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Start with your boots, chalice, and teleport to give yourself sustain until the opposing solo laner get their healing online, which is where your sustain comes from.
Here, your goal is to get as much out of your auras, as well as being untouchable by the opposing solo laner. If the opposing laner is a magical god, switch the breastplate and pestilence. Focus on farming, and poking the lane, but don't get too greedy.
Only build damage as your 5th or 6th item, or as your replacement for your boots. If your team is not having trouble finishing kills, don't build damage. Rather, build one of the extra defensive items.
Build mantle as your 5th item, and then build whichever item is more applicable. Only build spectral if the opposing carry or jungle are building crits, and build genji if you don't need damage or protection from crits.
Build teleport to be able to get back to lane quickly, as cerberus has a pretty low movement speed. Build thorns when in team fights or when attacking the titan (the thorns reflect damage back onto the titan)
This is a full build for a mainly tank build. Cerberus still can dish out damage with his natural penetration, so this is almost always my build. If someone is building crits, build spectral armor as replacements for mystical or boots.
Tap each threat level to view Cerberus’s threats
Hi, my name is Thirstenium. I'm an 18 year old from the mid west. I recently got into smite, and love solo lane. I also play other team centered games such as rainbow six and rocket league. Hopefully my guide is a little helpful, and let me know if there's changes you'd make!
Cerberus is the perfect solo lane god for late game tanking and controlling team fights. His early game is not bad, but he struggles against high pressure solos who don't rely on healing. Cerberus' passive allows him to steal healing from enemies within a certain radius, and allows him to sustain well in lane against gods who use life steal or healing. He also gains sustain from his 3, which separates the bodies and souls, which allows him to consume health. These sustain options allow him to box with high damage gods, and also allows him to counter life steal builds.
Your goal with Cerberus is to play smart, and control the flow of battle. With this build, Cerberus can have 240+ of both magical and physical protection, as well as around 3,000 health. This results in a very bulky build, where damage does not have to be built. Cerberus has natural penetration, and has no problem dealing damage, regardless of how far into the game you are. Combining his 2, which strips protections, with thorns and his ult, Cerberus can severely dent the back line, as well as box with junglers such as Baka and Loki.
In lane, level your 1 and 2 to clear wave, and save your 3 for escaping, or healing off of minions. keep your ult for when you need crowd control immunity, or to pull enemies into the tower, which is the perfect way to get early kills or to finish enemies who are bulky. There is no problem sitting under tower as Cerberus, as the tower is a key in getting kills you aren't expected to get.
Cerberus struggles against early lane bullies such as Arthur or Nike. but can catch up mid game, and is one of the strongest team fighters late game. save your 3 to escape ganks, and avoid being trapped between tower and your opponent. if you remain calm and in control, Cerberus should never get washed or bullied. If you're struggling, play more passive until around level 12, when you get your thorns.
Overall, just play smart. Cerberus is not about kills or bullying. Late game, stay close to your Jungler and ADC. Their damage combined with your sustain is ideal for cleaning up gods who get separated from their team. In team fights, stay towards the front, and wait until your team is ready, then initiate the fight by jumping with your 3, and then using Cerberus' ult to pull gods away from safety/ their team.
Control. Cerberus is about control. play safe, get your core online, and then watch as no one can do damage to you. Your focus should be tanking for your Mid and Carry, and diving back line with your jungle. Stay calm, and be prepared to adapt. Cerberus can 1v2 a lot of god combos, and his ability to pull damage out of his a** is what makes him a sleeper solo lane.
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I wouldn't build it on Cerb though, you don't really get enough out of it for it to be worth it compared to items like
It could be useful if you have a healer on your team to buff their heals up as well as yours though but it's very niche.
Also mystical is kinda meh lategame, no point picking it up that late.
Blink is also a good alternative to Thorns.
Edit: Pythags also isn't terrible, but better for Support Cerb IMO.
Also add spirit robe as a situational.