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Can also start Mage's Blessing,
Chalice of Healing,
Baron's Brew.
Can also start Warrior's Blessing,
Chalice of Healing.
Sell Shoes of the Magi lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Soul Reaver or alternative.
Sell Shoes of the Magi lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Soul Reaver or alternative.
Sell Shoes of the Magi lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Pythagorem's Piece or
Soul Reaver or alternative.
Sell Shoes of Focus lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Spear of Desolation or
Soul Reaver or alternative.
Sell Shoes of the Magi lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Pythagorem's Piece or
Soul Reaver or alternative.
Sell Shoes of the Magi lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Soul Reaver, or alternative.
Recommend Teleport.
Sell Shoes of Focus lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Ethereal Staff or alternative.
Start for this build: Warrior's Blessing,
Imperial Helmet, 1
Healing Potion,
Baron's Brew.
Sell Shoes of the Magi lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Pythagorem's Piece or alternative.
Sell Breastplate of Valor very, very late for
Mantle of Discord.
Sell Shoes of the Magi lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Soul Reaver or alternative.
Sell Shoes of the Magi lategame for
Elixir of Speed and
Soul Reaver or
Spear of Desolation or alternative.
Baron Samedi Conquest builds.
For Support you can put like 3 points into your 1 Vivid Gaze and then max your 2
Consign Spirits first.
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I played him in solo once and was kinda fun, want to play more
Build 10 is pretty similar to what I use, but I build Oni Hunter’s instead of Genji’s, and something else instead of Asclepius.
If you think he's the best mage support you haven't seen
Actually, I have tried
He is actually building as a bruiser. Baron is really strong right now, so it would be a waste to not build some damage on him. Kriega is building spear of the magus, so if you had a mid lane mage that did not use spear of the magus efficiently (like Hel), you would be helping out your mid laner and guardian do more damage to the enemy.
Also, for the full damage build, kriega mentions to only use it if your team is lacking magical damage. Let me know if I can further assist you.
In this build you could get