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Fafnir Support Build/Guide Season 7

6 9 15,040
by BigUnit0103 updated September 3, 2020

Smite God: Fafnir

Build Guide Discussion 7 More Guides
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Fafnir Build


Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Core Build Order

Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Hide of the Urchin Hide of the Urchin
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff

Swap Pestilence/Warlock Staff If Needed

Notes If there is no need for Pestilence anti-heal, use Oni Hunters Garb since you'll get good use from it's passive and more stats
If you want more health instead of damage use the Stone of Gaia as it has more health and great HPS instead of Warlock Staff
Sledge is good if you want more protection from it's passive, health, and CC instead of Warlocks Staff. I don't suggest but is good for more of a tank approach.


If there is no need for Pestilence anti-heal, use Oni Hunters Garb since you'll get good use from it's passive and more stats
If you want more health instead of damage use the Stone of Gaia as it has more health and great HPS instead of Warlock Staff
Sledge is good if you want more protection from it's passive, health, and CC instead of Warlocks Staff. I don't suggest but is good for more of a tank approach.

Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item The Sledge The Sledge

Fafnir Threats

Tap each threat level to view Fafnir’s threats



Fafnir is a very good tank/support he can get extra gold in the support lane while boosting allies and heal/bonus damage to himself, and able to tank better from his passive early in the game. He has 1 stun and 2 in alt which is great for team fights and able to really be useful in team fights. Also is a dwarf that turns into a dragon which is sick.

Pros / Cons

High Protection
Great escape
Good Early Game for Tanking and Gold
Decent lane Clear
Great in Team Fights
Alt great for stuns, boosts, attack speed for the team with good damage for you
Decent in Mana Usage
In alt, Good Structure DPS

Only Good as a Tank Build (Not really Flexible)
Bad Cooldown Early-Mid game
Low Damage while not in alt
Rellies on teammates

Ealry/Mid/Late Game Playstyle

Early Game:
Fafnir has a stronger early game compared to some other supports as he gets 2 gold extra per minion assists or kills. Pair this with Guardians Blessing for an extra 3 gold for assists. While saving all the gold he has, Fafnir gains protection the more gold he gets (caps at 1000 gold). This makes him able to tank a little more compared to other supports earlier in the game and throughout the game. With these, you can buy items quicker and stay longer in the lane. And as every support/carry, steal their camps when you can and light jungle. The big problem with Fafnir is his cooldown reduction is hot garbage like Amy Schumer's jokes. With this, play more passive and do a hit and run technique as Fafnir and let your carry melt minions. Try lining up your 1 to hit minions and the enemy gods to get the most of your ability as the damage is good with a good area effect. Use your 3 to get some chip damage and a quick silence in. Use your 2 once and a while for your ally to have a quicker add clear and a quick heal. Fafnir isn't really mana hungry since his cooldown is so bad like Hellen Keller teaching me colors. Use meditation and buy pots every run if you're worried about mana till you get the Breastplate of Valour. The most important part of this playstyle is just gaining the gold advantage over your enemy to progress to the late game. If the enemies are low, use your 2 on your ally, 3 to jump in, 1 to stun, then turn into a dragon with your alt which your immune to damage and able to poison the enemy. After using that, use your 3 to stun and silence, 1 for another stun, 3 to boost your ally and yourself for a heal, and hold your attack button to breathe constant fire on them. This is your best bet for getting kills in your lane. Remember in your alt that know when you turn back to a dwarf because you can be damaged during that stage of transformation

Mid Game:
Similar to your early game, you're just getting as much gold as you can get to be super useful in team fights. With the build above, you have a great amount of protection once you get Pestilence (or Onis Hunter Garb depending on the game). You're probably going to get into some team fights and as Fafnir, constantly boosts your team especially in dragon form as this can affect multiple people. Try to stun as much as you can for your team to come in for the kill and turn into a dragon in the fight to poison all of them and boost all your attacks. If no team fights, rotate back to your lane or others that need help and get on the gold grind. Light jungle when you can for extra gold/XP. Once you get Chronos Pendant, you can start smashing out attacks way faster and start being even better in team fights. Try to always stay next to teammates unless you're doing some solo farming. Always go to Gold Furys and Promancers as you're going to be the biggest shield for your team. NEVER be alone when seeing an enemy or be too deep as he doesn't have the power to 1v1 or hold off enough to get them low. Instead, stun and jump away and find an adult aka your teammates.

Late Game:
This and early game are his biggest strengths as you would be able to have high defense and good health to be able to tank really hard. In team fights, if possible, target mages and carries and stun them for your team to absolutely melt them. If possible, use your alt in the group and stun them for your team to finish them. Fafnir really set up your team for kills and is a big meat wall. If having the regular build, you'll be doing some good damage in dragon form and able to be an all-around great god for your team. Remember, your boosts help so much as you would be able to do some good damage to them. Still don't be alone as you to vulnerable to others especially carries and assassins.


I've been using this build I made and I still even get kills with him and really become a great tank/support. Your most important part is your early game to snowball and becomes very very tankie for your team. Also, it's really satisfying throwing a hammer at someone and running away and just being a ****.

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Kriega1 (143) | September 3, 2020 9:10am
Chronos’ and Breastplate in the same build. You hate to see it.
BigUnit0103 | September 3, 2020 3:17pm
Lmao. Whipping hammers quick time
Gulfwulf (81) | September 3, 2020 4:16am
First and foremost, The Sledge cannot be built on a magical damage character, so it should be removed posthaste.
  • While Chronos' Pendant does provide very good CDR, you're capping out with both it and Breastplate of Valor, plus there are better items that also provide CDR, but have more utility like Spirit Robe and Mantle of Discord. Also, the Potion of Power provides 10% CDR, so there's no reason to go over 30% via items.
  • Warlock's Staff isn't a very good item on support because you're not supposed to be last-hitting minions whenever possible, which means the only way to get it stacked in a timely manner is to steal farm from your teammates. Besides, there are better items with health like Void Stone, which also provides magical protections and protection reduction.
  • Hide of the Urchin is built way too late to be of any real use, you're better off with Mantle in that spot because it's an instant 60 protections without needing to be stacked first.
  • Ethereal Staff should be listed as either core or an option because of its passive and other stats. Sure it has less power than Chronos', but it'll keep you alive longer and is a great item for in your face bruisers like Fafnir.
  • Stone of Binding is also another fantastic bruiser item because of its debuff when applying CC, which Fafnir has 4 ways of doing.
  • The start should typically be: Guardian's Blessing, Shoes, Hand of the Gods (for purple buff camp clear), and 2x Healing Potions. You should also start with Cursed Strength to help with CC and wave clear.
Big Damage (37) | September 3, 2020 10:15pm
Just to expand on your point about CDR items, Shogun's Kusari, Relic Dagger and Pridwen are all useful on him and can help him reach that 30% CDR spot.

Pridwen is also great for if your ultimate runs out in teamfight when you're a sitting duck.
Gulfwulf (81) | September 3, 2020 10:51pm
I thought Prid wasn't a good item on him.
BigUnit0103 | September 3, 2020 3:09pm
I put in Ethereal Staff and took out sledge I don't know why I thought Sledge was magic my bad lol

The Stone of Binding is good for Fafnir, but I personally do not like the items passive as it isn't very good. 10 protection debuff isn't all that crazy good in my opinion. If you want to, you could switch it for Mantle.

The hide of Urchin I believe is a decent item to have it in the mid-game as those are where most team fights are and a couple of kills can be grabbed from there. I can't use mantle as the CDR will be over the cap. Plus, Buying a Breastplate helps so much early and throughout the game cause of it's CDR and protection. There is now really room to have Mantle earlier, but I believe you can still be used at that time tho. You could switch it for Binding if you would like.

Chronos Pendants passive I think is so good for Fafnir as it lets him dish out more abilities faster
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 3, 2020 5:51pm
Against squishy gods, 10 protection reduction is quite significant. You're giving the flat pen equivalent of Divine or the Spears to teammates attacking the affected target...and on the physical side, equivalent or a bit short of the mace tree, for example. 10 pen isn't huge, but against a squishy god, that's a few % increase in damage output. Many people underestimate pen.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BigUnit0103
Fafnir Support Build/Guide Season 7
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