentially increase the number of results I would have to process/display, so at this time, I didn't include it. I do, however, plan on adding in a section to show the damage values it's passive is capable of (as well as a couple of other items like Bancroft's Talon).
Branmuffin17 (401) | June 5, 2020 9:46am
In Excel or Google Sheets, you could use the following calcs with adjustments as preferred...and there may be simpler ways to do this.

First, create the health box where you can manually enter a health value. Let's call this box X.

Then create a box to cap the upper % damage from health, which is 7%. Let's call this box Y.

=IF(Y>0.07, 0.07, Y)

Then create the box calculating the actual % taken off of the max health. We'll call this box Z.


Finally, make a final box that shows the actual damage based on the calcs. That box will have the following calc:


If nothing else, you'll be able to see the added damage from a Reaver proc (but only the first hit, not consecutive hits within 3s).
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