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This build destroys everything in your path.
This build will get your team to flame you, but in the end when your 14/2 you can flame them for flaming your DETHGUNN build
Had this op build before DukeSloth opened his pie hole and all the apes started to swarm to merc
You're probably thinking, what is this build. Well I'll tell you, this is the build that all mercs should be building if they wanna win every game.
Why Deathbringer first?
Uhhh, that's a nice 10% crit chance and the start.
Why no boots? me thought you always buy boots?
Okay you apes this one might be tough to wrap your heads around, but if you look Hastened + Golden + Stone = 30% movement speed (this means real fast). Which is a lot more than your 18% movement speed dead item.
If you get your lightning fast punches to land a basic attack with this build, the enemy you just hit is already dead.
Quick side note, mercs 2 does this "immune to slows for the duration" thank me later for putting that sentence there, read the abilities next time before locking him.
Last thing before I release this build into the void, if I see another merc buy Crusher in my game, I'm ulting down mid and heading for your fountain.
Smite is an online battleground between mythical gods. Players choose from a selection of gods, join session-based arena combat and use custom powers and team tactics against other players and minions. Smite is inspired by Defense of the Ancients (DotA) but instead of being above the action, the third-person camera brings you right into the combat. And, instead of clicking a map, you use WASD to move, dodge, and fight your way through the detailed graphics of SMITE's battlegrounds.
SMITEFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new god, or fine tune your favorite SMITE gods’s build and strategy.
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This author's tone and previous comments clearly indicate some intention of trolling.
Addameme, please do not publish anymore guides on this site unless you decide to be more serious.
God OP for first 10 minutes: Oh, well, that's unfair, so I'll just sit in base for the first 5 to make things a bit more even. Sound good?
That's basically what is happening here.
If you want to skip boots, then your proper order should be
In addition to this, the tone of the writeup does sound trollish. Based on all this, I'm opting for archiving.
addameme, if you become a bit more serious about this, you're welcome to republish.
But this response sounds like you actually care and are putting effort into it, and for that, I'll unarchive, though I do suggest you changing build order to something more efficient.
I'll provide a bit more feedback on how I view things, that will hopefully help further.
1. The item is very expensive, especially in the early game when farming is slower and your clear isn't as quick, and you're less likely to get kills to supplement your farming. Your jungle opponent will have better clear before you complete this, and will have completed their first main item before you. So you're putting yourself at a disadvantage, when the whole purpose of Merc right now is to clear super quick and get ahead.
2. When building into crit, DB is typically built as a 2nd crit item, due to these efficiencies...25% crit just isn't enough to be reliable, so depending on the god, they'll usually opt for a lower-priced item like
3. With the delay in completing due to cost, with the next item providing only 10% MS, you're going to be much less mobile, and relying only on your speed buff for the MS. If it gets stolen, you're going to be sooooo slow.
*edit* Also...not saying you can't make your build "work"...but against competition where the other players understand builds, and their mechanical skill is up to par, then you're likely to lose with this build. Against lower competition, you might be able to succeed just fine.
That's the thing about SMITE, or any MOBA. There are countless variables, so it makes it difficult to evaluate individual things. If you keep one variable as a constant (e.g. build), you might face 2 matches where competition sucks and you kick ***...then you might think "oh my build is rad." Or you might try an alternative build to what has worked for you, and you get steamrolled, and thus think the build sucks. So it's being able to evaluate individual matches, size up your teammates and the competition, their god choices, etc., that will help you evaluate things properly.
The build order is very messed up.
A jungle build, especially a Mercury one, needs boots.