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Hi Smitefire comunity! First of all I'd like to talk a bit about my gaming skills. I'm very new to MOBA games but certainly this is not the first time I play PvP. I am not the most skilled player and maybe not even "that good". Anyways, I want to share this build with you guys as I want feedback for it and your own advices for me.
Second, this is not a very singular guide. I read lots of Xba guides in smitefire and this is a recopilation of what works for me. I would specially thank "XBALANQUE detailed guide! (Updated 29-01-2013)" guide from Mariago which made me improve my skills.
All that said, lets get started :)
- Very high damage
- Good for early kills
- Good movement
- Squishy
- Low movement speed early game
Pasive: Xbalanque gains 5 physical power for each enemy god killed, stacks up to six.
Early kills with Xbalanque make him very strong, thats one of the reasons why this very agresive build works
Branching Bola: I choose this hability as the first one to help clear jungle camps at the start of each game without wasting much mana. It also makes a good work intimidating enemy gods when in lane for the first seconds until we hit lvl 2. One point is enought to get a good damage out of it for most part of the game.
Poison Darts: This hability doesnt do much damage on hit, even hitting with 3 darts in one god, which you should always aim for. But the damage over time, the slow applied and the buff to Rising Jaguar make them worth the mana.
Rising Jaguar: His most dangerous hability and the biggest damage output of the 3 early game. Try to always use it after the Poison Darts and put urself behind the enemy with the jump to finish him with basic atacks or Branching Bola if you have the mana.
It can also be used to escape when needed. Don't forget that this build is very agresive and it doesnt have much survivability, there is little room for mistakes.
Darkest of Nights: Great, great ulti. Can be used to attack, escape, help allies escape or chase an escaping enemy... multitude of ways to help you and your team.
The goal with this build is to make you get early kills so we become a lot more efective due to the feeding and Xbalanque's pasive.
This will make you an idea of how I play xbalanque and what are my thoughts on the build. The ability items will come in the next chapter but I usually get them AS SOON AS NEEDED, in other words, as soon as the danger appears.
I start the game with Heartseeker and potions. As every physical knows a big rewarding item which can make you get some early kill and begin stacking Xbalanques pasive. At this stage, dont be afraid of wasting some mana with the Branching Bola to push the lane and try to get lvl 2 before the enemies.
This is a very good time for your tank to atack and get an easy kill with the Rising Jaguar and some Branching Bola attacks.
Whenever you hit 720 gold and if the lane is pushed far enought (which should be) go back to finish your Heartseeker.
Devourer's gloves will add power to get those kills early on and lifesteal to make you stay safer and longer in the lane. You have to remember that most enemies will have boots and you don't, so watch out. Stay safe until an attack occurs. Dont be afraid to use Rising Jaguar or Darkest of Nights to get out of hairy situations, not dying is very important.
Follow up with Warrior Tabi for the speed and then begin working on Rage and Deathbringer By the time they are finished your basic attacks and your Branching Bola will be the biggest damage outputs. You will easily crit for 800 with each hit even 900 with your 1 active.
To finish you have to look what the enemy team is made of: Brawler's Beat Stick Will be great if you are facing a heavy lifesteal carry, Vamana or a tanky hercules. Agains strong tanks Titan's Bane will do perfect. If you find yourseft against lots of physicals Voidblade will work best. If none of these fits what you see (happens rarely) go for The Executioner or Soul Eater whichever you find yourself more confortable with.
Many times I see carries start with both abilities without even looking what will they be agains to. For example going meditation-sprint when there is Ares in the oposite team is suicidal.
Purification Beads is a must to have against Anubis, Hades, Ares, Loki and many other gods. Pick it up as soon as you need it, dont wait until you are dead to realice you need it.
sprint gives you great escape capabilities. It can also be used to chase enemies but try not to get yourself in a had spot with your habilities and your sprint on cooldown.
Aegis Amulet is also a very versatile ability, but try to use it when it will be useful, not like a panic button when you are about to die.
I hope you enjoyed the guide and I am willing to hear what you got to say about the build :)
Thanks much and excuse my english, if something is wrong please let me know.
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