Sol has strongly taken her place in conquest mid lane. And if you are a new
Sol player, I would highly recommend playing her mid-lane until you're comfortable with her kit. Mid-lane provides
Sol with personal minion waves to practice your skills, and extra experience from side jungle camps. Also, teammates are able to gank or help your lane if needed. (Of course, I don't recommend practicing in Conquest or any other normal/ranked modes before testing her in Practice Mode, co-op, etc.)
Sol also has great potential to go solo lane.
Sol isn't often seen in the role of adc or jungler and picking her for those roles is not recommended, since it may have bad influence to your team combo.
Early game with
Sol in the mid-lane starts like any other game in mid. Attack the red camp (damage buff) with your ADC and Support, and take the buff. After that, go directly to your lane and clear the first minion wave. Soon after that, your jungler should work with you to clear the side jungle camps. For the first 7-10 minutes, you'll rotate between your lane and jungle camps while poking your opponent.
Stellar Burst works perfectly when damaging enemies in lane, and
Radiance helps with keeping health up.
Sol has no major issues with mana, which helps if you are somehow forced to stay in lane, needing to heal yourself or damage enemies. If your jungler is too busy to help you with side jungle camps,
Sol can easily deal with them alone and prevent enemies from taking them. When alone, though, just be aware of any enemies nearby...keep the jungle warded.
Baiting your opponent by allowing the minion wave to push you back near your tower can help your jungler to gank your lane, while pushing near the enemy tower makes you equally vulnerable to ganks. Rather than push to damage the tower in the early game, your best bet is to poke and keep your opponent at low health, forcing the enemy to return to base and lose out on XP/gold. The main focus is to gain control over your lane and outplay your opponent. If you decide to play aggressively, I recommend buying an early
Ward at the start to prevent ganks to your lane.
Sol lacks reliable CC or escape when surprised and this may be fatal. Map control is the key to winning.
At early game, you should also keep on eye on your opponents movement. Whenever your enemy leaves the lane, make sure to warn others and in some cases you're also forced to follow them in order to prevent ganks in other lanes. Just remember not to let enemy minions push too far. Sometimes keeping the mid lane pushed may be enough to keep enemy god in lane and prevent him from ganking other lanes. If not, you need to evaluate which is best for your team. To push first mid tower or follow the enemy and lose precious gold and xp. If you decide to stay in lane, make sure to ward both sides.
Mid-game usually starts around 7-12 minutes. In an ideal situation, you have already taken down the first tower in your lane, which will allow you to begin to rotate to other lanes and help your teammates. This will keep your opponent busy with incoming minions, and gives you more potential to gank other lanes. If you find your opponent standing under the tower and playing extremely conservatively, you can help/gank other lanes earlier.
Sol, you should take advantage of your high movement speed combined with
Disapparate when rotating between lanes, if you feel safe enough. If your Duo lane is getting overpowered by the enemy and your Jungler is busy helping the solo lane, you can help the Duo lane to push towers.
Sol, in particular, can be deadly to towers, as
Radiance already gives a superior boost for
Sol's basic-attacks. Combined with your ADC's damage, towers should melt.
Clearing jungle camps and keeping your lane pushed is important, so be sure to continue rotating. With her good mobility,
Sol should have no worries getting from one place to another. Although rotating is important, it’s also important to maintain control of your own lane, as that is still your responsibility. Farming is still your main source of gold and XP, and losing minion waves to the tower can put you behind as you near late-game.
During mid-game, the importance of warding becomes more obvious. Certain points should always be warded by you or your team. Keeping at least the upper area of the Gold Fury warded allows you to respond quickly and defend it, as well as spotting the jungler or enemies from the Duo lane as they begin to rotate.

Efficient Warding
There is no obvious transition between mid and late-game. Late-game is usually once people have hit level 15-20 and when players already have full or nearly full builds. In the late-game, there is no more “own” lanes; controlling the map is everyone’s job. Finishing off towers and phoenixes and controlling objectives requires the whole team to commit. Even though
Sol has good mobility and better sustain than other mages, she is still vulnerable and easily focused if outnumbered. Late-game is all about winning teamfights and taking down objectives.
During late-game, make sure you stick with your teammates so you can add your support in all teamfights.
Sol can be really destructive what comes to teamfights or taking down objectives. Late game is truly the time to shine - make your way to victory :)

Gold Fury and Fire Giant
Gold Fury and Fire Giant
Gold Fury grants a huge amount of gold to a team killing it. It provides benefit for the entire team, so it should be protected and monitored with wards, especially when you find people rotating.
If you’re playing
Sol in Mid-lane, you should be able to get Gold Fury together with your Duo lane teammates. For
Sol, it’s also easy to solo after getting some of your core items. In order to solo the Gold Fury, land
Radiance under Gold Fury to damage it, heal yourself and to raise your heat. After that, use
Stellar Burst + a few basic attacks, and Gold Fury should die. Make sure to keep jungle warded to detect enemy movement.
Gold Fury: Defeating it grants 100 (+10 per minute, to a maximum of 350) gold and 100 (+10 per minute, to a maximum of 250) experience to each member of the team who lands the killing blow.
Fire Giant is the strongest neutral monster in Conquest. It grants a buff (Fire Giant's Might) for your team after killing it. Since Fire Giant is the strongest, it should be taken down as a team. Even though it’s possible to solo Fire Giant with
Sol, I do not recommend it. It requires full knowledge of
Sol's kit (+ lvl 20 and full build) and failing it, reveals your attempt to enemies, exposing you to ganks.
Fire Giant: Defeating it grants gold and experience along with the unique and powerful “Fire Giant's Might” buff to each living member of the team who landed the killing blow.
Fire Giant's Might: This buff grants +70 Magical Power, +50 Physical Power, 4% HP5 and 2% MP5, and also increases damage versus Towers and Phoenixes by 20% for 4 minutes.
Sol has tons of potential and can be very destructive in teamfights, especially after obtaining her core items.
Sol's abilities can make her quite bursty if needed, and her strong AA allows her to remain useful in teamfights even when her skills are on cooldown.
Radiance deals a decent amount of damage, but it may not be wise to save it only for that.
Radiance is
Sol's primary ability to raise heat, and should be used before entering teamfights to
Bring Up the Heat! It can also be used to maintain heat during an extended teamfight. And although
Sol receives lifesteal from
Polynomicon, which should be enough to maintain her health when not focused,
Radiance can help especially when you're damaged, as it can heal a significant portion of lost health.
Sol should never initiate a teamfight. Even with
Disapparate, it's too risky to face multiple enemies as the first one in. After
Disapparate fades,
Sol is very vulnerable to burst damage and CC, and her quick death is of no use to your team. Remember that CC is
Sol's biggest weakness.
So, what is your role in a teamfight? Firstly, whenever you notice that a fight is imminent, activate
Radiance and land a few auto-attacks. If possible try to max your heat. Let your tank engage and use
Stellar Burst to slow enemies. Continue to use your AA and
Stellar Burst whenever possible.
Supernova can be used to prevent enemies from escaping or just to finish them off. Save
Disapparate mainly for defensive purposes. If the fight isn't going as planned, you can activate it and try to help get your teammates out alive by leaving a wide zig-zag trail to damage enemies (Who would like to run into fire?).
Radiance is useful to use if you're about to go in melee range.
Sol you should never be scared to attack or just land abilities. You'll know when it's time to leave, and the best way is to do it with style.
Here is directional way to burst down enemies in teamfights
your guide brought me up to 60% win regardless!
also, i don't know how you consider agni ,,medium,, man, hes got the rango on you all the time with the durn ult and 1! that combo is brutal!
and yes, you are REAALLY vulnerable to ganks
What is your opinion on replacing Spear of the Magus with Warlock's Sash in the hybrid build, and getting it in early to mid game right after boots, to max out the stacks quickly?
That means having less magical penetration, but I have basically incorporated this into my core Sol build and made the experience that the combined +110MP and +600 health (including maxed out stacks) boost my burst capability significantly when at 100% heat, and also increase survivability in team clashes. Less penetration, but my magical damage is crazy high by late game once my build is done. (The rest of my build is identical to yours.) You also don't lose stacks upon death.
Would you consider this for yourself? Or am I better off with less MP and more penetration instead?
I feel honored. Thank you, and I relly hope you have wonderful times playing smite and that you enjoy your journey with
In season 3
Thanks that clearded things up for me I will try her with ploy and without to see what fits for me