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Everything the light touches is our kingdom - Anhur the Lion King guide

15 0 22,679
by Kraziub updated June 4, 2013

Smite God: Anhur

Build Guide Discussion 8 More Guides
Choose a Build: AD Carry
AD Carry Tryhard
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Anhur Build


Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Early through mid game

Build Item Devourer's Gauntlet Devourer's Gauntlet
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer

Sell Your Death's Toll + Situationals

Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Voidblade Voidblade


Build Item Aegis Amulet (Old) Aegis Amulet (Old)
Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings

Actives to avoid

Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Heavenly Agility Heavenly Agility
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Anhur's Skill Order

Shifting Sands

1 X Y
Shifting Sands
2 8 11 12 14


2 A B
1 4 6 7 10


3 B A
3 15 16 18 19

Desert Fury

4 Y X
Desert Fury
5 9 13 17 20
Shifting Sands
2 8 11 12 14

Shifting Sands

1 X
Anhur erects an obelisk from the ground, blocking all player movement. The surrounding sands Slow enemies and increase the damage of Anhur's Basic Attacks against targets in the sands.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff
Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%
Damage Buff: 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20%
Lifetime: 7s
Range/Radius: 70/30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s
1 4 6 7 10


2 A
Anhur hurls his spear with great might. If the spear hits a god, they take damage and are knocked back. Gods knocked back into a wall are Stunned. Enemies hit by the pushed god take damage. The spear passes through minions, doing damage to them as well.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 105 / 170 / 235 / 300 / 365 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Stun Duration: 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5s
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
3 15 16 18 19


3 B
Anhur leaps to his ground target location, doing damage and knocking back all enemies in the radius where he lands.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+60% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 55/15
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
Desert Fury
5 9 13 17 20

Desert Fury

4 Y
Summoning the fury of the desert, Anhur hunkers down and throws empowered spears that pass through everything, doing damage to all enemies in their path. He is immune to Crowd Control for the duration.

Ability Type: Line, Damage
Damage Per Spear: 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 / 165 (+30% of your Physical Power)
Spears Thrown: 8
Cost: 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120
Cooldown: 90s


Hello people of Smite. Welcome to the lion's den. Anhur is an AD Physical Carry. Very capable at dealing damage and escaping. In the right hands Anhur is a force to be reckoned with and will screw you over.

Pros / Cons

+ Strong the entire game
+ High damage potential
+ Great at ganking
+ Great at escaping
+ Has hard CC
+ Great team fight
- Squishy
- Easily focused
- Main attack is skillshot
- If not farmed has a hard time helping the team

As a ranged physical carry Anhur tends to float at the back of the lane during the early game gathering farm. If this farm succeeds then he will be able to dish out massive damage, however without that farm he will quickly fall off and not be much of help. It is important to float at the back of the lane during the laning phase.


Absolutely fabulous.

Anhur's spear attacks reduce the enemy targets physical power by 15% for 3 seconds.

One of the many reasons Anhur is so feared. When you're laning against an AD carry your impale or basic attack will lower their physical attack, effectively slowing them from clearing the wave and knocking down your HP. This passive makes Anhur a good counter to many AD carries of the current meta.

Shifting Sands

Anhur erects an obelisk from the ground, blocking all player movement. The surrounding sands slow enemies and increase the damage of Anhur's basic attacks against targets in the sands.

Slow: 15/20/25/30/35%

Damage Buff: 4/8/12/16/20%

This is your second move to use while attempting to escape from someone. If you have blue buff you can spam this skill during the laning phase to get extra damage on the minions. You can also use the wall part of the obelisk to block someone in the jungle. The aiming is a bit tricky, but if you get it right it'll be deadly. This can also be combined with Impale to slam them into the obelisk and throw out Desert Fury to land all your hits.


Anhur hurls his spear with great might. If the spear hits a god, they take damage and are knocked back. Gods knocked back into a wall are stunned. The spear passes through minions, doing damage to them as well.

Damage: 90/155/220/285/350 (+80% of your physical power)

Stun Duration: 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds

This is Anhur's bread and butter skill. If you can land this skillshot consistently you will score many kills. Due to this skill passing through minions you can use it to clear out an entire wave. At max level it will one shot the ranged minions. This is your third skill to escape after Disperse and Shifting Sands. If an enemy gets too close for comfort you can just Impale them away.


Anhur leaps to his ground target location, doing damage and knocking back all enemies in the radius where he lands.

Damage: 50/90/130/170/210 (+50% of your physical power)

Your standard jump. However at the end their is a knockup. This knock up should give you enough time to Impale an enemy as soon as you land. If near a wall you can then pop Desert Fury to secure a kill. However you shouldn't use it this way often. Only use it offensively if you're very far ahead. You should use it defensively to jump away. This is the first skill to use while escaping.

Desert Fury

Summoning the fury of the desert, Anhur hunkers down and throws empowered spears that pass through everything, doing damage to all enemies in their path. He is immune to crowd control for the duration.

Damage per Spear: 75/95/115/135/155 (+15% of your physical power)

This. This is what will set up a ton of kill. It can go through walls meaning you can kill someone while inside a buff camp, you can attack someone while they're entering lane through the jungle without them seeing you. The range is also long enough to let you kill someone within tower range without going too far in. You can also pop this in the middle of a team fight to deal massive damage to the opponents. This also makes you CC immune so you're free to leave something like Pillar of Agony if your jump is down.


During the items section I will explain what each item does and why you should get it, and when to get them. Be sure to look at the gamestate to be able to tell what is going on.

Death's Toll is the only starter item that Anhur can use effectively. It is a godsend in the early game and practically useless in the late game. Be sure to sell it once you finish your Deathbringer or devourer's gloves. This item will open up early game sustain and will allow you to stay in lane longer and in turn getting more farm.

Warrior Tabi is a must have for an AD god. This gives you the precious movement speed you need to gank other lanes and escape from other gods or catch up to them. Get them ASAP.
devourer's gloves

Oh devourer's gloves. This item gives you amazing lifesteal and very high physical power once it gets farmed up. No reason not to get it.

This item is a must for all AD physical gods. Using this item Anhur, can kill gods fast with his basics as well as adding penetration.

Crits! Crits are an important part of your DPS, so why not boost them even higher? This is a must have for any AD carry.

At this point your death's toll should be gone. Get this if your enemy team has a lot of tanky gods and you just need a little more "oomph".

More crits~! This allows the Deathbringer to further increase your damage. Get this if very ahead of even match.

Not nearly as useful on Anhur as on melee physical gods. Then aura isn't applied since you're usually far away. Only get when very behind.


Actives to grab


Aegis Amulet: Anhur is easily focused during the lategame. Grabbing an Aegis amulet can help you defend yourself and wait out the cooldown on your jump.
Purification Beads: CC is Anhur's worst enemy. Anhur is incredibly mobile, taking that away leaves a squishy god ready to be eaten.
sprint: Anhur already has great mobility. Sprint will allow him to have more mobility helping to chase and escape.

Actives to avoid


Hand of the Gods: Anhur is not a jungler or a support tank. Leave this to those who can use it best.
meditation: Anhur isn't too mana hungry except for the start. You can easily just grab blue buff or use your death's toll. Meditation has no use on Anhur.
blink: Anhur should always be in combat. He doesn't need to be close to the enemy in order to fight them so blink is useless. You also already have insanely high mobility. Sprint is just better for the 3rd rank ability to basic and not be slowed. Sorry blink.
Heavenly Agility: Creeping curse is better.


Intro WIP

Early Game

In the mid lane

In a side lane

Mid Game

In the mid lane

In a side lane

Late Game

In the mid lane

In a side lane

Laning Partners

Time to burn!

Agni can function as a decent laning partner for Anhur. The stun+burst combo with Noxious Fumes and Rain Fire combined with Anhur's own Impale+ Shifting Sands combo make for an easy lane. Both are also excellent pushers with Impale and Flame Wave.

Warriors to battle!


Come, look into my eyes and gaze upon death itself

Anubis' Mummify will keep the opponent in place for Impale. Other than that they have very little synergy.

A mighty storm!

Both are very strong pushers and deal a lot of damage. You can Impale someone into his spirit tempest. You can also Impale someone into his tornadoes. Other than that you do not have much synergy other than very high push making an easy lane.

Time to find a soul mate.

Aphrodite is an AD carry's best friend. She gives you your much needed sustain before you grab your devourer's gloves and allows you to stay in lane longer grabbing more farm. However is their is a melee AD carry on your team Aphrodite should go to them.

Another performance!

Having 2 ranged AD carries in one lane is usually very bad. If you are forced to lane with Apollo the only synergy you have is combining Serenade into Impale.

Get over here!

Anhur with Arachne is a rather annoying combo for yourself. You could end up accidentally screwing your partner out of their kills if you're not careful because Impale stop Drain Life so make sure to time Impale to after Drain Life is done.

I have you now!

Ares is freaking awesome for Anhur. I ship Tank X Anhur. Seriously, that Shackles is so good for chasing with Anhur's already excellent chasing skills. His No Escape will set up a Desert Fury for a group or Impale-> Shifting Sands-> Desert Fury for a single target. SO GOOD.

Get out of this!

No. Don't even try it. Bad synergy. Only synergy is Calydonian Boar into Impale. Just please don't try it. PLEAAAAAASE.



What's the matter? Can't you hold your drinks?

Tank x Anhur <3. Bacchus sets up your plays with his Belly Flop giving you ANOTHER knock-up combined with Disperse. Use the knock up time from Belly Flop and stun time from Belch of the Gods to land your Impale. His Intoxicate makes the enemy movements predictable allowing you to land your skills. Do it

Got beef?

Ok combo. Usually done in the left lane. Bakasura goes jungling while Anhur goes and solos the lane for SUPER FARM. (Aka mid farm). When Bakasura ganks with Regurgitate stun the enemy with Impale and use Desert Fury to score a kill. A competent opponent usually won't fall for this though.

Who needs catnip when I have you?

No. Please just don't. They have NO synergy what-so-ever.

Love, find your mark!

Very little synergy. Cupid can heal Anhur and stun the enemy every now and then. But really this combo just isn't strong.

Time to hunt!

This is a good combo if you know how to do it. Wait for his Brutalize to finish then use Shifting Sands into Impale to score the kill most of the time. If Fenrir drops Ragnarok then wait for him to bring the treat and stand still. Drop your Shifting Sands and ready Impale. When they drop immediately use Impale into Desert Fury while Fenrir uses Brutalize for an easy kill.

To the skies!

No synergy. Please don't. Seriously don't.

I will not let you fall!

TANK X ANHUR. How much do I have to stress this? Guan Yu will give you amazing sustain combined with Death's Toll. He can stun and silence the enemy giving you time for Desert Fury and Impale. His taiyou assault will give you good poke making it easier to kill.

Sound the death knell, I arise.

Do I have to say it? Hades' Shroud of Darkness will give you more time to land Impale and Shifting Sands. His Death From Below and Devour Souls has amazing poke. Pillar of Agony into Desert Fury will cause major damage to gods without jumps or dashes.

Let the waters rise!

Meeeeeeeeeh. Not a good combo. Don't try it.

Light voice: Lets not hurt them too bad.
Dark voice: Lets make them scream!

This is a good combo. Hel gives you more sustain making you unkillable as long as you're cautious. Hel will deal a lot of damage and will slow down enemies for you so you can land an Impale. Hel is just so good at supporting Anhur.


Interesting combo. Get him to use his Earthbreaker into Driving Strike combo then use Impale to drive them back even farther into lane. Attempt to go for a kill. If he gets away just repeat this process.



Time to play.

Tag! You're it

That's far enough!

For Asgard!

Release the Kraken!

The sun has risen once again!

My blood runs cold.


To shatter mountains!


Start the fires!

When darkness falls, you won't be safe.

Ymir is here!

Let the heavens rain!


Time to burn!

Agni is an interesting match up against Anhur. You will most likely face off with Agni in the middle lane, meaning you won't have a partner. Agni will generally outharass you, and potentially outpush you. However you have more kill potential than him if you land the first blow. Playing against Agni means waiting for him to be out of position for a second then punish him by Impaleing him to a wall and burst him down.

Warriors to battle!

Oh mirror matches how we love thee. It all comes down to skill and positioning. Position yourself just far enough so that he cannot Impale you. Try to stay in the center of the lane so that he cannot Impale you to the sides if he gets too close. If he attempts to engage disengage with a Disperse or Impale him away. Outfarm him and try to obtain the advantage. It's all about the farm.

Come, look into my eyes and gaze upon death itself

This is an easy matchup for Anhur. Stay a close distance away so that he cannot Mummify you. If he attempts to use Plague of Locusts then Shifting Sands into Impale to show him who's in charge. If he manages to Mummify consistently buy Purification Beads into a Disperse or Impale. If he uses Death Gaze you can either Disperse away or follow up with Desert Fury.

A mighty storm!

Another match up likely to occur in the mid lane. Try to avoid standing on the sides of the lane or near the minions as that will be where the tornadoes will land. Just prepare to be outpushed. If he lands a tornado on you then jump out. You have a second before the mini tornado starts to form on you. Just try to push and farm, then go for a kill with Shifting Sands into Impale into Desert Fury. Then push. Rinse and repeat.

Time to find a soul mate.

Aphrodite. How annoying her birds are and how more annoying the heals are. Aphrodite is both an amazing laning partner and annoying enemy for Anhur. The main goal is to not stay in front of Aphrodite, but rather to her sides, so they she cannot land her Love Birds. When laning against her you will want to focus on her and not the partner. Focusing on her cuts off the laning partner's sustain and instant Aegis Amulet aka Undying Love.

Another performance!

Anhur is the superior AD range in this case. Stay away from Apollo to avoid his Serenade. You do much more damage than him so abuse this by going offensive when he comes up to you. However if he has Audacity active or he uses The Moves towards you use Disperse to get away unless you are 100% sure you can take him on. The main goal is to outfarm him in order to kill him. Both of you should have similar builds, so in the end whoever has more farm gets the win.

Get over here!

Arachne is an easy matchup for Anhur. The only problem you will face with her is her tangled web. The Broodlings are easily taken care of. Though Arachne will normally be jungling so make sure to place Ward and be cautious of Arachne. If you see Arachne coming out from the jungle be sure to get out of range of her Cocoon in time. In team fights Arachne will not help in the fight, just be wary of Cocoon.

I have you now!

Everyone's FAVORITE ultimate in the game. Be sure to pick up an Aegis Amulet or Purification Beads in the early game in order to fight against Ares. To be honest their is not much you can do. His Shackles will cripple you disabling your Disperse, so if you get shackled use your shifting sands and impale Ares away from you. Try to stay away from him.

Get out of this!

Artemis is an easy match up. She has very low movement speed and no escape. Simply use an imaple combo and she is pretty much done for. You might want to get Purification Beads for her Calydonian Boar though. Be wary of Transgressor's Fate.



What's the matter? Can't you hold your drinks?

Bacchus is one frustrating annoyance. His Belly Flop and Belch of the Gods. His ultimate, Intoxicate, will make it incredibly hard to his your Impale and Desert Fury. Wait for all his skills to be on cooldown then finish him off or harass him.

Got beef?

Bakasura. Easy easy matchup. He will be jungling a lot so place wards to know his position. If he uses Regurgitate simply Impale him away. Bakasura is incredibly squishy so follow up Impale with either Shifting Sands and basics or Desert Fury.

Who needs catnip when I have you?

Bastet is also another easy match up for Anhur. The only annoying part will be the early game cat call. If Bastet uses Pounce on you simply Impale her away. Bastet is so squishy so she will be easy to burst down. Just kite and she will easily fall.

Love, find your mark!

Cupid is an...interesting match up. You cannot poke Cupid to death. You must burst him down in one giant attack with Shifting Sands, Impale and Desert Fury. If you don't his Share The Love will heal him right back where you started wasting your mana. His Fields Of Love will cripple you so watch out for that.

Time to hunt!

Fenrir is both a frustrating and easy match up. He has very good chasing skills between his Unchained, Brutalize and Ragnarok. He will most likely catch up to you and do damage. The trick is to wait for him to start his Brutalize then immediately use Disperse to cancel it. Same thing with his Ragnarok. When he puts you down instantly jump towards your base. Once you've gained much needed distance Impale him into a wall and Desert Fury.

To the skies!

Freya is an interesting god to play against. When Freya uses her Irradiate+ Pulse combo Impale her away before she can do major damage. If Impale is down then use Disperse. The goal is to not be hit by her Banish. The only thing to do against Freya is to catch her off guard and use your Impale combo to score a kill.

I will not let you fall!

Guan Yu is not fun to play against. His Tranquil Gift will make it hard to poke him down. His tankiness makes it hard to burst him down. His Warrior's Will just does a ton of damage. Be sure to Impale him away before he can use Warrior's Will. His Taolu Assault makes him immune to your Impale so Disperse away from him while he does this. When he uses Tactician's Advantage use an Aegis Amulet or Disperse away before you get silenced and stunned.

Sound the death knell, I arise.

Hades is actually a surprisingly easy match up. When he uses Death From Below use your impale before he uses Devour Souls or Shroud of Darkness. This will get off good poke, waste his mana and puts his jump of cooldown. When Hades uses Pillar of Agony use Disperse to get out. If Disperse is down use Desert Fury for the CC immunity if you really need it.

Let the waters rise!

He Bo is another easy match up. Incredibly squishy and easily chased by Anhur. Avoid standing directly in front of him to avoid his Water Cannon. If he runs towards you with his flood waters jump behind him and impale him into your minions or a jungle wall then pop Shifting Sands or Desert Fury for a kill.

Light voice: "Lets not hurt them too bad."
Dark voice: "Lets make them scream!"

Hel is an easy match up like most squishies. Hel cannot do much. When she is within range for her 1 or 3 she is easily impaled away. Just constantly Impale her away and Disperse if Impale is down. When she is stunned pop your Desert Fury.


Ugh hercules. As soon as he uses Earthbreaker Disperse back into position to avoid being hit by Driving Strike. His Mitigate Wounds will stop your pokes. Burst him down before that happens. Move in zig zags to avoid Excavate


Isis is an awkward match up. Her Dispel Magic does next to nothing to you. Her Wing Gust is easily countered by Impale. Her Spirit Ball will keep you in a tough spot and Circle Of Protection will disable half the lane to walk in. Stay a safe distance.


Kali is generally an easy match up. If she gets close use your Impale to avoid the blood lash. If she uses Frenzy then Disperse away. Keep her a safe distance or regret it.

Time to play.

Mr. Surprise! Listen for Loki's Vanish and aimed strike. If you hear either of these immediately Disperse away. If he manages to catch up to you Impale him away. If he is stunned to a wall pop your Desert Fury for the kill.

Tag! You're it

Keep.At.A.Safe.Distance. If he manages to land an Armillary Sash follow up with a Disperse away from him. Ne Zha does a lot of damage and will screw you up. Deal with Ne zha like any other melee carry. Impale combo and kite them.

That's far enough!

This is a rather even match up. Both of you both have skill shots that inflict CC and jumps. Both are viable AD carries, and both of you have your own niches. The key is waiting for Neith to get out of position, then do an Impale combo. Try to avoid Spirit Arrow.

For Asgard!

Odin is an interesting match up. Make sure to save your Disperse so you don't get stuck in Ring of Spears. If he attempts to use Gungnir's Might or Odin's Shout immediately Impale him away from you. If he uses Lunge then follow up with a Disperse away. Lunge is usually followed by Ring of Spears, so be careful.

Release the Kraken!

Poseidon is a match up that can happen in both the side lanes and the mid lane. Stay a safe distance away from your minions so you don't get caught in Whirlpool. Don't stand directly behind your melee minions or prepare to be hit by Tidal Surge. If he tries coming close to you immediately Impale him away. If a Poseidon tries coming near you he usually has activated Trident or is about to use release the kraken. If you hear him use his release the kraken; if you're fast enough you can use Disperse to get away before getting hit.

The sun has risen once again!

Ra is an interesting match up for Anhur. His Solar Blessing is easy to avoid if you keep a safe distance. The second he moves closer to you use your Impale to keep your distance. An advancing Ra usually means Divine Light or Celestial Beam. Always move in a zig zag pattern to avoid his Celestial Beam and Searing Pain

My blood runs cold.

Ack another tank. Sobek will ruin your position allowing his laning partner to destroy you. Stay a safe distance away from Sobek. If he advances Impale. Just keep your distances and you should be fine. If he does manage to land his Charge Prey immediately use Disperse back into position.


Monkey is an easy opponent for Anhur. You can impale him in the middle of his Overhand Smash. His furious monkey is easily countered by staying a distance away from your minions and laning partner. If he uses his Somersault then Disperse away to keep your distance. Just be careful of year of the monkey.

To shatter mountains!

Thor is a matchup that can get very annoying very quickly. During his Berserker Barrage he is immune to Impale so use Disperse to get away. His Mjolnir's Attunement will hurt badly if he lands the front and back swing. Move in a zig zag as if you're avoiding Ra's skills to prevent this. His Tectonic Rift will end up stunning you if you're not careful. To prevent this make sure you're not standing directly in front of Thor. His Anvil of Dawn is easy to dodge. Listen for the sound when he goes down, then immediately Disperse away into an Impale if still within range.


Ok Mr.Koolaid man. Vamana's Clear The Path is incredibly easy to dodge. The worst mistake you can make is to jump forwards. This idea is to jump behind him while he uses Clear The Path. When you Disperse behind him he cannot turn around and he must cancel it. When he gets within range of any of his other skills just Impale him away. If he uses Sleeping Giant just run.

Start the fires!

Vulcan,oh so incredibly under designed. Just keep distance from his Inferno Cannon and thumper xvi. Let the minions take the hits then focus them down. If he's within range for Backfire use Impale. He goes backwards either way, but this time he takes damage,not you c:. If he uses volcanic overdrive just Disperse away. Not worth it to take the damage.

When darkness falls, you won't be safe.

Xbalanque is a derpy match up. When he uses Branching Bola just move in zig zags to avoid them and waste his minions while hiding behind multiple minions. If he uses his Poison Darts then follow him with Impale to stop the Rising Jaguar. If he manages to use Rising Jaguar use your Impale on where he would be on the ground. It'll knock him away anyways. During his Darkest of Nights just keep moving until the last second or risk behind ganked.

Ymir is here!

Ymir is annoying as hell. If he uses Ice Wall Disperse through it. Impale him away. An advancing Ymir usually means a follow up Frost Breath which will be followed by Glacial Strike. If Ymir uses blink immediately Disperse away. Stay a distance away.

Let the heavens rain!

You read this far? *clap clap*. Zeus is an easy match up. If he's within basic range immediately use your Impale so you don't collect charges. Stay a safe distance away from your laning partner/minions to avoid the Chain Lightning. If he uses lighting storm either walk out and impale Zeus into a Desert Fury. Or Disperse out and do the same.


Made guide
Added match ups against Anhur up to Fenrir.
Added Freya to Hercules
Added Isis to Neith
Reformatted items
Finished matchups
Added new chapters to be completed
Started laning partners
Added laning partners up to hercules


Remember this is a work in progress. I intend to make a section dedicated to matchups and how to play Anhur during the stages of the game.

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the kalloos | August 14, 2013 1:18pm
Great build I usse it all the time with Anhur and today i got his legendary skin so I can honestly say it's quite effective.
Hawks282 | June 20, 2013 11:21pm
Great Guide would love if you finish it!
Kraziub (2) | June 9, 2013 1:59pm
Guys kinda busy atm.
Will finish as soon as I can
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (47) | June 4, 2013 11:35am
Guide review!
Your level (30) is the right level to write a guide and I'm happy you read a guide on making a guide
- Great use of coding, icons and banners
- Good detail
- Good item build
- Really the only one I can see is that it's WIP :(
- Just finish it and you got a masterpiece
Final verdict is... 8.5! this is a very great and possibly the next leading Anhur guide, but you have to finish it first
Kraziub (2) | June 3, 2013 6:28pm
Thanks for the comments/upvotes
I just finished the match ups section
Will do the laning partners section tommorow and hopefully gameplay after that.
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (47) | June 3, 2013 10:05am
Really good guide, it looks fantastic and has a lot of work put into it ;)
Keep it up
Order144 | June 3, 2013 7:40am
Great guide. I like the break down you give of how anhur plays against other gods. More guides should have this :) thank you
JararoNatsu (51) | June 2, 2013 7:07pm
Great start for the guide, love the work you've put into it.

Keep up ze good work. An upvote from me with the assumption that there will be more to come for this guide.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kraziub
Everything the light touches is our kingdom - Anhur the Lion King guide
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