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Ao Kuang Balanced

15 4 47,392
by Fastball2600 updated September 8, 2012

Smite God: Kukulkan

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Kukulkan Build


Build Item Boots of the Magi Boots of the Magi
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Quick End Game

Build Item Midas Boots (M) Midas Boots (M)
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Boots of the Magi Boots of the Magi
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation

Kukulkan's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 8 11 12 14


2 A B
4 15 17 18 19


3 B A
1 3 6 7 10

Spirit of the Nine Winds

4 Y X
Spirit of the Nine Winds
5 9 13 16 20
2 8 11 12 14


1 X
Kukulkan fires a projectile breath attack that hits the first enemy in its path, doing damage and Slowing all enemies in the area around the impact.

Ability Type: Line, Slow, Damage
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 3s
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 8s
4 15 17 18 19


2 A
Kukulkan channels the wind, allowing him to move faster and cleansing himself of Slows and becoming immune to Slows. This speed boost is strong at first but scales down gradually over the 4s duration.

Ability Type: Buff
Speed: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70%
Duration: 4s
Cost: 65
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
1 3 6 7 10


3 B
Kukulkan summons a tornado at his ground target location. A smaller tornado branches off onto any enemies that come within the radius, doing damage every .5s for 2.5s and is refreshed every .35 if enemies stay within the radius, for a maximum of 12 ticks.

Ability Type: Circle, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 8 / 17 / 26 / 35 / 44 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Tornado Lifetime: 4s
Range/Radius: 55/20
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10s
Spirit of the Nine Winds
5 9 13 16 20

Spirit of the Nine Winds

4 Y
Kukulkan summons the Spirit Of The Nine Winds to breathe down destruction onto his enemies in a path in front of him, doing damage and knocking all of the enemies to the side.

Ability Type: Line, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 (+120% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 / 140
Cooldown: 90s


The whole point of this build is for having to solo lanes, taking towers and stalling the enemy. Ao Kuang is a fun god with great aoe spells.

Feel free to critique this build as I will keep it updated. If you do not like my purchase order or skill sequence hopefully you can use some of the skill strategies!

Edit 9/3/2012: I modified the item list with a better progression. the last 2 games played I have played with it my k/d was 11/0 and 18/3 while reaching lvl 20 approximately 4 lvls before the average lvl player!


The purchase order is pretty self explanatory.

1st and 2nd
The first one is my preferred purchase order. The Boots of the Magi and the warlock's sash are a must! Seeing Ao Kuang can one hit the entire wave of creep with one tornado, warlock sash gets 60 stacks fast.

3rd (possible 4th)
Gem of Isolation is typically the third item I get because it starts happening around the time when ganks are in full swing and the slow can save you from death and help your allies catch up to finish a kill.

4th (possible 3rd)
Rod of Tahuti I get for more damage as my fourth item. It is interchangeable basically with the third item as I have typically found out that at low lvls squall can be enough of a cc for ganks. If you look at the leader board and you see that you are on par or ahead in the item department you can feel free to safely get this for increased damage to hopefully put you even farther ahead in gold.

Breastplate of Valor is a great choice because of ao kuang]'s passive ability which converts 5% of mana to magical power! So basically you get 75 physical protection/28 magical power/550 mana/20% reduced cd! This will allow you to continuously cast combinations of [[tornadoes, squall, and slither basically as long as you have the mana.

Optional 5th Possible 6th
Pythagorem's Piece is my fifth item only if you have at least two other magical damaging god's on your team. The life steal is also helpful because of how much creep you will be killing it is basically free life regen that can keep you in the battle.

Also Obsidian Shard works well if you have multiple character's stacking magic resistance against you. It does not happen to often that characters besides the tank's will start stacking magic resistance but if they do Obsidian Shard is basically a must if you want to do anywhere close to your true damage potential. Again I would only advise getting it if you have multiple people stacking magical resistance against you otherwise there are way better options!

Magi's Blessing is another great item to get. If you are facing against people that do a lot of magical damage it works wonders with the magical protection! It is great Health and Mana but with Ao Kuang's passive it even gives more magical power. As an added bonus you absorb one ability per minute which means opposing players have to waste mana to just make you susceptible for their ult.

Very Optional Replacement
Some people will choose to Doom Orb but it has a bad downside where when you die the stacks reset. I would only advise this if you are playing extremely safe as late game typically you will not get as much creep kills as you will in the early game.


Tornadoes should be the first skill leveled to max while putting 1 point into squall/slither/spirit's tempest. The next thing to level up is squall, then tempest rush and finally slither.

Tornadoes is your main damage dealing move. It is best put on the melee of creep as they are running forward and have it timed so the archers sit in the main nado. If you can catch an enemy god near his creep it is also a great way to get damage in because he is damaged even after leaving the aoe zone.

When pushing a tower, tornado should be placed mirrored to your archers so it hits both the melee creep and kills the archers fast for the most effective push.

Squall is best used in a combo to finish off a kill or to help push creep faster. Sometimes you may hit an awkward moment when one tornado doesn't kill all the creep running through it because the creep got stronger but with enough mana one squall should be enough to AoE the archers while you place the tornadoes over the melee creep.

Slither is your escape/chase move. You get a base % speed increase and an increased % for each enemy near you (up to 6). An enemy god will give you the maximum benefit. This means if you are chasing someone down try to cast slither near their creep and you will gain ground faster.

Typically what you can do is if you are running away and being chased you could cast tornadoes directly in front of you if you have the Gem of Isolation which they will be slowed if they run through it and be forced to try to run around to get the kill. Then you can cast slither so not only are they slowed or have to go around the tornadoes (especially slowing them) allowing you to make a clean getaway.

Finally Spirit's Tempest is Ao Kuang's ult. It has a big delay between cast and damage. It is best used when the enemy is distracted, running away straight, and to save a teammate being chased by multiple people.

Most people realize the damage potential when you manage to hit the opponent but the only problem is it can be difficult if the enemy is paying attention. My last point of saving a teammate is what most people overlook.

Unlike most peoples ultimate Ao Kuang's sends enemies FLYING! When your teammate is being chased by 2+ enemies it is ok to cast your ult from far away directly at your teammate. This will do one of two things. Either the enemy will see you cast the ultimate and leave the impact line as to not receive possibly fatal damage, or they will try to finish the kill and if they are unsuccessful they will be sent flying.

Both ways should allow a teammate enough time to escape and that could be the difference in being able to defend a strong push while other allies are down. The cooldown is only 90s which can go by fairly quickly (only 72 if you went with breastplate of valor).

Pros / Cons

Pro's: Demolishes creep and a great defender/pusher.

Con's: 1v1 typically outmatched if enemies get within range due to no good single target damage and lack of cc. Utilize slither and stay out of range!

Creeping / Jungling

Tornadoes Tornadoes Tornadoes. (More details under Skills: Tornadoes/Squall)

You will not be very good at jungling until tornadoes is about lvl 4 which then you will be mediocre at best. If you do not have a jungler utilizing buffs on your team then by all means get mana regen!

Pretty easy when your tornadoes is lvl 4 and squall is lvl 2. you will take a few hits but it is best to cast tornado right in the middle and force the monsters to stay in the tornadoes for the most damage. One squall should hit with enough aoe to at least kill the lesser monsters and the buff should only be a few basic attacks away.

Team Work

This is the major reason to get the Gem of Isolation. If you can catch anyone by surprise it will most definitely be a kill!

You want to use your tornadoes to force the enemy to not go in a straight line while hitting them with squall/basic attack. This will allow a teammate without a movement ability a chance to get another shot in. With your slither it should be no problem catching someone for one last squall.

Team Battles
For big team battles you typically want to force opponents into choke positions for your teammates. Typically if you cast tornadoes against a wall during an engagement it is noticeable enough to make the other team try to avoid taking the extra damage. This will draw all opponents to one side semi-grouped where most mage's ult's will be the most effective! ( He Bo, Agni, Ra, and Anubis come to mind)

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innoAX | March 4, 2013 3:08am
First off: Thanks for a well thought out and well written guide on a god many try and fail on.

He is, without hesitation, the with capital T harass mage to have on a team in my opinion.
I do however have some optional thoughts regarding the purchase order / items.
I also start with Boots of the Magi and depending on situation, say, mid lane in conquest or backdrop harassment in arena i choose between Warlock's Sash and Rod of Tahuti as second.
For mid lane i almost always go for Rod of Tahuti first as it gives MP5 and MP which supports the early game basics better than Warlock's Sash in my opinion. Vice versa for Arena with the base being so close you dip in for HP/MP recovery making MP5 items plain stupid to aim for early game.

Also, i dont use Meditation early game but spend the gold on either Purification Beads or Aegis Amulet depending on the gods your facing.

When it comes to jungling i'm not sure if it's just me who use Ao Kuang's squishyness as bait, luring gods into jungles and dropping Spirit Tempest along my path hoping to slam a persuing god or two.

I would like to point out the all importance of killing jungle camps for buffs but esp for the exp bonus it provides, they are crucial to get ahead with any god!

All in all a very good setup and good starter guide to have people learning and then adjusting for themselves, +1 and +1 :)

Fastball2600 (4) | September 11, 2012 3:47pm
Luroch wrote:
This is true, but it has some other uses too. Like you pointed out it can save a running ally. Another use however, I think you mentioned this too, is if the enemy team is lined up at the beginning of a battle Spirit's Tempest can be used to screw up their positioning, to start the battle with enemies at half health, and enable your team to easily pick them off one by one. That last use is unfortunately the case where you can most easily mess up your allies though.

Personally I do not like to use it in that situation because unless the enemy isn't looking at you they see a big dragon in the sky and they part like the red sea. Usually none of them get hit and then if any of them do they could be thrown even farther away from your team so you could be down 1 or more ults and if the opposing team decides to counter attack you may be SOL.
Luroch | September 9, 2012 4:17pm
Thanks for the insight fastball.
Spirit's Tempest is mostly supposed to be used if an opponent is about half health anyways where it will 1hit everyone who doesn't have magic resist basically.
This is true, but it has some other uses too. Like you pointed out it can save a running ally. Another use however, I think you mentioned this too, is if the enemy team is lined up at the beginning of a battle Spirit's Tempest can be used to screw up their positioning, to start the battle with enemies at half health, and enable your team to easily pick them off one by one. That last use is unfortunately the case where you can most easily mess up your allies though.
Fastball2600 (4) | September 8, 2012 1:04pm
Luroch wrote:

Nice build. I'm glad someone agrees with the one I worked out for myself. Meditation makes such a difference in the mid, and with the boots giving both mana and magical power they make an excellent starting item. As far as the guide goes, I think a warning should be said about Spirit's Tempest and knocking people out of allied damage (e.g. Ymir's ult.)

In certain situations Void Stone can save you from mage heavy teams and Book of Thoth can be used as an optional last item for maximum MP. However, the other items you suggested are much more useful if these two can be avoided.

P.S. Why do no builds include a 6th item? Is that one just assumed to be situational?

P.P.S. Does the slow from Gem of Isolation stack with the slow from Squall? Because when I have this item they seem to get reeealy slow when I use my 1.

I will ad a warning for spirit's tempest for knocking people out of allied damage. It is mostly supposed to be used if an opponent is about half health anyways where it will 1hit everyone who doesn't have magic resist basically.

The reason why most builds do not have a sixth item is because not very many games make it +50min into the game to obtain all 6 items. Also when you are at the point when you need a sixth item you really want to look at the other team and decide what is the best item. Magi's blessing is really great if the other team's top players are magical and gives not only more mana but due to the Ao Kuang's passive more magic damage. Obsidian Shard is useful if people are getting things like magi's blessing against you.

Also as of right now to show that you are buying all three sets of the item you need to display the item 3 times and you run out of space. We could all just put in the item once but if anyone has a build where you buy 2 rank 1 items at the same time it could get confusing.
Luroch | September 7, 2012 9:01pm
Nice build. I'm glad someone agrees with the one I worked out for myself. Meditation makes such a difference in the mid, and with the boots giving both mana and magical power they make an excellent starting item. As far as the guide goes, I think a warning should be said about Spirit's Tempest and knocking people out of allied damage (e.g. Ymir's ult.)

In certain situations Void Stone can save you from mage heavy teams and Book of Thoth can be used as an optional last item for maximum MP. However, the other items you suggested are much more useful if these two can be avoided.

P.S. Why do no builds include a 6th item? Is that one just assumed to be situational?

P.P.S. Does the slow from Gem of Isolation stack with the slow from Squall? Because when I have this item they seem to get reeealy slow when I use my 1.
HiFromBuddha (115) | September 5, 2012 2:16am
Guide review!

-Like always, great use of colours and icons.
-Goes into abilities in great depth
-Provides many chapters, all of which easy and non-tediou to read.
-Gives a bit of variety in item build

-Could have a few more pros and cons
-Fix up the Skill Level.

This is a great guide, the flaws are very minor. I just suggest you go through the guide one more time and look through for a few errors, as I can spot a few. But still, this guide does everything well.

[deleted] (5) | September 2, 2012 2:43am
I like the guide so far!

I personally prefer getting Rod of Tahuti right after Warlock's Sash, but that's just me. Also, I think you should mention Obsidian Shard. It works wonders with Magic casters like Ao Kuang. Life Steal works really well with his Tornadoes though. Nice touch!

(Up-Vote =3)
Fastball2600 (4) | September 1, 2012 6:29pm
HiFromBuddha wrote:

Great guide. Just some tips presentation wise, whenever you are talking about abilities, items or Gods, you should always [ [ Put the name of the God, ability or item ] ] into the square brackets. That will nicely put the icon next to the name as well as giving the guide a lot more colour e.g tornadoes. Also, put colour in your titles as well just to make them stich out a bit more and make it easier if you want to read up on a specific thing about Ao Kuang as a God. Also, putting the Pros and Cons in dot points and different colours will help the information stick out.
But the information is great and really detailed none the less, and the item build is working wonders for me, so yeah +1.

This was actually my first guide so i will edit it with your tips.

And thanks, hope the build works as well for others as it does for me!
Fastball2600 (4) | September 1, 2012 6:24pm

I disagree with Gem because of the built in slow effect for squall already.
Also with the Pythagorem's Piece as this is really only needed if you have a magic stacked team. Other than that it wont really help out that much and you can replace that with better items.

The Purification Beads is alright but there really is not enough CC right now or people that actually use it correctly as in the sense of multipul CC lockouts.

There are other things I dont agree with but I dont want to sound like a total ****.

No vote either way.

Gem of Isolation
While yes it is true that Squall has a built in slow effect, if it is ever on cooldown you can use Tornado to slow and also spirit's tempest. This turns spirit's tempest from an decent cc effect (just throwing people ten feet away) to also slowing them after. It will create confusion after hitting by spreading the entire opposing team out. Then it gives you a couple seconds to pick one or two people off easy! Yes you can go for more damaging options but that is the whole reason why I call this a balanced build.

Pythagorem's Piece
I stated actually in the build it should only be used if you have 2 other magic based god's on your team. It works very well if you have Guan Yu and yamir right, Ra mid, and Ao Kuang left with a jungler. End game when you team up 3/4 of your teammates get buffed damage!

If you do not have multiple people that deal magical damage it is best to skip it and go straight for Rod of Tahuti and then getting brestplate of valor.

Purification Beads
Also you may have never had the experience of being in a game with Yamir and most god's ult have cc capabilities. It is great having Hades think he has you cornered, uses his ult right on top and you just pop Purification Beads and slither away safely!

These are just my reasoning's behind each item. Of course all build's have opinions in them based on what your personal play style is.
Westighouse (102) | September 1, 2012 10:16am
I disagree with Gem because of the built in slow effect for squall already.
Also with the Pythagorem's Piece as this is really only needed if you have a magic stacked team. Other than that it wont really help out that much and you can replace that with better items.

The Purification Beads is alright but there really is not enough CC right now or people that actually use it correctly as in the sense of multipul CC lockouts.

There are other things I dont agree with but I dont want to sound like a total ****.

No vote either way.
Hades4u (54) | September 1, 2012 9:36am

What he said.

Also, try formatting the guide, make it more readable, it really hurts my eyes to read a blank wall of text.

Still +1 ^^ Keep it up. :)
HiFromBuddha (115) | September 1, 2012 1:44am
Great guide. Just some tips presentation wise, whenever you are talking about abilities, items or Gods, you should always [ [ Put the name of the God, ability or item ] ] into the square brackets. That will nicely put the icon next to the name as well as giving the guide a lot more colour e.g tornadoes. Also, put colour in your titles as well just to make them stich out a bit more and make it easier if you want to read up on a specific thing about Ao Kuang as a God. Also, putting the Pros and Cons in dot points and different colours will help the information stick out.
But the information is great and really detailed none the less, and the item build is working wonders for me, so yeah +1.
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