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Danzaburou Jungle Build Patch 7.12 Release

14 1 15,173
by foolishmrcouch updated December 20, 2020

Smite God: Danzaburou

Build Guide Discussion 11 More Guides
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Danzaburou Build

Starting items

Notes Standard Jungle Start, but I've been starting multi pot.


Standard Jungle Start, but I've been starting multi pot.

Build Item Assassin's Blessing Assassin's Blessing
Build Item Mace Mace
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Hand of the Gods Hand of the Gods
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Normal Build

Notes Priority is Building power,and CDR with some attack speed. Danz abilities hit hard, so the more often you can cast them the better. Hydra's and fail not both provide MP5 which will be useful mid game since resource managment can be an issue. They also provide a combined 30% cdr.


Priority is Building power,and CDR with some attack speed. Danz abilities hit hard, so the more often you can cast them the better. Hydra's and fail not both provide MP5 which will be useful mid game since resource managment can be an issue. They also provide a combined 30% cdr.

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Fail-Not Fail-Not
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Alternative Early lifesteal/CDR Build

Notes This build provides Full CDR at 40%, provides some ability based lifesteal earlier in the build with souleater, and increased attack speed with Odysseus' Bow. I prefer the first build, but this build was also effective.


This build provides Full CDR at 40%, provides some ability based lifesteal earlier in the build with souleater, and increased attack speed with Odysseus' Bow. I prefer the first build, but this build was also effective.

Build Item Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Atalanta's Bow Atalanta's Bow

Other Situational Items

Notes Some of these item's I've tried, but not all of them. There's quite a few different ways you can round out his builds and you should find what works best for you. Not all games will be the same, and you will sometimes need to build accordingly. I'm sure I missed plenty of other items that fit, but hopefully this is useful.


Some of these item's I've tried, but not all of them. There's quite a few different ways you can round out his builds and you should find what works best for you. Not all games will be the same, and you will sometimes need to build accordingly. I'm sure I missed plenty of other items that fit, but hopefully this is useful.

Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge
Build Item Blackthorn Hammer Blackthorn Hammer
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Toxic Blade Toxic Blade
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Danzaburou's Skill Order Notes Prioritize Fools Gold for the clear, but level ult when available. Next priority should be alluring spirits for the CD Reduction, and increased damage/heal. Tanuki Trickery is last priority.


Prioritize Fools Gold for the clear, but level ult when available. Next priority should be alluring spirits for the CD Reduction, and increased damage/heal. Tanuki Trickery is last priority.

Fool's Gold

1 X Y
Fool's Gold
1 4 6 7 10

Alluring Spirits

2 A B
Alluring Spirits
2 8 11 12 14

Tanuki Trickery

3 B A
Tanuki Trickery
3 15 16 18 19

Uproarious Rocket

4 Y X
Uproarious Rocket
5 9 13 17 20
Fool's Gold
1 4 6 7 10

Fool's Gold

1 X
Danzaburou rolls out 3 money bags that pass through and damage Enemy minions but stop on Enemy gods, slowing as they travel. Gods hit are damaged and Intoxicated, dropping a gold coin that Danzaburou or his ally gods can pick up to provide him 10 gold.

When a money bag stops moving, it reveals to be an explosive which detonates after a short delay. Subsequent hits of the money bag or explosions deal 15% damage.

Ability Type: Line, Intoxicate, Damage
Damage: 95 / 145 / 195 / 245 / 295 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Explosion Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Intoxicate Duration: 0.6 / 0.8 / 1 / 1.2 / 1.4s
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
Alluring Spirits
2 8 11 12 14

Alluring Spirits

2 A
Danzaburou takes a swig of his sake bottle, gaining health, before hurling it in front of him dealing damage to Enemies in the inner circle. Jungle Camps take an extra +40% damage.

The bottle of sake applies stacks to Enemy gods in the area slowing, and upon reaching 3 stacks, taunting (with no diminishing returns) them towards the sake bottle. Enemies that take more than 30% of their max. Health while taunted are broken out early.

Ability Type: Circle, Crowd Control, Damage
Healing: 30 / 55 / 80 / 105 / 130
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Slow per stack: 10% for 1.5s (3 stacks max.)
Taunt Duration: 1s
Hits to Break: 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 4
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14 / 13.5 / 13 / 12.5 / 12s
Tanuki Trickery
3 15 16 18 19

Tanuki Trickery

3 B
Danzaburou creates a field where he moves faster, is slow immune, takes less damage, and has no basic attack penalty. Enemies in the field are slowed by 20%. If Danzaburou leaves the field it fades turning him into a leaf with other decoys that mimic his movement. As a leaf his movement speed is increased, he is slow immune and can pass through enemies and allies. After a short delay from transforming, any hit from Enemy gods or if Danzaburou himself attacks, he will revert back.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff
Movement Speed: 20%
Leaf Movement Speed: 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40%
Reduced Damage: 15%
Field Duration: 5s
Leaf Duration: 4s
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 16s
Uproarious Rocket
5 9 13 17 20

Uproarious Rocket

4 Y
Danzaburou summons a magical leaf which transforms into a large bamboo rocket! While preparing, Danzaburou can aim the rocket within 180 degrees to lock onto Enemy gods or he can refire this ability to become the rocket, also becoming damage immune.

Once fired the Rocket will pass through and damage Enemy minions, stopping on the first Enemy god hit damaging and stunning them while dealing 75% damage in a larger area.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 300 / 360 / 420 / 480 / 540 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Stun Duration: 1 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4s
Range: 120
Radius: 30
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 100s


Welcome to my Conquest Jungle guide for the new god Danzaburou

I am a casual player who primarily plays conquest on PS4.
Danzaburou Is an ability based hunter, and IMO really shines in the jungle as of the current release.
This is my first smitefire guide, and I intend to update it, so feel free to comment things that should be added/edited.
I've tried building Danzaburou a few different ways the past couple of days, and I've had the most success building towards power, cdr, and some attack speed. If you have any tips or advice to make the guide better please feel free to comment.


Passive - Dubious Savings
Dubious Savings Is pretty self explanatory. You have 4 money bags that fill with gold, and once filled you receive a power boost. Each Bag equates to 10 power, and provides some bonus gold.
1 - Fool's Gold
Fool's Gold is your main jungle/wave clear. But don't sleep on the damage potential against enemy gods. You will need to get use to the bounces of the Money bag's while in the jungle, and keeping the camps in the explosion. The better you are with the explosions the faster your clear will be. When engaging an enemy ideally you will start with either Alluring Spirits or Uproarious Rocket to close the distance. Then follow up with Fool's Gold to hit all 3 money bags. The money bags will stop when they hit an enemy god and require melee range to hit all 3.
2 - Alluring Spirits
Alluring Spirits is an essential part of Danzaburou's kit. When in range of an enemy this is the ability I typically use to engage. Keep in mind there is roughly a 1 second delay from hitting the ability to when Alluring Spirits is thrown. If you can hit the enemy in the center they will take damage, get slowed, and then taunted. Generally this ability is best used in tandem with Fool's Gold. If you hit an enemy with Alluring Spirits you can move in to melee range, then follow up with Fool's Gold to secure the kill. This ability is also great for zoning out enemies, securing an escape, and sometimes just to get some extra health.
3 - Tanuki Trickery
Tanuki Trickery Is one of the main reasons why Danzaburou really shines in the jungle. I've seen a lot of people use this ability just as an escape, but it provides so much more. The first part of Tanuki Tickery has a 5 second duration which should be used if not for the full duration at least a portion in most scenarios. If enemies want to chase you into the Field they will be slowed by 20% and their basic attacks are reduced by 20%. As a hunter you can sit in the field and basic attack the enemy with no movement penalties while your other abilities are on cool down or during team fights. It's also great for when taking objectives. When you do exit the field and turn into a leaf you gain increased movement speed and partial stealth to chase down an enemy or get to safety. Keep in mind that while a leaf if the enemy hits you your stealth will be broken. If you are using this ability to escape try not to just run in a straight line, or you will most likely get killed. I will often leave the field then walk back in a different direction to confuse the enemy and safely escape.
4 - Uproarious Rocket
Uproarious Rocket or what I like to call the Gank Rocket. This might be the most enjoyable ability in Smite. You have two different options with this ultimate. If you hit the ability once your in the lock on mode which you can turn and aim at a particular god then let it fly. This version of the ultimate is great for enemies that are low health hiding under their tower, have stealth like Jormungandr, or are in an area you would prefer not to dive. The rocket will lock onto an enemy and even follow them while they are in stealth. When casting Uproarious Rocket if you press it a second time you will see an arrow in front of the rocket. After the roughly 1.5 second wind up you hop in and get to steer the rocket. This is fantastic for engaging enemies from the jungle, diving the back line, and getting around tanky targets. The person you hit with the ult will be stunned, while nearby enemies will take 50% damage. As soon as the rocket hits Danzaburou will appear, and you should fire a basic attack, and then Fool's Gold while they are stunned. If they are some how still alive hit another basic attack followed by Alluring Spirits and another basic attack to finish the job.

Items and Explination of Build

This Section is built around the core items above. I will provide some alternatives, but with Danzaburou so new I haven't had a chance to test all of the different combinations. Hopefully, this guide will help others find what works for them and what doesn't.
Jungle Build
Relic 1

Blink Rune Typical Jungler relic to provide another engage option, and get the jump on enemies. Ideally we will blink into the enemy and hit with Alluring Spirits follwed by Fool's Gold
Relic 2

Purification Beads
Almost a requirement right now in smite. Beads provide you with much needed CC immunity.
Aegis Amulet Is an alternative if enemy comp has very little or no CC. Aegis is great for the enemy Danzaburou Uproarious Rocket or the enemy Tsukuyomi Ult.
Starter Item

Assassin's Blessing is a must for the jungle. 30% bonus damage to camps, some power, some health, and HP/mana restored for each Jungle monster killed. Once evolved you also gain 5% movement speed, and +5 penetration.
Item 1 (Boots)

Ninja Tabi is my preferred choice for boots with this build. They provide needed movement speed, some attack speed, some much needed mana, and some power.
Warrior Tabi Is an option since we are getting attack speed from crusher, but I haven't personally tried using them on Danzaburou yet. I could see the extra 20 power early game being useful, but I think midgame the attack speed will provide more value.
Item 2

The Crusher Provides great value early with 30 power, +20% attack speed, and +15 physical penetration.
Jotunn's Wrath Is an alternative providing early CDR and additional mana, but no attack speed. If you plan on building Fail-Not I would stick with The Crusher.
Item 3

Hydra's Lament Power, 10% Cool down reduction, and +10 MP5. Most importantly is the passive which provides an additional 40% damage to your basic attacks for up to 8 seconds after using an ability. This item is perfect for Danzaburou, but you need to be sure to use it. Make sure your firing a basic attack after each ability.
Item 4

Fail-Not Is an item that can only be purchased by Hunters and I highly recommend taking advantage of it. It provides you with 45 Physical power, 20% Cool down Reduction, 10% physical penetration, and 20% critical strike chance. It also has a useful passive since we will often be engaging with Uproarious Rocket your next basic attack/ability after your ultimate that hits an enemy will mark them increasing the chance you and your allies can land a crit by 15% for 10 seconds.
Item 5

Heartseeker brings some additional %penetration for shredding tanks, lots of power, some mana, and some MP5. The passive is great for high HP targets.
Item 6

Bloodforge is the final piece of your build that will replace your Blessing. It provides you with 75 physcial power and 15% physical lifesteal. The passive will provide you with a nice shield and some movement speed after killing an enemy god.
Malice Is an item i haven't tested yet, but I think fits the build. Provides 40 power, 25% crit chance, and most importantly 10% cdr to get you to the Cool down reduction cap. It's not something I typically build, but I think it fits.

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ChunkyChubChakra | January 18, 2021 5:01pm
Question, does anyone know if wards can pick up Danzaburou while he's in his leaf form?
Hadeyan (2) | January 2, 2021 8:41am
I mean that build can work for sure. It's not a bad one. But imo not the ideal.
Hydra's is kinda unnecessary imo. Cuz most of your initiations will be long-range and pricing hydra every time will be hard. Actually, for similar passive, I think Runeforged Hammer is better cuz it's passive not limited with only basics it includes all damage that comes from you.

Also, I think he needs lifesteal a little bit earlier. Not as the 6th item imo.

But still a good one. Good days.
MongolPSR | December 26, 2020 3:50pm
Interesting take on him. I'm not so sure I like this build as much as my own but its something to play with.

Danzaburou is just a super interesting god with how he plays. I push his ability usage to its limits by building transcendence, power boots, soul eater, jotunns wrath, hydras lament, and Heartseeker.

His passive gold gain really makes the expense of the build not noticeable and I often am able to start building stacks for soul eater and transcendence at the same time. Its a pretty gross build.
foolishmrcouch | December 28, 2020 7:20am
Thank you for the Feedback. I will have to give your build a try. Looking at the stats of the build you recommend and the build I have in the guide they are somewhat similar. The build you suggest has lifesteal earlier in the build with Soul Eater, and surprisingly is 500-600 gold less than the build I have in the guide. I don't typically like having two stacking items in a build since it can delay your power spikes. I do think there are quite a few different viable builds for Danz in the jungle, and personally have had the most success building some attack speed in the build. Looking at the build you recommended my biggest concern would be no Flat pen till you purchase Jotunns Wrath as 4th item and the double stacking items. I can see the build providing a pretty massive power spike once you get the Transcendence and Soul Eater fully stacked, but not sure how well the build can do up to that point. Once again thank you for the feedback, and I'll give it a shot.
boogiebass (46) | December 21, 2020 2:00pm
Good write up dude.
@Branmuffin17 is a really good Danza player. Bran, what do you think?
foolishmrcouch | December 23, 2020 8:07am
Thanks! Still a work in progress and might add in some carry focused builds if people are interested. He's such a fun god to play IMO.
Branmuffin17 (401) | December 21, 2020 5:37pm
I'm horrible with Danza and he's a horrible god. Shame on HR.
boogiebass (46) | December 21, 2020 7:08pm
Oh stop being modest. You know what you're doing.
boggedtrash | December 21, 2020 8:09am
This build slaps! Great job!!
AbeBatJes | December 19, 2020 7:22pm
Our poor racoon can't use Arondight :(
foolishmrcouch | December 20, 2020 12:36pm
Good point lol. I’ll remove from guide thank you!
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Danzaburou Jungle Build Patch 7.12 Release
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