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The start to your destructive path.
These are the best choices in starters available for Season 8's Jungle.
These Relics can be used in the best of situations as a S8 Jungler.
Tap each threat level to view Arachne’s threats
Welcome to the Web. Hahahafunnyok.
With Arachne being an auto-attack based character, you won't need any of the ability-based items such as Transcendence. Season 8 has taken a turn against Crit-items for the better, as hopefully they'll be taken out of the game entirely.
Her only escape is her ultimate, so don't be jumping in to fights with it unless you can guarantee you'll escape. You can engage using your Web ability, then charge at them with your Venomous Bite as well as the Cocoon. You can use all 3 abilities at once, but always engage with your Web.
The goal for her is to get in quick, and leave with kills in her favor just as quickly. That being said, you'll need attack speed with pen items in order to burst anyone down quick enough. You'll obviously want to focus on the more squishy gods first, so stick to farming mid lane, the enemy jungler, along with their carry. Avoid fighting the tanks until mid to late game if you can single them out.
One of the main focuses I do my bset to go for, is the early-game farm and with Arachne, it couldn't be any easier.
SO, first thing you need to do once you get out of the Fountain is make an immediate rush to your speed buff. Lay one spider web on the spawn-point of the big creep, then put the other two webs you are allowed to lay down on the Primary-Harpy Camp, You only have 3 spider webs, keep that in mind. 2 on your primary-harpy camp, 1 on speed buff. Which opens a new avenue a lot of junglers don't get the privledge to: early gank of mid lane before their wave is even cleared.
Depending on your playstyle, you could blink on their mid laner and attempt to get a kill early and be set for a long while. Or, if you're the more casual farmer, you can clear mid-harpies and be on your way to every available jungle buff in sight. Once that is done, your speed buff will be back up. Getting the golden blade built as early as possible is a must.
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Solo you can maybe get Teleport or you can get a normal relic and skip teleport.
Also add
For damage,
I'd also replace
Don't list
I'd also replace
Don't list
You are right, I meant to do Hide of the Urchin over Armored Cloak. I completely spaced there. Bloodforge wouldn't be a bad item to sub for that Asi.
Thanks for your input!