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hades 1v1 duel build

1 6 5,141
by MrHadesMaster666 updated September 11, 2021

Smite God: Hades

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
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Hades Build

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Kriega1 (143) | May 22, 2018 11:49am
Where it says "Add Build" click on it and search for Hades icon.

Also your build is terrible, in no way is Hastened Ring or Telkhines Ring good on Hades.
MrHadesMaster666 | May 22, 2018 11:56am
ok i've done that tyty

but be4 u insult my build have u tried it? lul cant smach talk if there's no evidence :PPP
Branmuffin17 (400) | May 22, 2018 1:20pm
Assume this person is a troll. Also assume this person is NOT Pellie, but likely "GoldThreeWonder," which may be a smurf account, and is fairly new. Another possibility includes Pellie sold his/her account.

Some points (putting on my detective hat):
  • FYI, Pellie is a diamond level ranked player consistently in various seasons, and has been around for a long time.

  • He entered into and won part of the Season 3 Ymir guide contest. He knows his stuff. Also, his communication style is straight up NOT "be4" "smach" ":PPP," and he knows how to actually create a guide.

  • Take a look at the gold amount in this match. 1 million+ gold means custom match or maybe an MOTD if there is one like this. Pellie likely fooling around with the other player. This is also not a serious duel match because the normal counter-building isn't present at all, nor is any pen other than Shoes of the Magi.

  • Just like the awful Hades build, so is the build for Cupid. Ninja Tabi, Toxic Blade, Bloodforge, Deathbringer, Brawler's Beat Stick, Transcendence is pretty bad in a general sense.
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Kriega1 (143) | May 22, 2018 12:52pm
I don't need to try it to know it's bad. Hades deals his main damage primarily through his burst and not his auto attacks which is why Hastened Ring and Telkhines Ring aren't good pickups. He is not a mage ADC like Sol, Freya or Chronos.
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MrHadesMaster666 | May 22, 2018 11:44am
plz helpo how change icone to hadez :[ cannot do
MrHadesMaster666 | May 22, 2018 11:57am
nvm got it
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hades 1v1 duel build
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