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As of right now I have pretty much only played Geb in solo lane, so anything I can say about him in Duo and Jungle is pure speculation at the moment. I will play around in duo lane as him, and then in Jungle. I however cannot test ether right now because I currently do not have access to Smite and will not for the rest of the weekend. However when I do get back I am going to make Geb a priority so I can finish fleshing out this guild. Duo lane should not take long to cover, how ever Jungle is going to take some time because Geb jungle is a bit unorthodox and Nemesis is coming soon, and just by looking at her I am assuming she will be jungle, so that part will take the longest to cover, please be paitent and I hope the information I have now will be helpful to you!
Yes you are seeing a giant walking talking rock, and yes he has a new species of tiny birds flying around him. You are not hallucinating, you are looking at Geb. Geb is a simple god in both design and concept and very easy to play. What makes Geb stand out is how versatile he is,he can be played as support, solo, and if your are up for a high risk challenge; you can play him in the jungle. My goal with this guild is to take a look at all of these rolls and see how you can capitalize on all of them.
In my opinion, this is where Geb is best suited. As a solo lane pick, Geb is a very solid choice due to how hard he is to kill, and the fact that he is incredibly useful late game. How ever that is all Geb is, reliable. It is gurenteeded he will proove useful to the team, and he can hold towers very well. But it is very rare that you will be able to smash the enemy tower, and as Geb that is not really your job. Your main goal here is to stay alive and hold your lane until the late game, where you will be incredibly useful to your team. So lets get started on solo lane Geb
High Sustain
Almost Impossible To Gank
Magical AND Tanky
Strong Tower Diving
Is The King Of Disruption
Good Chaise
Strong Tower Defence
Physical gods have a hard time killing him
Strong Late Game
Very weak lane clear early game
Has Trouble Killing Gods Who Can Heal
Slow Tower Damage
BEHOLD! The kit with the most disruption in the game. The key word is disruption NOT CC! Geb's CC is very handy, but also very short, so its best use is to annoy your enemies.
Passive Hard As A Rock
Crits only do +25% damage to Geb, rather than the normal +100%.
This passive is a amazing one for any tank, and makes Geb a fantastic counter to any physical god, especially ADCs
One: Roll Out
Geb turns into a mass of rolling earth, dealing 100/175/250/325/400 (+50% of your magical power) damage and slowing enemies he encounters by 30% for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2s, stopping at the first god he hits. He increases speed as he travels, his damage scaling from 50% to maximum over 3s. Once at his top speed, Geb becomes CC immune, and will also knockback enemy gods.
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.
In General
This is one of the most versatile abilities in the game. There are so many uses for it, some being admittedly more useful than the other. Remember you can cancel it by right clicking.
In Solo Lane
This ability has a lot of uses. First off it is a fantastic escape and I think that goes without saying, and in solo lane that should be your main use of it (mainly for if you get ganked).
Offensively, you can use this to chase pretty much any enemy who is running, be wary though; if you hit the enemy at full charge you will knock them forward helping them escape in a way. (If this is about to happen remember that you can right click to cancel the ability.) This ability can also be used in initiation against your opponent if your jungiler is about to gank. They will be slowed making them easy prey, and the jungiler can catch up while you hold them down with your other abilities. Lastly this is a great tower diving tool. If you have no minions in their tower use your 3 on your self first, if you do have minions don't worry about the shield. If you miss the tower will not attack you, and if you hit than you should be able to finish them off with your ultimate and your 2. Lastly, you can use this when coming out of the jungle to knock the enemy farther down your lane. This is tricky, and I would be lying if I told you I know how to do it every time.
I do not recommend using this to clear the minion wave, for there are much better uses for it
Since you are using it for the CC, I recommend you max it out last.
In Duo Lane
This ability has some good uses in duo. Firstly it is your best GET OFF OF MY FRIEND tool, seeing as the slow aids in escape and the knock back should give your partner enough space to escape. Offensively you can use it to slow the enemy, or you can knock them into a wall to help your partner secure the kill.
Since you are using it for the CC; it is recommended that you max this out last.
In The Jungle
This ability is going to be your main method of transportation as you go from camp to camp. What makes it handy is that not only are you covering a lot of distance at a very short rate, but you are also damaging all of the minions inside the camps once you arrive softing them up. It is CRUCIAL to use the right click cancel when ever you get to the minions. Once you have hit all three, cancel the ability.
This ability also works great as a escape tool if you encounter the enemy jungiler in a unfavorable situation. Lastly, this will be how you start all of your ganks, landing ether a slow, or preferably a knock up into ether a wall or farther down the lane. As I play more jungle Geb I intend to figure out the best way to get the consistent knock back.
I recommend you max this out second to provide Geb with more damage options
Seconded Ability: Shock Wave
Geb creates a shock wave, which ripples out from him in a cone, causing 90/160/230/300/370 (+50% of your magical power) damage and knockup to all enemies. Enemies closer to Geb take full damage, enemies at the furthest edge take 50%.
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.
In General
A cone knock up with surprisingly decent damage? Yes please! This ability may be outclassed by other abilities, but it is still a good ability and should not be looked down on. Remember the closer you are the more damage it does, keep that in mind when ever using it.
In Solo Lane
This is your only way to clear the lane besides hand of the gods. Therefor it is important to save it for the minion wave. The only other times to use it are when you are positive that it will kill the enemy (or put them in a bad position) or to disrupt their lane clearing methods. A good example of this is Isis, who needs to use her full wing flaps to clear the wave. The problem with this ability is that the early ranks will not do enough damage to the minion wave. There for it is vital that you max this out first.
In Duo Lane
This ability exists to hold down your enemies while real pain comes there way. The damage is nice, but you are mainly using it for the CC (despite how short it is). You can also use this as a small annoyance to any one chasing your partner. If they have a leap or dash ready than it wont do much, but if not than you can create a little space between the two that is just wide enough to save your partner's life. Gem of Isolation is a fantastic item with this ability. I recommend you max it out second because the damage is much more consistent than that of Roll Out.
In The Jungle
This is your main method of camp clearing. After softening minions up with your Roll Out, you land this that should them in a low enough range for your basic attacks to clear out. Because of the low damage early level, it is a MUST to max this out first
3rd ability: Stone Shield
Geb targets himself or an ally to put a shield around. The shield blocks 0/50/100/150/200 (+18% of Geb's Max Health) damage and Knockback effects, and lasts 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s or until it takes enough damage to be destroyed. The Shield also cleanses any CC when applied.
Cost: 60 mana.
Cooldown: 18 seconds.
In General
Oh boy this ability. This ability is what makes Geb Geb. While it is no where near as OP as it was back when he was first released it is still very strong and is his best tool
WARNING While the shield is strong, its duration is relatively short. Keep that in mind when ever using it.
In Solo Lane
This has many uses here. First off you can use it to clear the minion wave while taking little to no damage. This can also be used to tower dive, and combining it with your Roll Out is your best option for that. If you get ganked your first action should be to drop this on your self, then escape with Roll Out. Lastly you can use this on your own jungiler to help them with their ganks, or to save them should the gank go wrong. OR you can use it to give them the wonderful gift of tower diving without a single care in the world.
While this ability is incredibly handy, it is not a necessity, therefor it should be maxed out second.
In Duo Lane
This ability is the main reason to pick Geb over other support tanks. With the shield your partner will simply not give a **** about the enemies incoming attacks nor their towers. This is also the best tool for saving your partner from ganks, or just being over whelmed by an offensive lane. ALWAYS prioritize your partner's life over your own, because you can still be useful to the team if you fall behind in level, while your partner most likely wont.
Because of this abilities amazing supporting power, i recommend that you max it out first.
In The Jungle
This ability makes the normally danger filled jungle a pretty safe place for our rock friend. A very frustrating ability in a one on one fight, and can be used for both combat and for escaping. This also adds a little support to Geb's ganks. Is a team mate low on health when you come around to gank? Throw this on them real quick to save their life.This does give away the fact that you are near by, but if you are quick enough it should not matter.
Because of how situational this ability is in the jungle, I recommend you max it out last.
Ultimate: CATACLYSM!!
Geb pulls apart the earth, dealing magical damage to all enemy gods based on 30/35/40/45/50% of their current health, and stunning them for 1/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8s.
Cost: 100 mana.
Cooldown: 90 seconds.
In General
Geb is a rather passive god, but a very powerful one. So when Geb wants to end a fight, HE ENDS IT! This ultimate is fantastic, and is relatively OP. If this ult just did percent damage, it would be good. But the fact that it stuns as well just makes it even better. This helps Geb bring a lot to the table in a team fight, and is best used at the beginning of the fight.You can ether blink into the enemy group, or roll into them. Once you have positioned your self, activate the ult when you have as many enemies in range as possible. You can also use the stun to save a team member if you really need to do it. Your priority target with this ability in all rolls is the enemy tank. NOTE THIS ONLY DOES DAMAGE TO ENEMY GODS
In Solo Lane
This ability should only be used in two cases.
A: You are ready to kill your enemy, if this is the case follow up with your Shock Wave.
B: You are overwhelmed and just need some breathing room. If this is the case, follow up with your Roll Out to get out of there
In Duo Lane
As with a team fight, this is a great initiation tool making the enemy (especially those pesky tanks) easy pickings for your partner. As with all of Geb's other abilities, this can be helpful when it comes to saving your partner. However only use it as a last resort!
In The Jungle
After rolling into an enemy, you can use this to insure a kill on who ever you are attack, you can also use it in an attempt to scare off an enemy jungiler.
Hand Of The Gods
A must have for Geb. Your Shock Wave is your only method of lane clear and when that can't do the job this will. It is solely because of this item that Geb can keep his tower early game.
When upgrading this item, rank it into Fist Of The Gods.
Teleport to towers-->
This is the best defensive solo lane item in my opinion as it will let you retreat and buy items without really losing any exp or tower health.
I like to rank this into Teleport To Gods[/color] because of Geb's fantastic team fight presence. Him coming out of no where can instantly turn the tides of battle. It also works great if you get weakened and you need to go back to base to heal. Once healed you can join the team fight again instantly, as if nothing has happened. Trust me, its worth the long cool down.
When to upgrade
I normally rank my actives up after I finish my second item, or my third item. Just look at your situation and figure out what you need.
Why you do not see Eye Of Providence
Geb is all ready hard to gank. He does not need the extra vision simply because he is so hard to kill
Why you do not see blink
This is a fantastic offensive item for Geb. But remember this guild is focusing on a more defensive Geb. Your chances to play offensive are going to be rare and because of this I just find Blink to be a waste of an active slot in solo lane.
Shoes Of Focus
Geb has a handy kit, but damn some of his coool downs are long. And this is why we get shoes of focus. Not only will this give you more sustain, but it will let you pop shields, and smash minions more often. You do not need penetration because your goal remember; is to survive. A must have for Geb
Mystical Mark
Because of Geb's passive, and the fact that almost all solo laners these days are pysical, this is going to insure that you pretty much never die, not to mention the fact that it lets you clean up minions that survived your Shock Wave. Also because of Geb's amazing team fight pressence and because he will always be in the middle of the action, the ticks really add up over time, espcially with all of your disruption.
Warlock's Ring VS Warlock's Sash
Ok,I know that Warlock's Sash is not a very common item, and for generally good reasons. And Warlock's ring is even rarer due to its inferiority in stacking. However I choose to get this because it is just perfect for Geb. Geb already has high HP, and this adds a lot of HP. (500 to be precise) and it gives you magical power just to sweeten the deal. Now I pick the Ring over the Sash because by the time you can afford this item, the laning phase is over and trust me with your constant team fight presence; you are never going to get a chance to build the stacks. This is why the ring is better, your still getting a lot of stacks while still doing your job. If you want full stacks on Geb, than get sash before you get mystical mark. The only time I can recommend this is if you are going up against a Magic solo lane.
Bulwark Of Hope
In all seriousness this item is fantastic on Geb. With this and your ring you are going to end up with above 4,000 health. People are never going to break your shields any more unless they throw everything at your shield. Speaking of shields the low health shield can give you that vital extra second to ether roll out, or protect yourself with a Stone Shield, making the enemy even more enraged.
Ethereal Staff
Did someone say health? Yea I like to build health on Geb, and this is why. All of that health is not only going to give you the strongest stone shields possible, but its going to make you pack a punch, allowing you to be the ultimate magical bruiser.
Rod of Tuhuti
I like to build this last because I feel by this point Geb is tanky enough, and this is the classic "I WANT MORE MAGICAL DAMAGE" item. One this is fully built you will be a terror to encounter. Not only are you going to be supporting your team, but your going to be hitting the enemy hard as well.
Witch Stone
Don't need that extra damage? Is your team losing team fights? Not a problem. This item is going to make you an even greater nuisance in team fights and i recommend picking this up if you are going up against a lot of physical gods, as well as gods like Zeus and Chronos.
Divine Ruin
This is only hear to deal with those pesky healers. Very situational.
Winged Wand
Dont you hate it in those old horror movies when they are running away from the monster/killer and they get in the car and it won't start up? This is pretty much the situation when going against Gods with slows as Geb. When slowed Geb's rock is going to be literally the slowest thing in the game, and you will be lucky if you can get the full momentum before your cut off. This fixes that. If anything it makes you impossible to pin down (unless of course they got CC)
Why you do not see Sovereignty
While this item may seem good for supporting the team, I would never put this on a solo laner because the aura does not stack and your tank 9 times out of 10 will normally have this item. Because of this it is a waste of an item and witch stone is a much better choice for supporting the team.
He Bo
He Bo is the epitome of magical burst. His damage will go right through your protection items, and can poke you from afar, His can easily escape you with his two, and his ult. AND his spells are lightning fast with almost instant cool downs. This means that you cannot disrupt his lain clear and he literally will not care at all about your shields.
How to beat him
He Bo is also a glass canon, and once you start getting your damage items, you should be able to kill him off pretty easily as long as he is not fed. What makes He Bo hard is his early game seeing as you wont be very strong. Once you have your damage he becomes much less of a threat
This is a very frustrating match up. Tyr can escape anything you have to offer and since your damage is realitivly low and he is realitivly tanky. You are not going to be able to burst him down. And because of this he is just going to Cleave all of his HP back and you will have achieved nothing.
How to beat him
You play Geb. Thats what makes this such an annoying match up. You can't do anything to him, but he can't do anything to you. First off your shield holds you to the ground making his CC worthless against you. Second off with mystical mark you can take anything he throws at you with ease. This is why I hate this match up. It is when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. The only way you are going to kill Tyr is with the help of a Jungiler.
Aphrodite has pretty much everything Tyr has, only she can beat you because she is magical. This is Geb's hardest match up in my opinion.
I honestly do not know how to beat her. I say this because I hardly see her in solo lane so I do not have much experience against her. All I can tell you is that it is a rough match up, and that you should consider building warlock's sash early in this situation.
Both Geb in Duo lane and In solo lane are going to pretty much play the same roll, and that is to bring everything they can to a teamfight by constantly being in the center of the action. Because of your stone shield you are a high priority target, and can body block a lot of incoming attacks.
"Many of these Gods were once my friends... Let us treat them... With honor!" -Geb at the start of a match
Very wise words coming from a rock of all things. Please remember that Smite is just a game and every one is there just to enjoy the game. So please be kind and respectful to other players, if any one is bugging you remember the mute button is a thing. So please if not for them, or for me, do it for Geb.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my guild. If you have any recommendations on how to improve the guild than please feel free to leave them in the comments, as well as any advice you feel like sharing on Geb. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and I hope you have fun with your new pet rock!
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its an easy mistake. the way you find out is that the damage type is *magical* not *true* same with qins.
So I got a chance to play today and tested shoes of the Magi with breastplate of valor for solo lane. And I was a little disappointed with the end result. I feel Geb needs CDR and he needs Mystical Mark and there is simply not room for both. However I will add Voidstone and possibly obsidian shard in the last item section in my next update. I have a question though, if it is not true damage, than does that mean you can get the ult to deal more than 50% with enough pen?
I would ask you to pick up shoes of magi and focused void stone.
The pen is needed on you ult so it can truly do 50% of their health. If you want cdr pick up breastplate of valor.
I have changed my mind and I will test these items, to see how they affect the overall build.
I would ask you to pick up shoes of magi and focused void stone.
The pen is needed on you ult so it can truly do 50% of their health. If you want cdr pick up breastplate of valor.
Divine ruin should only be picked up as a situational item. Polynomicon would be a better item.
Warlock's sash is the better item of the 2. If you are worried about stacking it build it as your first item.
Overall a decent guide. My tips would be that you should look at your items one
More time and you should add a few down side's to geb, for example when you explain how to use geb's one you did not talk about how easy it is to juke.
While I appreciate the suggestions I completely disagree with your build recommendations besides the removal of divine ruin. I see I am going to have to explain my specific item choices more. I did not know pen affected his ult, so many thanks there and I will take that into consideration when making the jungle and the duo lane build.
The pen is needed on you ult so it can truly do 50% of their health. If you want cdr pick up breastplate of valor.
Divine ruin should only be picked up as a situational item. Polynomicon would be a better item.
Warlock's sash is the better item of the 2. If you are worried about stacking it build it as your first item.
Overall a decent guide. My tips would be that you should look at your items one
More time and you should add a few down side's to geb, for example when you explain how to use geb's one you did not talk about how easy it is to juke.
I get the idea behind your premise, but I still feel warlock's sash is a greater pick. That's just personal taste, don't let it bother you. I make weird builds and deal with people asking "why do you do this, it's dumb." As long as you have a sane reason and it works, then stick with it.
Keep up the good work!
The guide seems pretty decent. This looks like a first-published guide, but compared to most first published-guides I can say it's in the top percent, quality-wise.
The guide is great! I love how you mentioned that he disrupts and doesn't CC. Not many players see the difference and make the mistake of stating he's an amazing CC'er in
You gave great detail on how to use
If you have any questions feel free to ask! I'm always available!
P.S. You're BBCode is decent, but could improve. Take a look here for some insight. I can help with BBCode too, if you need any.
Hey thank you so much for the feedback, it is exactly what I wanted. I do have a question . First off how do you have a little tiny picture of the item/god next to their name? I have been wanting to do that but have no idea how. Thanks for reminding me of pestilence it completely slipped my mind, and thanks for alerting me about all of the errors. I will take a second look through next time I get a chance. As for the difference between warlock ring and warlocks sash I see I have to explain it more in the guild. I pick the ring because by the time you can afford it the laning phase is over. You are constantly demanded to be in the team fight and so you don't really get time to build stacks. I say this purely through experience. Normally I get this item at around the 15 minute mark, and your average match lasts around 30 minutes allowing you to get use out of the stacks. I will add this in depth explanation to my next update for the guild.
The guide is great! I love how you mentioned that he disrupts and doesn't CC. Not many players see the difference and make the mistake of stating he's an amazing CC'er in
You gave great detail on how to use
If you have any questions feel free to ask! I'm always available!
P.S. You're BBCode is decent, but could improve. Take a look here for some insight. I can help with BBCode too, if you need any.