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Bastet: Purrfect.

11 5 46,246
by Zygon updated March 15, 2013

Smite God: Bastet

Build Guide Discussion 11 More Guides
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Bastet Build

Confident Player

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Voidblade Voidblade
Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane

Last Item choices (situational)

Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Qin's Blades Qin's Blades
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia

Bastet's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 4 11 12 14

Razor Whip

2 A B
Razor Whip
1 3 6 8 10

Ensnaring Claw

3 B A
Ensnaring Claw
7 15 16 18 19

Huntress of Bast

4 Y X
Huntress of Bast
5 9 13 17 20
2 4 11 12 14


1 X
Bastet pounces to her target location, damaging enemies within the radius. For 4 seconds after pouncing, you can press the button again to pounce back to your initial location. Bastet moves 25% faster while in the Return Pounce state. Bastet may cancel this ability early to put it on cooldown.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 95 / 150 / 205 / 260 / 315 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 55/20
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Razor Whip
1 3 6 8 10

Razor Whip

2 A
Bastet swipes at her enemies, causing them to Bleed for damage every 0.66 seconds for the duration.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage (per Tick): 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 (+25% of your Physical Power)
Duration: 2s
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 10s
Ensnaring Claw
7 15 16 18 19

Ensnaring Claw

3 B
Bastet sends a cat forward at her enemies. If a cat finds an enemy it ensnares them and all enemies around them, damaging them and rooting them for .5s. The cat persists for 4s or until defeated, continuing to attack nearby enemies. The cats attacks will apply a 2s slow to the enemy.

Ability Type: Line, Root, Damage
Root Damage: 55 / 90 / 125 / 160 / 195 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Cat Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+30% of your Basic Attack Power)
Cat Hit Points: 2
Lane Minion Damage: 1 HP lost per 5 hits
Slow: 20%
Range/Radius: 70 / 10
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14s
Huntress of Bast
5 9 13 17 20

Huntress of Bast

4 Y
Bastet becomes CC Immune and conjures a radiant projectile that travels forward in a line damaging and stunning the first enemy god hit. A Huntress of Bast appears near the hit target and a destination is marked at Bastet. The Huntress then picks up and carries the enemy hit to the marked location.

On successful capture, a pool of quicksand is formed under the enemy creating a Vortex which drags targets toward the center and deals damage.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Initial Hit: 160 / 220 / 280 / 340 / 400 (+90% of your Physical Power)
Quicksand Damage: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 (+15% of your Physical Power) every 0.5s for 3s
Range: 100
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 110 / 105 / 100 / 95 / 90s


Hello everyone, my name is Zygon and this is my first guide here on smitefire. I have had a great interest in Bastet, and have a 70% win percent in normals. I believe she is one of the most flexable and safe physical carrys in the game, while also being extremely deadly in the right hands. I'm here to teach how to be successful at the few different playstyles she can be used with.

If you would like to contact me, you can add me on Skype under the username neal.weldon. You can also contact me in smite itself in the IGN: Zygon.

So without any further ado, let's get started.


+ Great Harass
+ Great Escaping options
+ Unique Utility
+ Crazy damage potential

- Can get shut down early
- Ultimate is not amazing for teamfights late game.
- Somewhat slow damage from abilities

Abilities: What they do and how to use them.

Ability 1: Pounce

Bastet pounces to her target location, damaging enemies within 20 feet for 110 / 170 / 230 / 290 / 350 (+100% of your physical power) physical damage. For 4 seconds after pouncing, you can press the button again to pounce back to your initial location.

Bastet has arguably the best leap in the game, which is one of the best non-ultimate ability types in the game. It's one of the things that makes her very unique, and a reason to use her over other gods. It also does very good damage for a leap, hurting squishy gods a lot as you start a fight.

What does this let her do? So many things other gods could only dream of doing. First of all, it's the perfect harrassment and escape tool. Early in lane, you can jump onto a squishy target, hit them with your razer claws as well, and safely jump back with very little damage taken. You can jump into a jungle buff, and if it's being taken, jump out without worry. Also mid to late game, you can get the buff quickly enough to jump back into lane, making buffs extremely quick and easy to get.

One of the best escapes in the game, period. If you're being chased, you can jump somewhere and keep running. If you're being chased close enough that you can't get away still. Just jump back and run the other way. (If you're smart you'll plan it so the new direction will be towards somewhere safe so you can back.)

You get this at level 2, and max this second.

Ability 2: Razor claws

Bastet swipes at her enemies, causing them to bleed for 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+35% of your physical power) physical damage every 1 s for 4 s.

Step two to the perfect harrassment. This skill is so incredibly useful. It rips up minions, has a nice cone for targeting, hurts a lot without you even needing to stick around. The scaling is also ridiculous on this. Let's pretend you're level 10, and you have 100 physical power with this skill maxed. That means you'll be doing 145 damage a second, and almost 600 damage total. That's enough to damage a squishy god for half their damage at that point in the game. That's not including leaping in, or any auto-attacks either.

Early game all you need to do is leap in, hit them with this, and leap out, and it will do the damage for you. It's also great against gods that tried to get away, securing you the kill.

I get this first, and max it as quickly as possible.

Ability 3: Nine Tails

Bastet lashes her weapon, unleashing a projectile that does 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+100% of your physical power) physical damage and slow the enemy by 35% for 3 s in an 8 foot radius.

On paper, this skill isn't very good. However it is far from useless. It gives Bastet a little bit of extra utility to get kills or escape in situations you otherwise would not have been able to. The main reason I get this so late is that the damage is laughable, and the slow is not very useful yet as you already outspeed and chase many gods up until level 7.

The main use of this skill is in conjunction with your enemy trying to escape from other things. If you need them to be slowed enough for your Cats (ultimate) to catch up, or the little extra damage and slow for when your leap and razer claws are down, it's there for you. It lets you catch up for the auto-attack kill, or get ready for a razer claw finish. It also has a very long range, which is what makes it help as much as it does.

Another useful thing with this, is late game it can actually kill small minions by itself, making getting minions out of the way that much easier and faster.

Ability 4: Cat Call

Bastet summons 3 cats that attack nearby targets for 10s, slowing them by 20% and doing 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+20% of your physical power) physical damage per hit. Sensing the smell of blood, the cats will attack bleeding enemies first. The summoned cats gain more health per rank.

One of the most annoying skills in the game. On paper, the damage does not look like much, however they attack very quickly, there are 3 of them, and they are a great distraction while you hit them with your other abilities and auto-attacks for the kill.

They also provide a very cool option for things that are otherwise not possible for other gods.

what makes this unique is that it's one of the only two skills that summons minions, which other things will target and attack instead. (This lets you solo Fire Giant and Gold Fury much earlier then most gods) It also has the awesome ability to let you backdoor towers and pheonixs other gods would not be able to risk attack. Since they are minions, you can summon them and have the tower target them as they attack it, so you can damage the tower or destroy it comepletely even if your minions were nowhere close to you.

It's also the only ultimate in the game that you can pop and reliably finish off a target without you even needing to be there. (There are some that sort of can, such as Zeus' Ult, Sun wukong's ult, or Bakasura's ult, but not nearly as reliably unless they were already on the verge of death) Unlike those, they can even be as high as half health and die to your cats if you razer claw them and leap/run away.

Building Bastet

There's only a few 'wrong' ways to build bastet, but I will go over what I believe is the current best ways to build this god. (among a few other physical carrys) If you look at the builds above, you will notice that it is not using a couple items (or they are out of place) that are known as good are not there. A common thing people forget about melee physical carries is that you have much less time to auto-attack. You're not a ranged AD carry, you will be auto-attacking a lot less. This means you will be using your abilities to weaken them first, or kill them faster so you can confidently kill them without dying yourself.

This is reflected in my builds for this god. I will explain both of my builds, why I picked these items and why in this order.

Confident (Main) Build:
If you are already experienced at the game quite a bit, and can still play the game skillfully on a basic level, you should go ahead and build this. This is for players who can use Bastet's skills to be able to get away and farm enough to build and keep her heartseeker stacks. Even if you're not experienced at this particular god, if you know enough about the game and gods, you should go ahead and build this.

Your prefered lane is left lane, so that you can get blue buff, to keep you harrassing and in lane for as long as possible.
Your prefered lane partners are tanks, or someone aggressive that has hard CC.
Examples being:
Guan Yu, Hades, Bacchus, Sobek, Ymir
Other partners:
Ahnur, Agni, Artemis, Thor, Sun Wukong.
However, Bastet is a god that works well with many gods, these gods just compliment her the most.

Her starting build is simple: Heartseeker Tier 1 and Hand of the Gods, three of each potion. Rush to finish that as soon as possible, then build as you see in the build itself.

Why these items? It's simple. Melee physical gods have great ability scaling that hurts, a lot. Attack speed is not as important on a melee god, you want flat, high AD. Heartseeker and Voidblade have the highest technical AD in the game ( Voidblade because it gives your attacks true damage against most gods, or greatly decreases defense of tanks.) Because you're getting Heartseeker, you are already getting 10% movement speed, which is more then enough until third item, which is when you will be getting boots.

NOTE: You should be getting your second ability pretty early in the game, depending what is in your lane. You need to survive. If they have a stun, even a short one. Get purification beads. If they have an ulty that really messes with you, get Aegis Amulet. They save your life and your stacks. You don't really need any other abilities most of the time.

After that, rushing Deathbringer to give you that huge AD boost, and crits to greatly increase the damage of your attacks. After that, I build Titan's Bane because it's very cheap, and how the penetration works makes it a very OP item right now. Basically it applies The item after that is completely situational, depending on what you need the most. If you need lifesteal, get Soul Eater. If you want an edge over their carries, get Witchstone. If you need a little bit of everything, executioner is never a bad choice. If you want a win more item, get Qin's Blades. .

NOTE: Qin's Blades are not always built for a reason. You need flat AD for your abilities, the attack speed you're getting from other things, and the AD and ability are not that amazing for the price. If you're really having an issue with tanks, get Titan's bane. It's rare that the Qin's passive is truly better then the penetration. However, it is a great win more item, to make sure you kill much faster. However, I don't think it's truly needed on Bastet.

Safe Build: It has the same concept as the first build, however it avoids Heartseeker. I start with Tier 1 boots, and hand of the gods with potions. Then you rush executioner. The main reason is that it's a cheap and a well rounded item, and lets you start Voidblade ASAP. In this build Soul Eater is important for survivability. Situational items are basically the same.

Playstyle Tips

Everyone has a different playstyle, but there are many unique things that Bastet can do that you should be taking advantage of. Here I will have a list of things that are very useful tips on successfully playing Bastet.

Jungle Buffs: You have to be VERY greedy when playing bastet. Every single buff helps her greatly. Get Blue and Red as often as possible. They are invaluable.

Harrassment: Leap in, razor claw, Cat call, kill. Or. Just leap out and massively damage them without any harm to yourself.

Early Objectives: You can solo Gold Fury as early as level 7-8 or so if you have partner, or level 10-11 solo. You can get it so early, that most teams will not realize you're there before you already have it. You can also solo firegiant as early as level 14-15 without much harm. Or Level 12-13 if you have a partner. MAKE SURE YOU BRING AT LEAST ONE WARD BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT THIS.

Ganking: Bastet is so good for ganking. Come into a lane, claws, pop cats, and the people in lane and yourself should kill them very very quickly. Then focus the other, or take the tower in mid. Bastet is such a good ganker and every player should take advantage of it.

Teamfights: Bastet is very odd in teamfights. It takes some getting used to. She's actually pretty good when she's fed well, and has max stacks and can very quickly get a double kill. What you should focus on is killing squishy, but important gods. Razer Claw mages or carrys, pop your cats and work with your team to quickly kill important players.

Splitpushing: You shouldn't do this often, but Bastet is a great split pusher late game. She's hard to kill 1v1, she kills minions very easily, and can take towers very quickly late game. Her cats also provide the extra damage and tower targets to take a tower or pheonix quickly and reliably

Harrass the Minotaur: She's one of 3 or so gods that can easily solo the minotaur, or massively damage him without much threat if you play correctly. Only do this if you know a lot of people are down, or you can escape very easily. Poping cats on mino and killing him halfway, leaping out when people show up. Or if your team already attacked it, and got it close to dead, sneak in and finish it off. Very funny.

Adapting to the situation

Sometimes your team fed a god they shouldn't have. Sometimes you need to change your build to compensate so you won't die so easily to them. Here is what you should change, and what you shouldn't.

If they're a physical god:
Hide of the Nemean Lion
Witch stone

If they're a magical god:
Bulwark of Hope
Stone of Gaia
...that's about it. If you REALLY need something else, get Magi's blessing I guess. Nothing else is ever worth the money as it gives you stats you don't need.

Closing Thoughts

If you have something to add or ask, feel free to PM me on here, add me on skype (neal.weldon), post a comment or talk to me in game. Hopefully my guide has helped you learn the basics and proper way to play this god to her max potential. I wish you good luck in your playing.


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Sandric (3) | March 12, 2013 8:33am
Is this build still viable because of all the patches since December, or Is It outdated?
Vasul | February 14, 2013 11:30am
Very good! Thank you, man! :)
Zygon (1) | February 2, 2013 7:05am
vv3737 wrote:

Is this build suitable for arena players?

It'd be similar, but you wouldn't build heartseeker. Instead go for a little tankier of a build so you don't get blown up. Crits are great in arena, so focusing on that would be good.

Tabi ---> Voidblade ---> Executioner ---> Deathbringer ----> Bulwark of Hope ---> Rage or Qin's Blades.
vv3737 | January 31, 2013 2:31am
Is this build suitable for arena players?
Fraicheur | January 20, 2013 3:18pm
8 wins a row in conquest/ranked using this build, with a top score of 8/1/4 (the game lasted only 20 minutes).

I really recommend it, especially the part dealing with lane harassing, ganking and GF/FG-soloing.
sorcerer455 (3) | January 15, 2013 9:47pm
good guide Once I get enough favor I'm going to buy bastet
Zygon (1) | January 7, 2013 8:05am
Thank you guys very much. I was very happy to come check on this and see that so many people voted/commented showing this guides success. I have a tiny bit of updating to do, but the overall guide is still the same. (Mostly talk of the yellow buff, which isn't there, and taking out executioner because it's bugged right now.) Thank you all.
Gilder103 | January 6, 2013 9:12pm
Hey man. This was a very well written guide. I think it could use a little bit more 'flash', to make it stand out, but that doesn't change the fact that the writing is solid. In fact, I'm gonna go get Bastet right now, and have some fun. Thanks!
loopyman (6) | January 5, 2013 11:37am
great guide
preety new to bastet this should help
also for that magic defence against a fed god i find bulwark is good as well
ChrisTR | January 5, 2013 4:36am
This guide is brilliant, made an account just to post this commemt and tell you
Kooch (5) | December 18, 2012 4:00pm
oh snap nice guide
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