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Chang'e The Elegant Healer

1 0 16,633
by Aaronsharkgo2 updated January 10, 2016

Smite God: Chang'e

Build Guide Discussion 6 More Guides
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Chang'e Build

Chang'e Damage Route (Order from Early to Late)

Build Item Vampiric Shroud Vampiric Shroud
Build Item Lost Artifact Lost Artifact
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Restored Artifact Restored Artifact
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Magic Shoes Magic Shoes
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Uncommon Staff Uncommon Staff
Build Item Sorcerer's Staff Sorcerer's Staff
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Imperial Helmet Imperial Helmet
Build Item Jade Mountain Helm Jade Mountain Helm
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Magic Focus Magic Focus
Build Item Spell Focus Spell Focus
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard

Chang'e Stats and Base Playstyle

Health:375(+70 per level)
Mana:290(+43 per level)
Speed:355(+0 per level)
HP5:6(+0.45 per level)
MP5:6(+0.45 per level)
Attack Speed:1.00(+0.010 per level)
Chang'e is a awesome goddess in the game,nothing compares to her overall strength and healing potential. Chang'e Base playstyle is a hybrid of both healing and damage. She can dish out a good deal of damage while also healing for a lot.


Jade Rabbit is Chang'e's Chang'es' what? Her passive and is what makes her passive so unique from every other gods and goddessess. Is that everywhere she goes she can still buy items! This is amazing and provides Chang'e some of the highest lane sustain in the game. Basically her rabbit can fetch one item and goes to the shop to buy it and comes back to give it to her. Also any dances Chang'e uses Moonlit Waltz and Moonflower Dance she will have increase movement speed and no backpenalty for the duration of the animation.
Moon Crescent is her main damaging ability and her wave clear. This ability fires in a cone shape in front of Chang'e. If aimed right this ability can clear a minion wave easily.
Moonlit Waltz is her built in Aegis Amulet. When she uses this ability she will do a evasive twirl that negates ALL INCOMING DAMAGE!. This ability can counter Anubis's Ultimate and that's insane! Also any tick damage Chang'e takes during the ability will be converted in mana, not much mana,but it's nice to know you can recover the cost of this ability.The only drawback is the wacky cooldown of 20s. Chang'e has very low cooldowns and this ability is on 20s. While not spammable it can get you out of dire situations.
Chang'e main healing move and what makes her a good support, this ability heals you and all allies around you for a good amount of HP. It is also a built in Divine Ruin. Any enemy hit by this ability have their healing potential reduced, Chang'e is a immediate counter to Aphordite,Hel,Ra,and well herself.
I feel sorry for the 5th guy in conquest who was hit by this. Okay this is her ultimate and boy is it strong if you line it up right,not only will this go through walls,but it will stun a enemy god for a second + any other gods who are hit by it are stunned for a second longer. This means that if you hit the entire enemy team you just won that teamfight as the 3rd 4th and 5th cant do anything for 3,4,5 seconds!

Why buy these Items?

When Starting out buying Vampiric Shroud will give you sustain you need refilling much needed mana and health for every minion kill and buying Lost Artifact just helps you get to
Chronos pendant faster. When buying Chronos Pendant you get some cooldown reduction and buying shoes of focus you get 3 second cooldown on your main damaging ability crescent moon. HELL YES I WANT THAT! 3 second on a good damaging ability is insane espically if you going to heal a lot. Getting Warlock Sash is for good damage after you get 100 stacks. After that getting Lotus Crown is just to help in teamfights and given much needed defense during one. Rod of Thauti should be obvious but it gives out a lot of damage. Then getting obsidian shard should help you do more damage.

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MrTims_1 | January 15, 2016 8:19am
building both Warlock's Sash AND Book of Thoth is the best build for Chang'e since she is based around sustainability, thoth will also allow her to bust out as many abilities as want plus the health of warlock's sash will give you more sustain. Another good item for this combo would be ethreal staff since its passive is almost identical to book of thoth and will give you more needed health for sustain and more mana allowing book of thoth and the staff itself to use their passives at their full potential. Another thing I have to add is that wasting your item slots on protections is a waste on Chang'e, her heal is based on magical damage, wasting slots on protections only limits your heal, my recommendations will keep you in the battle for longer and possibly dish out more damage, go check out my build guide to see what I'm talking about.
Devampi (105) | January 11, 2016 8:31am
Also I don't know where you took the stat numbers from, but the way you writed them isn't really right (I assume you took them from smite wiki as some broken pictures you used for icons are from there)

the 290 isn't her base mana at lvl 1 but at lvl 0 making her base mana 333 at lvl 1
(formula is 290+43X with X being the current lvl)
Devampi (105) | January 10, 2016 11:13pm
looking at this build you already get a lot of mana regen (60 MP5 add the hearthward amulet aura to this too later (or the book of thoth if you are going that)

so the most benefit you will get is that Thoth is more powerful on the power aspect (as for mana pool till ~37% stacked sash provides more)

(however for stacking this late you can better take toth)
Zilby (132) | January 10, 2016 10:26pm
To be fair, warlock's sash is almost always the best option late game. However, the amount of extra mp5 and mana that Book of Thoth provides (very quickly at that) can give you far more sustain in lane and poke potential during the laning phase, even if it's somewhat less effective later on. warlock's sash essentially forces you to keep to your lane and farm through the early-mid game because your stats will be too far behind when you're trying to get it (ie: tier 1 and 2 of warlock's sash) and once you've gotten it before you have at least 50 stacks. You have to remember that Chang'e's late game is strong regardless of what you build, so if you need to build for your early game that's okay. With Book of Thoth you have the potential to be somewhat of a lane bully, or at the very least retaliate to your enemy laner's attacks on even ground.

Moral of the story prism:
1) Always consider which stacking item is better with 0 or half stacks.
2) Don't judge a build solely on how it performs late game, more often than not the early and mid game will determine how effective you will be by then anyway. If your Titan's getting attacked because you repeatedly died trying to stack a warlock's sash to its full potential during the early game, you might regret having not gotten Book of Thoth to put you on more level ground instead.
ThePerfectPrism (56) | January 10, 2016 9:43pm
woohdy v2 wrote:

I recommend building book of thoth instead of warlocks. You need a ton of mana when using her. I also recommend you think about BoV. If youre playing a physical solo laner it'll benefit you more to grab that and get that mana boost while still getting 25%CDR.

Running calculations...

Chang'e really is better off with Warlock's Sash since It'll max out her mana pool ( with this build ) around 1570 mana at max level.

Considering that she has max cooldown, you can cast every ability in her kit, without MP5 factor, 10 times, not incluiding the Waxing Moon or Moonlit Waltz

While with Book of Thoth, you get ~2100 mana, meaning you can cast Moonflower Dance and Crescent Moon Dance 5 times more.

If you go with Warlock's Sash, you can get the same effect ( Maybe not the damage ) from Book of Thoth with her MP5, granted she has Chronos Pendant AND Rod of Tahuti, and she can buy 2 Mana Potions through her passive, Jade Rabbit, giving the same mana benefit from Book of Thoth, AND she is inherently tankier than a Chang'e without Warlock's Sash.

Also it is a good option to go Breastplate of Valor but not by the reasons he stated. It's mostly because it "completely shuts down physical enemy laners", like the casters say, since it provides you 75 Physical Protection, which is HUGE early game.
woohdy v2 | January 10, 2016 4:34pm
I recommend building book of thoth instead of warlocks. You need a ton of mana when using her. I also recommend you think about BoV. If youre playing a physical solo laner it'll benefit you more to grab that and get that mana boost while still getting 25%CDR.
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