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For Conquest I would start off with the following items. Hand of the Gods to help clear the purple camp then straight to lane. The multi Potions allow you to sustain in lane and stay longer in the fights.
This is how I would start all my builds off.
This is just my preferred skill order, you can play around and decide yourself which skill order you choose.
Hey Hey,
First time posting on here so please be kind :P. My name is TheNewbClub (or you can call me Newb) and this is my guide to Ganesha in the Support role in Conquest. This guide is aimed at new players, casual conquest players and Bronze, Silver and Gold Ranked Conquest Players.
I am not a pro player, never have been and never will be, but I love Smite and wanted to share my guide in the hopes that one person finds it useful. If anyone has any feedback or suggestions to alter my guide, then please feel free to comment and let me know :)
Let's crack on!
*In my YouTube video I realise that I pronounce Ganesha name incorrectly! I do apologise for this :P*
I love
I think he is a really fun God to play and I would class him as the only 'true' support God in the game (in regards to his passive which I mention below).
Ganesha has such a good kit of abilities that allow him to CC the enemy with Ohm root and knock up the enemy with
Remove Obstacles and an Ultimate that can turn a Team-Fight or Lock down an Objective with
Dharmic Pillars.
I personally Play Ganesha quite aggressively, with the aim of getting my teams kills as often as possible. His potential to lock down the enemy long enough for your team to pick up the kill is so useful.
Good Fortune
Any time Ganesha deals a killing blow, the nearest Friendly God receives credit for the kill and Ganesha receives the rewards for an assist instead. In addition, his assist range is increased by 20 and the time before he loses his assist credit is increased by 5s.
I love this passive!
As a support you will sometimes get blamed for 'taking kills' from your allies. With this passive it is impossible to steal kills when near allies, as Ganesha will always grant any kill he gets to his allies, thus making him a true support guardian.
This passive also works on minions, so do not be afraid early game to attack the minions as you will gift the kill to your Hunter. So don't worry about last hitting minions!
So do not be afraid when you are in a team-fight to go for the kills when possible, or to attack the minion waves!
Turn of Fate
Ganesha curses his Enemies with his considerable willpower, damaging them. For each Enemy he hits (up to a maximum of 5), all Allied Gods within 55 units of Ganesha gain bonus Damage.
This is great for helping to clear lane with your Hunter early game. You can put a lot of pressure on with this ability, especially if you manage to land the ability on both enemy God's, that will give you 4% damage increase (which is nice damage early game).
Always make sure you use this ability on the wave first before your hunter clears, this will again give them more damage to help clear the wave.
If used correctly this ability combined with your Hunter should allow you to put pressure on the enemy duo, allowing you to dictate when and how to fight.
Ganesha begins chanting and rises into the lotus position, where he is slowed slightly but may travel freely in all directions. While chanting, he silences Enemy gods in a cone in front of him, increasing Physical and Magical Protections for all nearby Allied Gods.
This is a really good ability as it allows you to place a silence on the enemy whilst gaining protections on yourself/your allies. The silence itself stops abilities from being used and is therefore especially useful against enemy supports and mages. Additionally you can use this ability to stop enemies from channelling abilities, so you can interrupt them mid cast, again very useful! In the duo lane it is very effective against the enemy support as it allows you to stop them using any abilities that may lock-down and CC your hunter.
Just do bare in mind that when using this ability you move at a slower pace.
This ability should be used alongside your team-mates. Try and set up a team-fight and co-ordinate this ability with your allies, so you can lock-down the enemy and kill them before the silence ends.
Remove Obstacles
Ganesha charges forward, hooking an enemy with his goad, holding them in place and damaging the enemy before knocking them up. While dashing, Ganesha passes through player-made deployables.
This ability can be used as an offensive ability (allowing you to engage on the enemy, set up a team fight or set up a kill) or it can be used defensively (allowing you to escape from the enemy and allowing you to stop enemies from chasing your allies). In addition this ability can also be used to secure kills if they enemy is just out of range of your allies, but close enough for you to pick up the kill and proc the passive.
Additionally, this ability allows you to go through obstacles such as Odin Ultimate and
If you combine 'Remove Obstacles with OHM' you have great potential with your team to engage on the enemy, root them, knock them up, silence them and kill them!
Dharmic Pillars
Ganesha summons the Four Great Pillars of Righteousness to imprison his Enemies. Between each pair of pillars a magical field is created, and Enemies who pass through the field take Damage, are Slowed, and have their Protections reduced for 3s.
The first tick of this damage does an additional 60%, and Enemy Minions and Jungle Monsters take 40% of this Damage.
This ultimate is great for a number of reasons. It can be used to secure objectives such as Fire Giant. You can use it either on the Fire Giant itself to do great damage, or use it on the enemy around the Fire Giant, Slowing, damaging and all round annoying them, allowing your team to pick up kills.
You can use it defensively to escape from pursuing enemies. If you need to retreat, you can drop this ultimate to stop enemies pursuing you. The Ultimate can also be used to zone out enemies from team-fights, allowing you to separate the enemy God's from each other allowing your team to pick off those who are out of position.
If you have other God's in your team who have great AOE Ultimates such as Hou Yi or
Scylla you can trap enemies inside your ultimate, allowing your team to pop their ultimates causing massive damage!
This ability is also great for controlling the jungle and allowing your team to set up traps for the enemy. You can lure them in to the jungle, then once they are all nice and compact, pop this ability, along side your other abilities and watch as your team pick up the kills and the win!
One thing to be mindful of is that enemies can stand inside your ultimate and do not take damage, they only take damage if they walk through the walls. If they stand still in the middle, make them pay! :P.
This is some example combos I would use if I was going to lock down the enemy with the aim of my team picking up the kill.
I would first of all engage with either Remove Obstacles or Blink then
Remove Obstacles. This allows me to Root and then Knock-up the enemy. As soon as
Remove Obstacles has finished I would go straight in to
Ohm to begin silencing the enemy and prevent them from using any abilities or relics they have at their disposal. At this point your team should be with you and picking up the kill.
You could engage with Blink then pop your Ultimate Dharmic Pillars with the aim of using
Remove Obstacles whilst the enemy is in one of your walls. This will do major damage and again allow your allies to pick up the kills.
There will be many times where you will need to peel for a fleeing ally, in that situation I would deploy the following combo.
I would channel Ohm on the enemy who is chasing, again stopping them from using any abilities that may give them damage or mobility that can be used on your ally. If they are still chasing after
Ohm has finished casting I can use
Remove Obstacles to lock down the chasing enemy. This will allow my teammate to get away from the pursuing enemy and either regroup with other allies or go back to base.
Once I felt sure that my ally was safe, I will most likely be the last person left, so now it is time for me to get out. I would either use Remove Obstacles to allow me to dash away, or use
Dharmic Pillars to stop the enemy from chasing me as they would have to go through my walls in order to chase, which will damage and slow them, giving me enough time to escape.
So to summarise.
Ganesha is a really fun God to play and I would recommend any new players, or casual players,to pick him up and give him a try. His kit allows you to disrupt the enemy and get easy kills for your team. Your team will also never blame you for taking kills as it is impossible!
You will only get better the more you play and practice, so get out there and slay some enemies!
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Also I wouldn’t say Sov vs Heartward necessarily comes down to the mid or duo lane damage types alone, I would say it also comes down to enemy team being front loaded more towards physical or magical damage, in particular the god’s on the enemy team that are diving.
Welcome to the site, and good job with your vid overall. The main build you showed has both
I know you're probably keeping it simple with Relic / Spirit / Mantle in every build, but would like to see a bit more variance. Although it seems to be quite meta right now, Spirit + Mantle is something I personally don't build as a combo that much. There are so many other items out there with different utility that I often will skip Mantle for other options.
Although I think
I think you need a bit more mention of
Just to make sure you know, when you make any changes to your guide and are ready for the world to see it, you need to hit "publish" again. Saving without publishing only shows changes for you.
Thanks for this amazing feedback dude! Much appreciated! I will take all this feedback and use it in my guide.
In regards to the video, I think I will delete and upload a new one as it is outdated and does not correspond with the guide.
Thank you
Cheers dude, that makes sense and I will update my guide to expand on those parts you mentioned.