Shoes of Focus
In most gamemodes, like Joust for instance, you will not be able to start with a full Shoes of Focus. What you would do is buy some Magic Shoes, and when you come back after whatever you have been doing you would buy some Shoes of Focus.
(I choose Shoes of Focus for the movement speed so allies can't run away from me, but mostly for the Mana, Cooldown Reduction and Magical Power. Why wouldn't you?)
Buy meditation after or with Shoes of Focus' last finish. This will probably enable you to stay on the battlefield longer, healing your allies and keeping them alive. Complete this build whenever you like, I put it after Chronos' Pendant because I am assuming once you have that you'll have enough money to complete it.
(I buy Meditation because as a healer, you'll be using your Mana 24/7. It's even worse with Aphrodite when it takes her two moves to heal anybody, and she'll be retreating a lot early game. Meditation can prevent this if used correctly.)
Chronos' Pendant & Rod of Tahuti
Usually after Shoes of Focus I would buy my Chronos' Pendant, followed by Rod of Tahuti. However occasionally I might sell my Chronos' Pendant when I can afford the Rod of Tahuti by doing so, then buy Chronos' Pendant later.
(Cooldown Reduction is why I get my Pendant, and Rod of Tahuti, though recently nerfed, is a powerful item and will help your healing immensely.)
Lotus Crown
Okay, until recently I looked at this item, saw its stats and thought "I don't need no more protection"... But just LOOK at this things passive! It's obviously meant for team supportive healers like Aphrodite, and is pretty much a must-buy.
(I buy it for its passive and Magical Power, because any god being affected by my heals getting more protection is pretty neat, huh?)
Breastplate of Valor
Usually you may have to wait to finish Breastplate of Valor, but this shouldn't matter because at this point you should have greater Meditation, so combined with your healing, you still have great survivability. However the Breastplate of Valor, when complete, is a very powerful item and could be essential when there's a powerful ADC or general physical character on the enemy team, and is still useful outside of Defense anyways!
(I buy it mostly for its Cooldown Reduction, but Mana's a good plus. Its Physical Protection is also good, so if you're dying a lot it might help. Might...)
Ethereal Staff
Ethereal staff will help with keeping your mana, giving healings, and of course, giving you tons of more health. Or so it seems, but in reality it is giving less health and more power then first meets the eye, as its passive converts 2% of your health health into magical power. Useful item, to finish off a useful build!
I previously mentioned this item because I believe it to be most core for Aphrodite, read the previous mention.
Heavenly Agility
I generally do not use a second active, but Heavenly Agility is a good choice. Why not greater sprint? Because Heavenly Agility provides sprinting to everyone including you, so can't be that bad, and allows your teammates to escape or charge with you. But most importantly, it makes everyone affected by it's healing increased by 25%, so whatever situation you are escaping from, you can also heal from more easily. A very useful tool.
Aegis Pendant
Let's face it, your ultimate sometimes isn't enough when the entire enemy team is attacking you. Which they will be, because you're the healer. If the enemy team has a decent Loki, Thor, Thanatos, or all Assassins and Warriors in general, this should let you get out of the situation after ulting. Of course, only use this in situations more dire than simply your ultimate, because it should be used straight after your ultimate for effectiveness. Remember to heal after using this, as you cannot during it.
Teleport to Gods
NOTE: This item is not allowed in Assault and some MOTDS.
Teleport to Gods would be useful for when you have returned to base, and your team is across the map against a enemy Phoenix or Titan. This will make your assistance a lot quicker. Treat it like how some use Athena's ultimate, just without the damage.
Hi again Penguin,
Regarding this guide, like Nano said, best to flesh the guide out more if you want more people to read, comment, vote, etc. As it currently is, it's more a build with explanations of the items, and just a teensy weensy bit of tips/gameplay.
Some comments, as you don't offer any alternate builds...
1. You have 2 items that provide physical protection, but no magical protection items (though Ethereal Staff's health boost somewhat substitutes for that). Why? Also, this could be much less effective if you find yourself in a match against a mage, guardian, and only 1 physical god.
2. One major issue with the build both Chronos' Pendant and Breastplate of Valor. CDR cap is 40%, and you're at 65% between these and Shoes of Focus. Chronos' Pendant is a great item for Aphro, so Breastplate is probably the one to go, unless you are playing a more defensive game and/or you're against 2 physical gods in Joust. Best suggestion here is to give an option of either Chronos' Pendant OR Breastplate of Valor, depending on the situation.
3. Lotus Crown: it's a great item for healers in general, but much, much more effective in teamfights where your heals affect more than 1 god. Since Aphro is a 1-god healer, you don't get max potential out of this item, whereas Sylvanus, Hel, or even Ra will get more functionality out of this item. The protections are still helpful, sure, but there are probably better items.
Based on all of the above, I think your build might work for you, but it's not optimized. Suggest some of the following:
Shoes of Focus/ Shoes of the Magi, Chronos' Pendant/ Breastplate of Valor as your first two items. Core would also be Rod of Tahuti (probably as item #5 or 6) and a penetration item ( Spear of the Magus or Obsidian Shard depending on your team composition) as item #3, 4, or 5. This leaves 2 items. Options here, depending on the situation, could include Ethereal Staff, Spirit Robe (max CDR and magical/physical protection), and perhaps Void Stone, since you have to stick close to your link, which means you're probably close to the enemy.
Some examples:
This one maxes CDR by the 3rd item, and has two items that provide overall protection. A bit squishy until the end, but pretty good power overall to increase healing and damage.
This one maxes CDR by the 3rd item, and is probably best against a joust team with 2 physical gods. Get the book second if your Love Birds is your team's main wave clear to get stacks up, and it automatically provides a lot of survivability and mana pool. Heartward gets you the magical protection against the other god, and additional physical protection for your teammates. From there, you can build more damage, so Spear and Tahuti.
Dunno, just thoughts...hope some of the above helps!
Thanks for the tips. I dont think I will update this guide though, because I just dont have any more time on my hands these times.
I may change all these aspects, but all these work for me fine. As you say, breastplate and chronos' pendant may not be the best mix, but its worked for me for ages. As mentioned previously, I have no more plans to update this, so sorry about that...
Regarding this guide, like Nano said, best to flesh the guide out more if you want more people to read, comment, vote, etc. As it currently is, it's more a build with explanations of the items, and just a teensy weensy bit of tips/gameplay.
Some comments, as you don't offer any alternate builds...
1. You have 2 items that provide physical protection, but no magical protection items (though Ethereal Staff's health boost somewhat substitutes for that). Why? Also, this could be much less effective if you find yourself in a match against a mage, guardian, and only 1 physical god.
2. One major issue with the build both Chronos' Pendant and Breastplate of Valor. CDR cap is 40%, and you're at 65% between these and Shoes of Focus. Chronos' Pendant is a great item for Aphro, so Breastplate is probably the one to go, unless you are playing a more defensive game and/or you're against 2 physical gods in Joust. Best suggestion here is to give an option of either Chronos' Pendant OR Breastplate of Valor, depending on the situation.
3. Lotus Crown: it's a great item for healers in general, but much, much more effective in teamfights where your heals affect more than 1 god. Since Aphro is a 1-god healer, you don't get max potential out of this item, whereas Sylvanus, Hel, or even Ra will get more functionality out of this item. The protections are still helpful, sure, but there are probably better items.
Based on all of the above, I think your build might work for you, but it's not optimized. Suggest some of the following:
Shoes of Focus/ Shoes of the Magi, Chronos' Pendant/ Breastplate of Valor as your first two items. Core would also be Rod of Tahuti (probably as item #5 or 6) and a penetration item ( Spear of the Magus or Obsidian Shard depending on your team composition) as item #3, 4, or 5. This leaves 2 items. Options here, depending on the situation, could include Ethereal Staff, Spirit Robe (max CDR and magical/physical protection), and perhaps Void Stone, since you have to stick close to your link, which means you're probably close to the enemy.
Some examples:
This one maxes CDR by the 3rd item, and has two items that provide overall protection. A bit squishy until the end, but pretty good power overall to increase healing and damage.
This one maxes CDR by the 3rd item, and is probably best against a joust team with 2 physical gods. Get the book second if your Love Birds is your team's main wave clear to get stacks up, and it automatically provides a lot of survivability and mana pool. Heartward gets you the magical protection against the other god, and additional physical protection for your teammates. From there, you can build more damage, so Spear and Tahuti.
Dunno, just thoughts...hope some of the above helps!
...But I will try! :D
Why has nobody commented?
Because your guide is not the newest on the site, and so on, it's not seen. People are more tempted to comment full guides with good explanations, so maybe add some content to your guide. Explain why you chose those items.
What are you taking for start? Only Magic Shoes? Add the potions to starter section. Explain why you pick Rod of Tahuti so early for Aphrodite. Maybe add more defensive items, you have 2 physical defensive items, but not a single item providing only magical protection. And you seem to build damage, but you have no penetration. Also, you picked Greater Meditation, what is the other active you recommend and why?
Work with your guide, and i'm sure people will start to leave comments behind.