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You can switch your starter for Manikin Sceptre into Manikin Mace or sell
Death's Toll/Manikin Sceptre for
Serrated Edge.
Qin's Sais or [Envenomed Deathbringer] both are fine 6th items.
You can switch your starter for Manikin Sceptre into Manikin Mace or sell
Death's Toll/Manikin Sceptre for
Void Shield.
Switch Bulwark of Hope for Pestiliance if you need anti-heal.
Switch Bulwark of Hope for Pestiliance if you need anti-heal.
Magic Shell is amazing for early-game-boxing. Belt of Frenzy enables additional lategame-aa-damage. Teleport glyph can be a first relic, if you fell confident with your enemy.
These are optional items though some of them are listed in regular builds. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY THEM EVERY GAME.
Both Midgardian Mail and
Witchblade are counters to autoaatackers.
Spectral Amor is a counter to at least 2 people building crit (against a single person only if he is devastating)
Magi's Cloak is a counter to few but deadly cc-dealers. For exampe
Ao Kuang ult.
Pestiliance is great anti-heal.
Runic Shield is a counter to low-power-guardians in solo lane.
Qin's Sais are a great aa-damage item
Toxic Blade offers very strong anti-heal
Void Shield is a late-game %-pen option
Your early-game clear is probably superior to your enemies. Therefore be the attack the first wave mid-lane and keep the minions out of your towerline not to lose farm.
Farming is your main objective as you probably you kill your enemy often. Securing totems, your and your enemies harphy and maybe his blue-buff is key to reaching late-game where you can shine.
Obtaining your fourth item starts your rotation, midlane-mages are snacks for you and you have damage for scorpians, Pyromancers, Furies and maybe even Fire Giants.
You can engage teamfights right after your support does, as you aren't the tankiest of all solo-laners. Diving mages/carries in sieges is very easy for you though because you have high damage close up and can keep them at you with your slows/taunt.
Your route usually is: Yellow -> 3 harphies -> Midlane for 1 wave -> Duo-side neutral harphies -> Duo-lane. If the enemy mid-laner tries to steal the harphys turtle-root-combo him with your mid-laner for an early kill.
Due to your fast clear deep rotations and invades are possible. Once you get your third carries and mid-laners are easy prey.
Priotize objectives over teamfights if the enemies have good wards and group. You can even split-push due to your high aa-damage.
Engage teamfights late and dive mages/carries because you have high damage close up and can keep them at you with your slows/taunt. Splitpushing still is considerable prior to farming. Don't let your team 4v5 them though.
I will try to update this guide and react to your feedback.
I really enjoy the turtle-rat-man and i hope you too ^_^
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