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Become The Sorcerer Supreme! [WIP]

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by Tlaloc1050 updated September 5, 2018

Smite God:

Build Guide Discussion 18 More Guides
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Who Are The Mages?

~Image belongs to Getsukeii~
Mages are occultists who somehow manage to wiggle themselves into all sorts of roles. Left, right, middle, well mostly middle, you name it! With highly damaging abilities and a penchant for being killed easily, these twenty-eight are true glass-cannons. There are five types of mages, all of which will be covered in the following chapters. Please note that some gods may appear in multiple categories. As for the builds, I will mention which god should use which build in the individual god section.

Traditional Mages

Who Are The Traditional Mages?

These mages specialise in bursting down enemy gods from the back lines via their strong abilities. In many cases, these gods will use a combo involving a CC ability to deal damage. Your main goal is to deal as much damage as you can while keeping a safe distance away from enemy gods. Leaps, dashes, and movement speed stims are used to achieve this. A prime example would be Discordia. She uses Strife to set up Unruly Magic for its damage, while keeping a safe distance away with erratic behaviour. Many Traditional Mages follow this formula, in terms of ability kits. However, there are some who don't. They are Ah Puch, Anubis, and Zeus.

Items Section

Start 1 - Book of Thoth

Start 2 - Chronos' Pendant Rush

Start 3 - Lifesteal Rush

Standard Book of Thoth Build

CDR Rush Build

Lifesteal Rush Build

Tick Damage Based Build

Healer Mages

Who Are The Healer Mages?

Healer Mages (or Healers for short) are Mages with healing in their ability kit. Healers focus on keeping their teammates alive, while dishing out damage of their own. However, they're easily countered by anti-heal. And they're squishy. They don't have leaps or dashes, but movement speed bonuses. Take Chang'e: Jade Rabbit is her source of movement speed, while Moonflower Dance is her healing ability. All healer mages follow this pattern. Out of all the gamemodes, Healers do best in Assault due to its nature. You or one of your teammates are guaranteed to get one in Assault. Don't reroll them, as they're invaluable.

Items Section

Start 1 - Non-Conquest Healing Focused

Start 2 - Stacks

Start 3 - Chronos' Pendant Rush

Healing Focused Build
lotus crown

Damage/Healing Hybrid Build

Hybrid-Hunter Mages

Who Are The AA Based Mages?

Auto-attack mages aka AA mages are mages whom unlike other mages rely on their basic attacks to deal damage. How To Overuse The Word Mage They have AA stims built into their ability kits. These may come in the form of attack speed or bonus damage. Look at Freya, she gains regeneration from using her basic attacks due to mystic warrior, and an AA stim from northern lights. Unlike the other two, Freya can't quite build a mage build and still be effective, due to her very heavy reliance on her basic attacks. Anyway, these mages are great at taking down structures or acting as a hunter. It depends on your playstyle.

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Branmuffin17 (401) | September 4, 2018 11:42am
Yo Tlaloc,

Firstly, credit for the pic shouldn't be gameskinny...that's a Getsukeii piece. Also, he has a newer pic (still not "new" but probably the best you'll find for mages) here:

Secondly, holy **** I can't believe you're taking this one on. That's a lot of work =P

Initial feedback:




Hybrid Mages
Tlaloc1050 (17) | September 5, 2018 6:29am
Branmuffin17 wrote:

Yo Tlaloc,

Firstly, credit for the pic shouldn't be gameskinny...that's a Getsukeii piece. Also, he has a newer pic (still not "new" but probably the best you'll find for mages) here:

Ah my bad. I couldn't find where (or if) they credited the original artist.




hybrid mages

Thanks for the feedback Bran, I appreciate it. This is probably gonna take a while. I'll update this whenever I have the time.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 5, 2018 10:23am
I edited your comment to correct a mis-coded quote, and to insert the quote you were responding to for the healer category. I really wanted to make you say some funny stuff, but Wayne would probably scold me for abuse of power XD

With that in mind, I'm responding to the damage/healing build comment.
Tlaloc1050 wrote:

I feel like without Obsidian Shard and only Shoes of the Magi as a source of penetration your damage would be very minimal. The cooldown from Chronos' Pendant could also be better due to having both damaging and healing abilities up more... I may go with Chronos' Pendant.

I suggested taking out Obsidian Shard, and switching Shoes of the Magi in for Shoes of Focus. Note that your build suggestion ALSO has Spear of Desolation, so it's not just Magi's 10 pen. Not that 25 pen is a whole lot, but if your build is going to be partially focused on providing utility to your team via the healing, then I think Shard's very weak pen equivalence against squishies is a bit of a waste of a slot. (it's like ~7 pen against squishies at level 20 that build 0 added protections)

Sure, Shard will allow you to deal more damage against very magically tanky enemies, that's not really your focus. When you dedicate yourself partially to healing (via Rod of Asclepius for example), you're going to have to give up something.

So the build adjustment looks like this.
I would argue that Reaver by itself provides your Shard-type function against tanks. It also provides more mana to boost that Thoth passive a bit more, and has 60 higher base power.

And, with the Chronos substitution, you're getting 30%+ CDR, which better supports teammates with more heals.

As a healing mage, you'd choose this type of build when you've got enough damage coming from your teammates that you more want to keep them alive than focus on your own damage output.
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Kriega1 (143) | September 4, 2018 4:57pm
Another problem is I can’t tell whether these builds are specifally for mid or not. Because if that is not the case, then the builds are not going to be that straight forward and categorising won’t be as simple.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 4, 2018 4:59pm
That's always the tough thing with offering some example builds for a class as a whole, rather than for individual gods. You build Zhong or Hades way different than you do Agni or Zeus.
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Kriega1 (143) | September 4, 2018 5:39am
What do you mean you can’t build Freya like a burst mage??? What is this then? Another thing is you haven’t listed the Book of Souls and 3 potion start or the tier 2 Shoes, lost artifact and multi-pot start.
boogiebass (46) | September 4, 2018 9:26am
Good question. What IS that?!
Tlaloc1050 (17) | September 4, 2018 7:25am
Kriega1 wrote:

What do you mean you can’t build Freya like a burst mage???

I didn't know how to word it. I meant that she works best as an AA focused mage rather than building something like a standard mage build with no attack speed items or something.

I'll add the starts
Kriega1 (143) | September 4, 2018 4:51pm
You can build Demonc on her, but at the moment you are going full burst mage build on her with polynomicon because that’s what she functions best with currently.
Gulfwulf (81) | September 3, 2018 5:02pm
You or one of your teammates are guaranteed to get one in Assault.

No you're not. I've had plenty of matches without a healer present.
Tlaloc1050 (17) | September 4, 2018 2:06am
Wait what? Wasn't it apart of an update that healers are supposed to be guaranteed? That's why I remember someone from hi=rez confirming things like how Artio isn't considered a healer or something.

I'll change it
Gulfwulf (81) | September 4, 2018 3:52am
I've never seen those patch notes, T. I see plenty of gods with self-sustainability, but team healers aren't guaranteed.
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Tlaloc1050 (17) | September 3, 2018 6:33am
I could definitely use feedback on this cause I suck at the game. I plan on adding sections for every mage individually, and a section for Bruiser Mages ( Hades and Zhong Kui) and Assassin-Mages ( Ao Kuang and The Morrigan).
Kriega1 (143) | September 4, 2018 4:53pm
Well... Morrigan being a assassin mage is build, role and composition dependent. But yeah I guess you could put her there.
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