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All of Anubis' abilities steal Physical and Magical Protections from the target, and he gains increased scaling to his item-based Magical Lifesteal. In addition, Sorrow grants Anubis an additional 30% reduction to all Crowd Control durations. At max stacks, this passive provides 21 bonus Physical and Magical Protections and a 99% Magical Lifesteal scaling bonus. |
Passive | |
A plague of locusts bellows forth from Anubis' mouth, smothering all enemies in the area and doing damage every .5s for 3s. Anubis is immune to Knockback while channeling. This ability can deal up to 210/300/390/480/570 (+240% of your magical power) damage. |
One | |
Anubis fires a bandage projectile, mummifying and Stunning his target. Stun Duration: 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 seconds. |
Two | |
Anubis calls for help from the underworld as hands penetrate the ground and claw at his enemies, doing damage and slowing every .5s for 2s. This ability can deal up to 100/160/220/280/340 (+140% of your Magical Power) damage, +25% Slow. Damage per Tick: 25/40/55/70/85(+35% of your Magical Power). |
Three | |
Anubis focuses all of his energy into a piercing gaze, doing damage to all enemies in the path, every 0.1 seconds for 3 seconds. This ability can deal up to 690/840/990/1140/1290(+450% of your Magical Power) damage. This ability has a radius of 1.75 & a Damage per Tick: 23/28/33/38/43 (+15% of your Magical Power). |
Ultimate |
The Combo of Grasping Hands + Mummify allows you to push & poke the enemy team in all stages of the game. This Combo gives you a decent amount early game push in order to get ahead of the enemy team. There are 2 ways that this combo can be done. You can first use Mummify to stun the enemy and then place Grasping Hands under them. This way is a bit ineffective because the stun time on Mummify is fairly short (1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2 Seconds). A more efficient and effective way of using this combo is first placing Grasping Hands under the enemy and then using Mummify to trap then inside it. |
Easy |
The Combo of Grasping Hands + Mummify + Plague of Locusts allows you to push & poke the enemy just like in the 1st Combo but, this Combo calls for more damage. With the addition of Plague of Locusts this Combo turned from early game aggression to potentially an early game kill. Although this combo is powerful it does have its weakness. The ability Plague of Locusts self roots Anubis for the abilities duration. Be aware of your surroundings and enemy positions when initiating this combo for the self root leaves you vulnerable to enemy ganks and focusing. |
Hard |
This Combo of Grasping Hands + Mummify + Death Gaze when executed properly is almost always an Instakill on the enemy. (Depending on enemy Protections & Health) Just like the 2nd Combo, this Combo is powerful but, should be used with caution for this Combo has a self root in Death Gaze which leaves Anubis very vulnerable. In addition, if you are a new Anubis player and not comfortable with landing his Mummify, you may want to hold off on this Combo until you become more comfortable with landing Mummify consistently. |
Medium |
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Now, I'm not Sir. Guide-Alot, but I'm missing something here... colors c:
Now I'm not saying you need to make a coloring book out of this, but giving important stuff a color may lighten the reading.
Here's an example:
Your style:
Anubis is a good God that does great damage lategame. He can melt enemies very easily. His abilities have high scaling and defenitely hurt alot. You'll want to buy Warlock's Sash as it gives you alot of power and mana.
What I'd suggest:
Anubis is a good God that does great damage lategame. He can melt enemies very easily. His abilities have high scaling and defenitely hurt alot. You'll want to buy Warlock's Sash as it gives you alot of power and mana.
This is just a small example and I can't get any high detail examples as I'm writing a comment and not an essay... which this may actually look like allready but shh.
With the colors the reader can easily and instantly see what the pro's and cons are of something. Right now, you'd have to read through the text allmost entirely to find out what some things do, like the items, and not everybody may have half an hour to read the guide.
With colors, the people can instantly see what an item does, and if they want they can still read the grey text for more information.
Overall amazing guide, nice "rulers" you've got going on, and those tables O_o, so organized c:
I love it! Just the colors is my only "complaint".
As for the tables I'll PM you about them! :)
You DO have some color in the guide...anytime you link a name to the database...and in some tables (green yellow red is easily applicable to get your point across)...but otherwise, this is a sort of gothic feel, at least how I see it. Your dividers are grey and have that type of feel.
As such...rather than various might just consider white. Or...bolded white. Keeps the monochrome feel, but still gives the emphasis.
You're exactly right that I went with a dull/gothic looking feel! I will definitely try to use White to emphasize certain words and keep the general style of the guide!
And yes, I opted to change the outline color of some tables to resemble how difficult they are to execute i.e. the Red, Yellow, and Green tables.
anyways, my only concern is that you should maybe get your pen item before Rod of Tahuti, so you can use it in a more efficient way.
here, take my upvote +1.
No kidding. Might be the most elegant guide I've ever seen. +1
Regarding the build itself; it seems very solid to me, and it's sure to yield successful games but I'd like to mention some thoughts that came to my mind.
I think that adding a "start" section would be a helpful feature; because there are a few viable ways to do so: for example starting with a Talon Trinket, or a starter item along with a Potion of Magical Might, and finally there's a safe option of buying a Golden Sash- which I can only assume is the case but then again it's not that obvious when willing to take the Book of Thoth route.
The thing that you might want to alter though, would be the information about Shoes of the Magi mentioned alongside with the Shoes of Focus- as they provide 10 points of penetration, and not 10%.
Last thing that I may suggest would be to consider mentioning Breastplate of Valor under Situational/ or Defence sections- it is such an effective utility item aspecially when facing a team with double- physical damage dealers; which paired with a Warlock's Sash provides a fair amount of effective health allowing for better chances for survival in many situations