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Standard start for an ADC building into Devourer's Gauntlet.
Build example for max attack speed. This build provides good early sustain and very high attack speed to support Qin's Sais and provide consistent DPS.
Replace Ninja Tabi late with
Elixir of Speed and an additional item.
Standard start for an ADC building into Transcendence.
Build example for high power, for stronger burst potential and ability damage.
The last item is optional; shown here is Fail-Not for high utility via CDR.
Replace Ninja Tabi late with
Elixir of Speed and an additional item.
Add any of these items depending on need.
Assumed preferred skill leveling order.
Fool's Gold is his main damage and wave clear ability and should be prioritized.
Alluring Spirits provides a small heal, damage, CC, and decreasing CD when leveled and is the 2nd priority.
Tanuki Trickery provides a small amount of increased movement speed when leveled, but nothing else, so is prioritized last.
Uproarious Rocket has good damage potential and a very slight increase in stun duration when leveled, but the damage increase isn't enough to prioritize over
Alluring Spirits. This should be leveled when available AFTER the 1 snd 2 are maxed.
Hello everyone! My name is Branmuffin17 (PC IGN: Muffinman17), and I'm a SMITEFire admin and casual SMITE player on PC. This has been created as a starting build direction for players looking to try the new hunter Danzaburou in SMITE PTS. The builds provided here have NOT been playtested, and are based off of my general build knowledge and the developers' suggestions from the 7.12 Update Show.
This creation is likely temporary until others create more in-depth builds and guides, but depending on feedback, I may develop this further.
Per the SMITE developers, they stated that Danzaburou is expected to be played as a typical ADC in the Duo Lane, with flex potential into the Mid-Lane. They indicated 2 build types that showed good efficacy in their playtesting:
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Start: hunters blessing, tier 1 trans, 2 health and 2 multi/mana pots.
Build: Ninja > Trans > Asi > Atalanta’s > Qin’s > Odysseus (or Toxic Blade) > Elixir of speed and sell boots for Fail-Not or Berserker’s Shield.
Also at the recent SPL playoffs, a team literally lost a Fire giant from a chaining Odysseus' Bow proc from the enemy team's adc.
Demon wind or deathbringer is litteraly better
Literraly poor in late game
Just this item give poor stats unlike to others meta item
an example for AMC with a trans-asi-qins-atalantas-silverbranch build that swaps boots gains
with ichiaval 0 power from silverbranch without a hive 24 with a hive
and from obow 5 without a hive and 28 with a hive.
making the difference in AA damage only 70/71 when ichiaval is fully stacked.
meanwhile, OBOW provides 15+210 (with hives) on the 4th basic for 4 targets which averages out to an additional "225" AA damage in a teamfight (not single target).
consider in the cost of obow and it's tier 2 providing "130" the only reason to grab ichiaval is if you are not teamfighting (and boxing an AA reliant god)as then the lightning proc averages out to 55 extra damage per basic.
the other advantage is that obow provides a way to just hit one of the tanks and provide damage towards enemies you can't even hit yet normally.
I hope I helped you understand why this item is considered the meta pickup in qin's/pen builds.
If you're building crit it becomes a different story for most cases.
1. In the Devo's Qins build prioritise Odysseus' Bow over Silverbranch in build order.
2. I suggest 2 health + 2 multi for the starters. At max duration it's same regen as 3 health + 1 mana but you can double stack the sustain.
Just kidding, you have my +1 even though I didn't like that fail as a single crit item and on the last spot :p
match id 1110883491. Any suggestions would be welcome.
I'll have to play him and see how CDR feels compared to a full basic attack build in Arena, but I think you could skip lifesteal altogether. In your build in place of SE, I'd consider rushing Fail quicker for a stronger early boost in CDR, and if you want lifesteal, consider a late BF pickup instead. I'd probably try something like Ninja, Fail, Wind, Ata, Malice, BF.
I'll have to play him and see how CDR feels compared to a full basic attack build in Arena, but I think you could skip lifesteal altogether. In your build in place of SE, I'd consider rushing Fail quicker for a stronger early boost in CDR, and if you want lifesteal, consider a late BF pickup instead. I'd probably try something like Ninja, Fail, Wind, Ata, Malice, BF.
Thanks for the input. He is a bit different getting used to but had fun with him. I switched my order around the second match a bit by putting ata 3rd and malice 4th but one of those low kill matches where i think the other team had like barely over 10-15 kills for the win and i was pressing to try and make up for our lack of offense so not sure how much of my slight switch in order mattered. I will have to try your suggestion out. Seems like it would probably work pretty well.
Thanks, will give that a shot when i get a chance as well.