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Charon Support Conquest Guide

44 6 84,242
by Dashboarrd updated February 8, 2025

Smite God: Charon

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Charon Build


Notes I mostly do this start on every support. Benevolence is a fantastic starter because you can upgrade it to Compassion later on, giving you arguably the best support item in the game.

Glowing Emerald transforms into Gauntlet of Thebes which provides you and your allies protections once fully stacked, since it's an aura item. This is very crucial on just about every support.

5 health pots to help you sustain while you're laning, this extra sustain can make it until you have to back to purchase Gauntlet of Thebes. Lastly, because you have 50 gold to spare, getting a Ward will help gain awareness on early jungle ganks. See the warding section below on where to place it.


I mostly do this start on every support. Benevolence is a fantastic starter because you can upgrade it to Compassion later on, giving you arguably the best support item in the game.

Glowing Emerald transforms into Gauntlet of Thebes which provides you and your allies protections once fully stacked, since it's an aura item. This is very crucial on just about every support.

5 health pots to help you sustain while you're laning, this extra sustain can make it until you have to back to purchase Gauntlet of Thebes. Lastly, because you have 50 gold to spare, getting a Ward will help gain awareness on early jungle ganks. See the warding section below on where to place it.

Build Item Benevolence Benevolence
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Sturdy Shard Sturdy Shard

Full Build

Notes This is a greedy build but it feels so good when you get it online.

Heroism is nice to have on Charon because it's a shield you give to allies based off your maximum HP, and Charon is all about his HP given his passive and his second ability.

Gauntlet of Thebes and Prophetic Cloak are really nice tanky items that also give your allies aura prots. Charon can also stack prophetic easily since he has a lot of range in his kit.

Reverent Pridwen for the cooldown and having that extra shield is nice, since it can stack with your 2nd ability and shell well.

Ethereal Staff because Charon likes damage and this also increases his maximum HP which gives Heroism and his 2nd ability more effectiveness.

Stone of Binding is just a nice item to have all around and it scales based on your level, so you get the maximum effectiveness of it at level 20. So having it as a last item fits into the build pretty well.


This is a greedy build but it feels so good when you get it online.

Heroism is nice to have on Charon because it's a shield you give to allies based off your maximum HP, and Charon is all about his HP given his passive and his second ability.

Gauntlet of Thebes and Prophetic Cloak are really nice tanky items that also give your allies aura prots. Charon can also stack prophetic easily since he has a lot of range in his kit.

Reverent Pridwen for the cooldown and having that extra shield is nice, since it can stack with your 2nd ability and shell well.

Ethereal Staff because Charon likes damage and this also increases his maximum HP which gives Heroism and his 2nd ability more effectiveness.

Stone of Binding is just a nice item to have all around and it scales based on your level, so you get the maximum effectiveness of it at level 20. So having it as a last item fits into the build pretty well.

Build Item Heroism Heroism
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Prophetic Cloak Prophetic Cloak
Build Item Reverent Pridwen Reverent Pridwen
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Stone of Binding Stone of Binding

Relics and Shard

Notes Try to upgrade your relics as early as possible. I typically get my shell to tier 3 right after I've finished building Thebes. But shell and emblem of increasing peril are very good with Charon because they compliment his kit. Also, these won't always be your relics.

It really depends what their team comp is, but these are always a safe bet if you're unsure of what to get.


Try to upgrade your relics as early as possible. I typically get my shell to tier 3 right after I've finished building Thebes. But shell and emblem of increasing peril are very good with Charon because they compliment his kit. Also, these won't always be your relics.

It really depends what their team comp is, but these are always a safe bet if you're unsure of what to get.

Build Item Phantom Shell Phantom Shell
Build Item Emblem of Increasing Peril Emblem of Increasing Peril

Situational Relics

Notes These relics are more situational depending on team comp. But for example, if you're against an Ao Kuang, then Beads is needed to prevent him from snowballing off of you.

Heavenly Wings is also good if they have a lot of slows. I like going Entangling Wings, but if you have multiple ADCS then Hastened Wings is better.

Lastly, Bracer's a nice pickup if you have immobile characters that might benefit from the movement speed they get from it. Also really good with mage ADCs, such as Olorun, Sol, and Freya.


These relics are more situational depending on team comp. But for example, if you're against an Ao Kuang, then Beads is needed to prevent him from snowballing off of you.

Heavenly Wings is also good if they have a lot of slows. I like going Entangling Wings, but if you have multiple ADCS then Hastened Wings is better.

Lastly, Bracer's a nice pickup if you have immobile characters that might benefit from the movement speed they get from it. Also really good with mage ADCs, such as Olorun, Sol, and Freya.

Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Entangling Wings Entangling Wings
Build Item Bracer of Brilliance Bracer of Brilliance

Situational Items

Notes This can be pretty complex, so it's hard to get it all down through text. But a few pivots you could do with your build are, Sovereignty if they are 4+ physical characters or if their dive is mostly physical. This could replace Prophetic Cloak in the build, since it would be hard to stack anyways with 4+ of a certain damage type.

Heartward Amulet for the same reason, but if they're magical damage. Erosion if they have a lot of shielding, for example if they have a Charon, hey that's us!

You can go Shogun's Kusari if you have multiple auto attackers on your team.


This can be pretty complex, so it's hard to get it all down through text. But a few pivots you could do with your build are, Sovereignty if they are 4+ physical characters or if their dive is mostly physical. This could replace Prophetic Cloak in the build, since it would be hard to stack anyways with 4+ of a certain damage type.

Heartward Amulet for the same reason, but if they're magical damage. Erosion if they have a lot of shielding, for example if they have a Charon, hey that's us!

You can go Shogun's Kusari if you have multiple auto attackers on your team.

Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Erosion Erosion
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari

Charon's Skill Order

Spectral Surge

1 X Y
Spectral Surge
1 8 11 12 14


2 A B
2 4 6 7 10

Swift Voyage

3 B A
Swift Voyage
3 15 16 18 19

Summon Styx

4 Y X
Summon Styx
5 9 13 17 20
Spectral Surge
1 8 11 12 14

Spectral Surge

1 X
Charon plucks a soul out of the Styx, firing it as a line projectile that damages and Slows all enemies while stopping on the first god hit. If the soul hits an enemy god, it then explodes in a damaging and Silencing area around the target. All enemy gods hit by the explosion leave behind a damaging, Slowing trail of the Styx for the next 3s.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Soul Damage: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+55% of your Magical Power)
Trail Damage: 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 (+5% of your Magical Power)
Soul Slow: 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%
Trail Slow: 15%
Silence Duration: 1s
Range/Radius: 60/15
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15s
2 4 6 7 10


2 A
After a short delay, Charon creates a rift to the underworld in an area, dealing damage and marking all enemy gods hit for the next 3s. The marked gods are revealed and have their Attack Speed reduced. Additionally, any time an allied god hits a marked god once per mark per ability or basic attack, that ally gains a shield for 3s. Subsequent shields only grant 25% of the original value.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 50 / 85 / 120 / 155 / 190 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Attack Speed Slow: 25%
Shield Health: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 +2% of Charon’s Max Health
Shield Cap: 15% of Charon’s Max Health
Range/Radius: 55/15
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Swift Voyage
3 15 16 18 19

Swift Voyage

3 B
Charon forcibly rows at a break-neck pace, charging forward with increased Movement Speed and reduced turn radius for 2.5s. Charon is Slow and Knockback immune while charging. Charon deals damage to and Roots enemies he collides with as well as those directly to his sides in the wake of his boat.

Ability Type: Dash, Root, Damage
Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Direct Root: 1s
Wake Root: 0.5s
Movement Speed: 100%
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 17 / 16.5 / 16 / 15.5 / 15s
Summon Styx
5 9 13 17 20

Summon Styx

4 Y
Charon gains Crowd Control immunity and summons a massive tidal wave that he sends forth across the entire battlefield. Enemy gods hit by the wave are Feared, while allied gods gain Protections for 3s. Additionally, if an allied god is within 60 units directly behind the wave, they gain Movement Speed.

Ability Type: Area, Fear, Damage
Damage: 225 / 290 / 355 / 420 / 485 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Fear: 0.8 / 0.9 / 1 / 1.1 / 1.2s
Protections: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
Movement Speed: 40%
Range: Global
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 110s

Intro / About Me

Hey there, I go by Dashboarrd and I'm a Grandmaster Support Conquest player. I've competed in the SCC (Smite Challenger Circuit) and I have won SOC (Smite Open Circuit). I have also won plenty of gem tourneys during the weekends, such as Iced and Vulpis. I have put in many hours into Smite and in particular Charon. I hope this guide can give you some new direction with Charon if you're struggling with him, or just improve your overall Charon gameplay.

You can reach out to me via the following channels:


Charon Abilities

Passive - Ferryman of Souls

Charon passive grants him additional maximum HP per coin he picks up, he also gets 1 gold per coin. This is very important to stack because it buffs your Heroism shield and it buffs Damnation shielding. You also become tankier because it's pretty much giving you a free item of health. To stack just simply collect coins from fallen allied minions and jungle camps.

Ability 1 - Spectral Surge

This is Charon's primary CC, aside from his ultimate. Use this ability to cancel channeled abilities from enemies since it's a 1 second silence. It also has a very quick animation time which allows it to be pretty good peel if you use it at the right time. It also creates a slow trail that sticks to the target hit for a few seconds. This slow enables chase potential and a tiny bit of setup because it'll be easier for your allies to hit enemies that are moving slower.

Ability 2 - Damnation

This ability is a form of peel for your allies. No not CC type peel, but it allows your allies to gain a shield = to a percentage of your maximum HP that they can keep refreshing for a duration. It also slows the targets attack speed by a pretty decent amount. So in a sense it a buff to your allies and debuff to the enemy.

I would primarily try to use this on autoattackers first since it has an attack speed debuff to enemies, so it'll reduce their DPS. Try to also hit people in front of your carries with this so they can easily get the shield granted from this ability.

Ability 3 - Swift Voyage

Swift Voyage is a very simple ability. It provides Charon with slow and knockup immunity while being channeled, and of course increased movement speed since it's his dash ability. When you run over an enemy character with this, you will root them for about a second, if they're hit by the water instead of the boat, they get rooted for about 0.5 seconds.

Use this as an escape tool or a tool to chase down targets if you're winning the fight or peeling for carries if they need it. It provides a little bit of setup, but not too much.

Ultimate - Summon Styx

Charon has a really good ultimate ability allowing him to have an extremely massive fear CC that will go throughout the battlefield. This is really good for any tight corridor fights, phoenix sieges or defenses. It essentially forces beads from any target hit.

I would use this towards the beginning of a fight. You can use this as an engage tool or hold it for a good opportunity where you see multiple targets you can CC with it.

Combos: Use your 1st ability, then pop your second ability on the target affected by your 1. The tic damage from your 1 will proc the shield from your 2 immediately and help you confirm your 2 on the enemy target.

Map Play

Game Start:
  • Support should start purple and pull it outwards. In this time your ADC should be pulling Green and dragging it towards you (or vice versa). When both buffs are grouped, as you clear them pull them towards the lane. Watch out for invades!

  • From here you should be sitting in duo lane for a majority of the early game. You want to stay there to contest protection (or shield) buff and pressure with your ADC. If you have enough pressure you can also invade their camps, such as Purple buff and their backcamps, even Green buff.

Mid Game:
  • Around the mid game you want to now start to play around the middle of the map as more objectives are spawning now.

  • These objectives consist of Beacon, Oracle, and Pyromancer. Try to pressure mid t1 tower too if your team has the pressure for it. Once that's down it creates map pressure from mid lane.

Teamfights (Late Game):
  • Here you want to make sure to use your kit effectively. Charon is great at either starting a fight or following up off someone else's engage. He has a massive AOE ultimate that should hit just about anyone it's being aimed at, granted they're close enough. You can use this to control a teamfight and where you want the enemy players to go. I recommend taking fights in small corridors such as the jungle or even sieges. In lane enemies have a lot more room to move out of the way of Charon's ult. Use your 1 as a form of ability cancellation on targets and peel for your allies. Your 2 should be directed on targets going towards your allies so your allies can receive a shield from hitting them.


Early / Mid Game Warding:

That ward you're buying in the early game, you want to place it at the area between their purple and shield camp about 23 seconds or sooner before the game actually starts, if you think you'll have pressure.

If you don't think you'll have pressure, place that same ward on your side in the same area about 10 seconds prior to the game starting. This will give you early gank info.

If you're able to get 2 wards at the start, place one defensively and one offensively in the same spots.

As you're playing through duo lane you really want to ward their backcamps for info for your team. Get 2 wards, typically after you buy Thebes, and place them at their purple buff or their back camps and their green buff.

Try to refresh these wards as often as you can. They give very good info on where the enemy jungler is at and if the enemy team is mobilizing towards duo side to setup for a Gold Fury.

In the map below, the red circles indicate the spots that you should ward aggressively and the blue circles indicate the spots you should ward passively.

Late Game Warding:

Of course this depends where you're at in the game. But around fire giant, same concept. Try to get high wards around their backcamps, red, and even blue buff to give your team info.

On offensive sieges, try to place a sentry ward between their phoenixes that you're about to siege to gain info on people playing that gap. These wards are indicated by the Red circles on the map.

On defensive sieges, place a sentry between phoenixes they're about to siege so you and your team can play that gap area without worry. These wards are indicated by the Blue circles on the map.

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Hymns | February 26, 2024 10:01am
The gifs used for the abilities are wrong. It's showing Atlas, not Charon.
Hades4u (54) | February 26, 2024 11:14am
Fixed, thank you! 😁
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dashboarrd
Charon Support Conquest Guide
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