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Hello, my name is Duotem and I'm a semi competitive player on PC(ign:Duotem). I've played on two different challenger teams and made it to wildcards in the AVGL Fall 2016 tournament. This guide assumes you know the solo role and deals with the theory around the build.
High sustain
High late game damage
Good teamfight control
Power and movement speed auras
Terrible early clear
Gets screwed by walls
Amaterasu has very poor clear early on, which can cause her to get very poked out. The extra health sustain from Death's Toll allows her to heal on minions to keep from being forced back immediately. |
Silences enemies in a straight line ahead of you as you dash forward. However, the enemy can block it by stepping in front of you. Max this 3rd for damage in lane |
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I mean, if you never leave lane that works perhaps? What's the thought process here behind not having her be as synergistic as possible though when and/if she rotates through late early and mid-game?
I prefer maxing the dash because it's up 4 times as much as the ult so I like having it to help secure kills and wear down mages since I want to silence them anyway. In a strict 1v1 sense having dash maxed is an extra 120 damage on the target at level 16.
Since solo lane is spent mostly in lane through the early game/early-mid game it allows me to wear down the opponent over time forcing them back to gain and advantage and save me ult for the rotations I can make when they're backed or I have the wave pushed up. I also tend to use the ult less for damage and more for utility with the slow and the stun to set up my mage and disrupt the enemy team rather than saving it to secure a kill.
If I find that I haven't been able to farm enough to keep up to where I should be in levels or I've destroyed the lane and am spending barely any time there I might consider prioritizing my ult then.