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Hello I am Diomedes and this is my first guide. I am doing it on the God I find most fun and that is Cabrakan. The reason I find Cabrakan so fun is he hits so incredibly hard with a large amount of mainly single target cc. On top of this he is tanky as can be with a very reliable if slow escape that allows him to waltz out of enemy aggression whil they try and slow you to no avail. The other reason I like him is to be able to play him well it takes a lot of patience to be able to overcome his all close range kit.
Very high base damage gives him an awesome early game
Great tankieness through the entire game
Good scaling on his Tremors allows him to hit hard even lategame
Has a great fear factor to him from his ability to bully people into not wanting to leave there tower
Decent mobility due to his Seismic Crush
Has a kit that allows him to 1v1 anyone he can get close to easily
Has great zoning because of his kit
Kit synchs very well with many items
Not great scaling on two of his abilities
Damage is not spectacular once everyone hits level 20
Almost entirely close range kit can make laning against gods with ranged hard cc difficult (Vulcan & Isis to name a couple)
Is very much dependent upon health potions early in the game
Does mediocre damage if behind and is really hard to overcome level gap of 3 or more
This is the general all purpose build I use. I find it works well against anyone and helps late game with the team support through auras and cc. With this build I am confident in your ability (with some competency) to steamroll all who stand before you.
Final Build stats
Health 3740
Protections: Magical 48 Physical 89
Power 475
Lifesteal 35%
Mana 2150
Hp5 23
Mp5 13
Penetration none
CDR 25%
Final Build skill Damage (before Mitigation)
1: 798 Damage (Polynomicon proc makes scaling 110$)
2: 568 Damage
3: 231 Damage per tick, 462 dps and 3696 damage over max duration
4: 906 Damage
This is a fun build. The reason I say this is that late game when you have a lot of health sitting in the pool the passive from the Stone of Gaia is going to be returning a lot of life to you every second, combined with the Mail of Renewal passive gives you a lot of health returning to you in teamfights if you and your team are doing there jobs. Plus its hilarious early game to shrug off ultimates from gods like Poseidon and Ra and Chang'e like as if it was a basic ability. This build focuses far more on survivability than raw damage but the great thing is you still hit hard and have no problem bullying whoever you come across.
Final Build stats
Health 3540
Protections: Magical 118 Physical 129
Power 408
Lifesteal none
Mana 1340
Hp5 119 (Stone of Gaia passive included) with the additional 354 hp5 for 5 secs on a kill or assist from Mail of Renewal.
Mp5 23
Penetration none
CDR 25%
Skill Damage Full Build (before mitigation)
1: 479 Damage
2: 534 Damage
3. 208 Damage per tick, 416 dps and 3328 Damage over max duration
4: 836 Damgae
First item to max is the Stone of Gaia, this is one of my favorite items in the game cause it gives unmatchable sustain early game due to the hp5 mp5 and the awesome passive which gives health back based on a percentage of your health. Top those great benifits off with a bit of health and the single biggest magical protection chunk any single item gives and you have a solid reason to fear no Mage that's at your level early game.
The next item should as always be the Shoes of Focus.
The item that should follow it up should be the Ethereal Staff. In this situation I say the ethereal staff because it will give you more of an immediate power contribution than the warlock sash and at this point you are going to want power as fast as you can get it.
The next item should be the Mail of Renewal. I feel this is one of the most underated items in the game currently, it gives you physical protections, it gives you more CDR so you can spam more abilities and it gives you a solid chunk of health. On top of these great things the passive gives you health back upon getting a kill or assist. What this amounts to is you becoming very hard to kill in a team fight as you should be getting all kinds of assists and kills in a team fight. So you can stay in the middle of the fight for the entire fight.
The Gem of Isolation is such a great pick up on Cab as it gives you a good chunk of power and a good bit of health. But the most important part of it is that it gives you even more cc, as if it wasn't already hard enough to escape Cab let's add in the thing he is missing... A slow!
Of course this build wouldn't be complete without something to make up for the 2 straight defensive items. The Rod of Tahuti is just that item that is what will carry you to the end game with as much power as you could want from such a survivable build.
This build is all about making squishy opponents (insert most enemy junglers here) vanish from your plane of existence in a matter of seconds while still being harder to kill than most solo lane bruisers due to the high health and passive protections. With this build you are not as capable of carrying entire fights like you are with the standard build and honestly I believe the standard build would beat this one in a fight, however this build has an ungodly ability to burst down even the toughest opponents and leave them sundered for your teammates due to the spear Tremors combo.
Final Build stats
Health 2890
Protections Magical 48 Physical 89
Power 574
Lifesteal 10&
Mana 1740
Hp5 23
Mp5 13
Penetration 10 base plus shred of 20+20%
CDR 10%
Final Build Damage (before Mitigtion)
1: 906 Damage
2: 574 Damage
3: 266 Damage per tick, 532 dps and 4256 Damage over max duration
4: 981 Damage
First off the Shoes of Focus because every jungler needs speed and Cabraken needs CDR as well.
The Ethereal Staff[/b] is core in everyone of my builds because it is just so good on a god with naturally high health. The reason I am saying get this over warlock sash is that you won't be able to stack it fast enough to get the benefits you want until it's too late cause your in the jungle and there aren't enough creeps for that anyway.
Next I recomecnd the Spear of the Magus. This item gives you a lot of penetrations on a target when stacked and because Cab deals damage in ticks with his Tremors so it allows you too shred through the tankiest of targets with ease and late game it allows you to support your team by almost eliminating most of the protections on there entire team with a blink tremors combo... Plus it's cheap.
The next item you need to get is the Polynomicon for if no other reason it makes your Seismic Crush have 100% scaling allowing it to hit like a truck with more power than most people would expect plus the follow up Refraction Shield polynomicon basic attack is just that much more burst that helps with the annihilation of your enemies.
Next the Soul Reaver... Because as if 100 magical power wasn't a solid buy the passive allows you to hit literally anyone hard enough to make them run away like holy sweet momma of Jesus wtf was that... If they live!
Finally the capstone is the Rod of Tahuti cause you want to hit people so hard that the enemy team wants to surrender cause they want to get out of the match with you. With this item built most squishes won't last 3 seconds inside your Tremors.
In this chapter I will cover the actives that I find most useful on Cab.
Hand of the Gods is an item I feel like no solo later should ever be without. As a God who doesn't have a very sustainable way to clear out more than one portion of the creep wave at a time I find that hog two is one of the best items on cab as it will allow you to clear out the melee minions instantly every other wave. That and when you have your leaning opponent so scared of you they won't leave tower it gives you the ability to go and jack there blue buff, ideally right in front of there face to try and bait them away from the tower.
Blink is the item I pick almost every game on Cab as it provides exceptional mobility and once you upgrade it to greater blink the cool down is short as can be at 45 seconds. It is one of the most versatile actives in the game, you can use it to close a gap, you can use it to escape a chase if you can keep distance for three seconds all while it's on a 45 second cool down. I use this for everything!
In this Chapter I will go over the skills and which ones you level first along with my tips and tricks on how to get the most out of them.
First off his passive Shadow Zone. This ability is self explanatory, just a simple 5% damage reduction. But the important thing to remember is it doesn't affect you however it does affect minions meaning you can make your minion wave outpush the enemies simply by standing next to your minions. this is important when you don't want to use mana and the other person is playing like a coward under tower.
Your 1 is Seismic Crush. This ability is one of the most versatile abilities in the game. It gives you a speed buff that scales with level, it gives you immunity to slows and roots. But most importantly it makes your next succesful basic attack hit like a brick **** house and stun for one second as well. This is the skill you level second.
Your 2 is Refraction Shield. This is yet another incredibly versatile ability. It gives you a stacking protection buff as you take damage adding up to 40 extra protections at max level. This means that each successive hit up to 5 doesn't hurt as much. It gives you a lot of damage especially early game where base damage is more important than scaling. Early game this will take out a third of someones health at level 10. On top of both of those if you have all five stacks on this abilities passive it will stun the opponent as well. what this means is gods with channeling abilities are just giving Cab the ability to turn off there ability like an off switch. however you do not have to wait for all 5 stacks before using this ability because while the stun is awesome the damage still hits like a truck. This is the first priority to level.
Your 3 is Tremors. Oh gosh this ability... this is what will make you a nightmare in team fights. This ability wrecks absolute havoc in an aoe around you and so many items synchronize so well with it. This ability is where you get most of your damage from late game as the scaling on it is very good. this ability will also make your mana disappear before you know what happened. The mana cost per second goes up every time you level it so this ability I make sure to level last. This ability as really self explanatory it is an aoe damage with a pull that also makes people move back and forth no real secrets here.
Your Ultimate is Tectonic Shift. This is an ultimate that takes a lot of practice to master but while its damage is nothing spectacular the zoning on it is excellent and the semi-circle design is the perfect shape for so much. The basic way to use this ability is to use it to box the enemy into a semi circle and try to body block there way out while using your 3 to make escape even harder. However little known fact is that you can activate it while chasing with your 1 allowing for you to ensure that the cowards won't escape you. You can also use it to box enemies away from you like say your team is about to take fire giant and you just need to buy another few seconds you can use it to block an entrance and use your 3 to slow them down more, it is a very versatile move much like all of Cabrakans Kit. I put a point into it whenever I can.
This chapter will cover how to do the most important part of this guide... Laneing! As a forewarning Cab is really an all in type god in that you really have to commit and try to end the other god as playing passively is how you will get smoked and end up losing your lane.
Early Game
Early game is a lot of fun due to the risk reward payoff most of the time. Note a lot of my builds are subject to change and modification on the fly. The reason I say this is the first item is often the most important choice and it depends all upon the enemies skill with their god, how they play there god and how well they are doing against you. As such if you are doing good finish off the Warlock's Sash Warlock Sash first, If you are having a hard time fighting a physical god get
Midgardian Mail (a very good if often underrated item) or the
Mail of Renewal. If you are fighting a mage regardless of anything your first completed item should be the
Stone of Gaia. So the way you fight in lane is extremely simple, you wait until the minion wave pushes up and you see he moves past the archer section. Pop your
1 and charge his *** down and smack him. The archer minions will attack you stacking up the passive on your
2, as soon as its charged up smack him with your
2. You then use
3 until he gets out. Wash Rinse Repeat until he is dead or leaves lane at which point you do the same and buy items/ restore health. Once you hit level 5 your and get you ult you become infinitely more lethal. At this point you beat him up until he is about at half health, the next time you charge him you are going to insert the
ult after your
2 and before your
3 in a way that he is at the back of your semicircle and then you
3. Doing this essentially doubles the distance he must travel to escape your
3 all while moving back and forth... like a mini-game of doom. Always remember that even if he runs for tower you can trap him even in the tower with your ult and then
3 him.
Mid Game
Mid Game Is where you get really lethal. It is at this point that ideally your lane opponent doesn't want to leave his tower. That is a sign that you should start roaming, especially if the enemy mid is being aggressive. So you roam and you use the same combos as before. At this point you need to ***es the match. If the lucky enemies are getting away because they are outrunning you and/or if the enemy teams ADC is getting very ahead of yours you should pick up the
Witchblade. On the other hand if they are getting away with very little health cause they survived your burst then get the
Polynomicon. The Polynomicon make your
1 into one of the single hardest hitting non ult moves in the game, so essentially just a smack of the apocalypse.
Late Game
At the late game section of the match you serve a very interesting and yet unique roll. At this point between your combo-ed cc and raw power you can usually come close to acting like an assassin in that you can eliminate one of the enemies main damage dealers before the fight even begins and after that you can jump in and
3 there entire team for the disruption and excellent zoning it gives cause the team is probably going to scatter to the edges. This allows for easy pickings for the rest of your team to destroy. Too top this off no one and I mean no one on there team will wan't to 1v1 you, and to top it off even two of them will probably not jump you. This is very advantageous because through the fear of encountering you alone you are able to drive people out of certain parts of the map. This area presence through fear is an awesome thing to watch cause even if they try to get cocky you pop your
1 and start charging a lot of people will pop sprint and run away.
This section will go over matchups with Gods you frequently see in the solo lane from hardest to easiest.
The reason I put them both together is because they will fight you similarly and you should fight them similarly. So both of these gods have the ability to move you long distances against your will in a short amount of time, So they way to counter them is by letting them use there abilities to clear your wave before you try to attack them as there abilities have the ability to interrupt whatever you think your doing and make you do your thing... Even so it's a hard fight.
Chaac is also very hard to fight because of his awesome axe of doom and his great sustain rainstorm. The way to counter him is to wait until after he throws his axe to charge in cause early game that is the source of almost all of his damage.
Ra is one of the harder laning opponents in that he can instantly clear a wave damn near and harass very well and when all of its said and done he can hide under tower and heal up. The way to defeat him is to rush stone of Gaia and then force him under tower and then roam in between waves. Force him to come away from that tower and out of his heal in order to save his mid lane ally.
Vulcan is a very hard God to face, I would even say he is a true counter to Cabrakan. The only reason he is this far down is because if you can get him to waste his backblast or Magma Bomb the. He is yours as he needs the both of him to make enough distance to escape you and even then once you get the stone of Gaia he will still have to land everything to knock you in the direction he wants cause if he knocks you towards him he is still yours.
Aphrodite is a tricky god to lane against for the exact same reason as Ra, However her pushing capability is not as good as Ra. All the same it is unlikely that you will kill her while in the laning phase as she is one of the most survivable Gods in the game.
The trick with fighting against her is to intercept her when she goes to the side of the wave to hit it with her crescent moon. Then beat her up from there. Ultimately the way to beat anyone in lane with Cab is to mess with the way they usually do things and force them to change what there doing... Through Violence! Once you get the stone though this fight gets a lot easier as you can out sustain her and her puny bunny.
I would say Laning against Loki will do one of 2 ways, he will either try and be aggressive and it will be a repeat of the scene from the avengers where Loki fights the Hulk. Or he will go invisible under tower run and place down his decoy and run back without ever fighting you or visibly out of tower. This is just a nuisance, and as such you should just roam and pull him away from his tower that way.
All other assassins
Recently I am seeing almost any assassin played in the solo lane. That's just fine with me as they have to get close to me for the most part to hurt me and at that point Cabrakan can easily break them in half.
This chapter will cover how to jungle as Cab. I find Cab to be an incredibly fun and surprisingly good jungler because his kit works so well for ganks and because when you run into the enemy jungler it usually results in them fleeing the scene scared or you killing them. I would not recommend jungling as Cab however until after you are good with the ranges and timings on his moves.
Early Game
Early game you are going to want to begin like any jungler pick up your
bumba's mask and clear the first couple camps before heading to solo lane. You want to be kinda passive while you are in the solo lane, don't be aggressive unless you actually see a great oppurtunity. You should leave the solo lane as soon as you hit level 3 unless you know you can get a kill within next 30 seconds. After you clear out your jungle rotation you should still have over 45 seconds until mid camps come up and your priority target should be the enemy adc who hasn't gotten boots yet and therefore can't escape you. The ideal time to gank the duo at this point is either A. When they are pushed up aggressive like or B. When the enemy support goes back to buy Midas boots which should be close to this time anyway. After this you should immediately try and take the enemy teams mid camp before your own (they should come up about the same time as yours and if there jungler is there then awesome just beat the **** out of him and make him back or kill him (if you do kill him go and take one of his xp camps before the other mid camp as this will put you ahead and him behind). After this keep clearing camps and sustain without returning to base until you have 0 mana left.
Mid Game
Mid game honestly starts pretty early on Cab, if you followed the directions above you should go back with enough gold to buy your
Shoes and the tier 2 towards the
Ethereal Staff. At this point until the enemy adc buys his boots every oppurtunity you get you should be either killing him or making him back because as it is an adc with no boots deaths toll and devourers gauntlets has no way to escape you and is therefore is an easy target. As soon as you can finish the
Ethereal Staff you should put wards up by the enemy speed and power buff camps and whenever you see him going for them you should invade and try to steal and or kill him at the camp because most assassins will not be able to fight you without help which will pull people away from there lanes and you will probably be able to pop your 1 and walk out anyway. As soon as you can get the
Polynomicon do it as it will make your 1 chunk out half of the enemy junglers health and then your 2 should take out a third more of there health then you follow it up with your 3 and you just picked yourself up one of the easiest kills you have gotten in the game. Do that a couple more times and he will be too scared to even enter the jungle as it belongs to you now. Then your going to want to pick up the
Spear of the Magus. Your first priority after picking up the Spear should be to rip the enemy support in half. See when you go to gank the duo lane the enemy adc is going to think your coming to kill him once again so he is going to immediately use his escape to get distance while there support is going to come forward to try and stop you. Little do they know that you are actually going to brutalize there support so you open up with your 2 instead of your one this time and then go straight into tremors to get all the stacks on your Spear. Then you are going to Charge in with your
Polynomicon enhanced
1 on them after sundering them with the spear follow it up with your
ult then your
2 again then finish them off if they are still alive with your
3. Wash rinse repeat while clearing camps and ganking lanes to overall spread panic and terror among the enemy team.
Late Game
At this point in the game unless the enemy team is many many levels beneath you (which except for there jungler) which they probably won't be the damage on your
2 will stop being game changing. This is a sad day but it is not the end of the world, due to the
Polynomicon and your
Soul Reaver which you should have gotten by now you should be able to nearly end any squishy in the game instantly through a combination of your
1 (enhanced by the Reaver) and your
2. So needless to say there is not a single person in this game who will want to duel you (while there ADC would probably be able to take you if he has good skill the fear factor you instilled in him earlier will make him think twice before coming anywhere near you) Its at this point where the enemy will start trying to focus you at the outset of every engagement. This is fine, I would at this point recommend not being the first to fight. Instead this is the point where I would say wait until the team fight has begun then blink into the middle of the enemy team and through down your
Tremors as this will do a lot of damage, cause a lot of disruption, weaken all the enemies defenses due to the
Spear and most importantly it will make them shift there focus to you instead of your teams damage carries who are then free to rape the enemy team. The downside to this is you will likely die or come close to it, This is worth it though because due to the effort they had to expend to shut you down they wasted a lot of powerful abilities and will probably end up dying to your team mates because they shifted focus to you (Cab is still as always very hard to kill) remember a 1 for 4 or 5 trade is a great deal for your team and you may even still survive anyway!
I have made a lot of progress on this guide and I am near 1000 views, I still don't have any up-votes yet but I will not be disconcerted by that. I will continue to add more and update my guide as I have been.
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Other then that, nice guide! Ive never been into
do you go with starter item or do you get boots first what do you do ? and its definitely a +1 from
me here , goodluck with your next guides
cabrakan so far , very descriptive and informative , very well made , i respect this so much (Y)
Only other comment is that since you don't use double brackets (eg: [[ ) around your items and instead chose to colorize them, you may want to use icons for the items so that people can mouse over them to see what they offer.
(this is done by putting (icon=Bancroft's Talon size=50) between square brackets rather than parenthesis)
Great guide overall though, +1