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How To (Actually) Play Yemoja (Masters Support 8.5 Guide)

84 16 142,299
by DiscoFerry updated May 24, 2021

Smite God: Yemoja

Build Guide Discussion 9 More Guides
Tap Mouse over an item or ability icon for detailed info

Yemoja Build


Build Item Benevolence Benevolence
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Hand of the Gods Hand of the Gods

Normal Endgame Build

Build Item Compassion Compassion
Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Lotus Sickle Lotus Sickle
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Pridwen Pridwen
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor

Selling Boots

Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Oni Hunter's Garb Oni Hunter's Garb
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor

Situational Items

Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade


Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Belt of Frenzy Belt of Frenzy
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Yemoja's Skill Order

Bouncing Bubble / Moonstrike

1 X Y
Bouncing Bubble / Moonstrike
1 3 6 11 12

Mending Waters

2 A B
Mending Waters
4 7 8 9 10


3 B A
2 15 16 18 19

River's Rebuke

4 Y X
River's Rebuke
5 13 14 17 20
Bouncing Bubble / Moonstrike
1 3 6 11 12

Bouncing Bubble / Moonstrike

1 X
Bubble: Yemoja tosses out a bubble that bounces twice, dealing damage and slowing enemies by 30% before exploding into smaller bubbles that deal 50% damage. Enemies hit by both bubble bounces take 50% damage on the second hit.

Moonstrike: Yemoja calls upon the Moon to deal damage to enemies below. The inner strike is the largest, dealing full damage and stunning all enemies and enemy structures hit.

Ability Type: Area, Slow, Damage
Bubble Damage: 45 / 80 / 125 / 150 / 185 (+30% of your Magical Power)
Slow Duration: 1s
Moonstrike Inner Damage: 55 / 95 / 135 / 175 / 215 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Moonstrike Outer Damage: 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Moonstrike Stun Duration: 1s
Range: 70
Cost: 2 Omi
Mending Waters
4 7 8 9 10

Mending Waters

2 A
Yemoja sends out a wave of water that damages all enemies it passes through, dealing extra unmitigated damage to their shields. Once the wave reaches an ally it bounces to all nearby allies healing and shielding them for 3s.

Ability Type: Line, Heal, Damage
Damage: 65 / 95 / 125 / 155 / 185 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Bonus Damage To Shields: 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3x
Heal: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100
Shield: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Range: 60
Cost: 3 Omi
2 15 16 18 19


3 B
Yemoja creates a water ring that Knocks Up everyone that enters it. Allies are pushed further and gain both Movement Speed and Protections for 3s. Enemies go a shorter distance and are Slowed. After entering a ring you are briefly locked out of entering another. Yemoja can place the ring at a maximum distance to reverse the direction.

Ability Type: Area, Knockup
Movement Speed: 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 17.5 / 20%
Protections: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 Physical and Magical Protections
Slow: 10% for 2s
Ring Duration: 3s
Range: 80
Cost: 3 Omi
River's Rebuke
5 13 14 17 20

River's Rebuke

4 Y
Yemoja unleashes her full power creating two large walls of water that block enemy movement and projectiles. After a delay the river cascades down, damaging, trembling and slowing enemies.

Yemoja gains a buff to her Omi regeneration while she is in the river field that lingers briefly after she leaves it.

Ability Type: Area, Buff, Damage
Damage: 240 / 305 / 370 / 435 / 500 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Initial Slow: 60% decreasing by 20% each second
Slow Duration: 3s
Omi Regeneration: 1 extra every 2 seconds
Buff Duration: 4s after leaving the area
Range: 100
Cooldown: 140 / 135 / 130 / 125 / 120s

Yemoja Threats

Tap each threat level to view Yemoja’s threats



Guide updated for patch 8.5! New or important tips / pieces of information are now in bold

My guides will no longer contain specific item explanations, as they require sometimes significant changes and rewrites every patch, if not multiple times per patch if the build meta changes. Specific builds will still be included, and overall important stats/build paths will still be mentioned.

Yemoja has been one of Smite's strongest supports since her release, seeing lots of bans in SPL and high level ranked, and is (arguably) one of the highest skill-cap supports in the game. While she may seem simple at first glance, and she is if you just spam either Moonstrike or Mending Waters all game, she can have a lot of complexity beyond that if you try to utilise her kit fully.

From minion manipulation, utilising Riptide to its fullest potential, and learning proper placement of River's Rebuke, I'll try to cover as many of Yemoja's advanced tips and tricks as possible.

As a quick "about me" section, I've been playing Smite since season 3, consistently ranked masters since about season 5, and I play competitively in the Smite Open Circuit and amateur tournaments. I have a 65% win rate and a 3 KDA on Yemoja over around 100 games of masters ranked conquest, plus scrims and tournament games.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Overall Yemoja is a very strong support, but she does have clear upsides and downsides.

Yemoja's strengths include:

+ Great lane pressure
+ Good sustain lategame with her auto-attack passive and Mending Waters.
+ Long lockdown with Bouncing Bubble and Moonstrike.
+ River's Rebuke is a great area denial, escape blocking, walling off, or zoning tool.
+ Essential immunity to cripples, as Riptide ignores any cripples completely. Sorry Cupid.

However, she does have downsides, such as:

- Lack of any cc immunity in her kit, meaning she needs Purification Beads against gods like Nox or Ares.
- No "instant" escape (like a dash or jump), she needs to place Riptide and walk into it afterwards.
- These two factors make Yemoja easy to lock down by gods like Nox, Da Ji, or ***bakharna.
- River's Rebuke is easy to escape using jumps or Phantom Veil.
- If you manage your omi poorly you are pretty useless until it regenerates

Abilities and leveling

Here's a quick rundown of all of Yemoja's abilities and their uses:


Omi is Yemoja's version of mana. Instead of losing mana every time she uses an ability, she loses stacks of omi (2 stacks to use Bouncing Bubble/ Moonstrike, or 3 to use Mending Waters or Riptide. River's Rebuke does not cost omi.)

Yemoja starts with a max of 7 stacks of omi, and can gain 2 more by leveling up, as well as one additional stack for building 300 combined mana or mp5 from items. CDR increases the regeneration rate of Omi, making CDR a very important stat on her.

Additionally, Yemoja's auto attacks are ranged, and when they pass through allies they provide a small ticking heal, and a 10% healing recieved buff. This is great to use on your carry in lane, and before you use healing waters in a teamfight for some extra sustain. Always use an auto attack on your allies before you use healing waters on them.

Bouncing Bubble / Moonstrike

This ability alternates between each form every time you use it, and costs 2 omi.

Bouncing Bubble - you throw a bubble that, well, bounces. It bounces twice, then splits into many smaller bubbles that explode outwards. This ability does a little damage and slows.

Moonstrike - it's hard to explain this one in a short paragraph. basically, some small outside circles build into one big centre circle that does bonus damage and stuns. This can also stun towers and phoenixes (no, I don't know why either.)

Mending Waters

Mending Waters is a team- and self- heal that also applies a shield. It will automatically bounce to any teammates in its range after you hit it. The initial projectile can also go through and damage enemies for a small amount, doing bonus damage to shields. This ability costs 3 omi.


Riptide is Yemoja's most fun ability in my opinion, and has the most uses. You summon a water portal, that will push through anything that walks into it. Teammates gain protections and a movement speed buff, and enemies get slowed. At max range, the portal pushes in the opposite direction. This ability costs 3 omi.

River's Rebuke

River's Rebuke is, in essence, two big **** off walls of water. These walls stop any enemies walking through them, while allowing all teammates to walk through. After a few seconds, the walls collapse, doing damage to all enemies inside it, slowing them, and trembling them. Yemoja also gains bonus omi regeneration while in the area, and for some time after she leaves it.

Leveling order:

Level 1-5:










Maxing Order:








Bouncing Bubble is your best (only) level 1 clear, so you start with it. At level 2, your best kill potential is with a combination of Riptide and Bouncing Bubble, so get your 3 next. At level 3 you want another point in Bouncing Bubble, as the heal from Mending Waters is very low early. From there you grab a point in Mending Waters, level River's Rebuke at level 5, level [[bouncing bubble one more time at level 6, then max in the order shown above.

Build Overview

As mentioned in the intro, this wont get very specific as builds change constantly. Either use the full build at the top of the guide, or use the many suggested situational items, lategame items, and guidelines here and make your own build.

A basic overview of how to build Yemoja as fast as possible, with some stat and item suggestions:


Only two choices, Benevolence into Compassion, or Sentinel's Gift into Sentinel's Embrace. Currently I prefer the former, as it gives more gold overall currently for less effort, but I don't want to touch this section until season 9 so I will leave both as options.


Again, two real choices: Shoes of Focus - I default to these, as mentioned earlier Yemoja needs a lot of cdr, better to get it early. Other option is Reinforced Shoes for extra defense and health if you feel you are going to get focused early a lot.

Rest of the build:

You need a good mix of CDR (always aim for at least 30%, from items like Pridwen, Shoes of Focus, or Genji's Guard), tankiness (around 200 of each and 2.7k hp or more is ideal if possible), and some auras if possible (lotus crown, Gauntlet of Thebes, or Sovereignty are your most common candidates here).


Loads of choices here, try and get at least one defensive relic ( Magic Shell, Heavenly Wings, or meditation cloak {MED ISNT BAD ON HER AS THE UPGRADE GIVES YOU OMI}), and for the other relic either Purification Beads or a more aggressive relic like Belt of Frenzy or Horrific Emblem. No right answer here, see what you prefer. I normally go med and either beads, horrific, or shell currently.


The five levels of teamfighting as Yemoja, from easiest to hardest:

1: Spam healing waters on any ally not at full hp, repeat until your or their team is dead (sadly this does work and will be enough to be a "good" Yemoja player up until about diamond.

2: Spam bouncing bubbles or Moonstrike on any enemy that either is or isn't at full hp, repeat until you or their team is dead. (This ones slightly less effective than 1 at the moment.)

3: Add in River's Rebuke, either for walling in an opponent, walling out an opponent, or simply for more Omi to do step 1 or 2 more effectively.

4: Utilise Riptide. Either to push your team out of something dangerous, push their team into something dangerous, or a mix of the two. This is far harder than the first three, and what you will spend the most time learning.

5: All of the above! Gotta learn what to do in what situation. Cant teach this in a guide, gotta go out and practice.

Utilising Riptide properly

The many uses of Riptide:

- Minion manipulation (holding waves at tower for your team, grouping duo waves to fight at fire giant while the waves push towers, etc.)
- Pulling back escaping enemies
- Pushing your teammates out of danger
- Blocking the exit of River's Rebuke to stop enemies running out of it
- Blocking off chokepoints
- Pushing the enemy ADC out of range to hit your towers/phoenix in sieges

And let's be honest, it's great for ****ing with your team too.


Honestly this one is pretty simple too, but it should get a mention.

Yemoja is, in my opinion, the single best support for sieging in the game (and yes I'm including fafnir). She has a million tools for sieging - you can 3 to group minions then shove them into the phoenix super quickly before the enemy expects it, ult to stop the enemy team from even getting in their own phoenix to defend, spam Mending Waters to keep your carries healthy while they attack it, hell Moonstrike can even stun the damn phoenix.

Use Riptide to group a couple of waves if they don't have a good instant clear ability, then shove them all in the phoenix quickly while you use River's Rebuke to cut as many of the enemy team off of the phoenix as possible, then spam Mending Waters on your backline using your bonus omi from your ult. Add to this process a Shogun's Kusari, Tyrannical Plate Helm, Talisman of Energy, or a Belt of Frenzy, and its a pretty free phoenix for you.

On sieging defences you have Riptide to keep the enemy ADC off of the phoenix, and River's Rebuke to either keep the whole team out or split them up and pick off the frontline.


I hope you've learned something about Yemoja that you can take forward into your games with her. If you have any questions or suggestions about my guides or videos, feel free to ask in the comments here or on any of the videos, or even dm me on discord (DiscoFerry#6038), and I'll do my best to help you out wherever I can. Thanks for reading/watching!

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Big Damage (37) | February 4, 2021 8:51am
Thoughts on Hide of the Urchin or Breastplate of Valor builds for her in Support? More selfish items but getting 300 Mana/MP5 to build her Omi is useful.
Dogthor36 | January 30, 2021 3:38pm
Very usefull
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 12, 2020 2:08pm
Yo Disco, general question but applicable here due to situational recommendation of Midgardian Mail. With the most popular ADC build still seeming to be the smash-the-AS-cap Qin's/Ata/Silver/O-Bow build, it's likely with Midgardian you don't ever get them to the point where their AS goes below 2.5, or if so, just barely. Is Midgardian even worth it then, as it's just decreasing the extra power they're getting from Silver's passive?

And this is one reason why I just hate the whole concept of Silver. Anyway, thoughts?
DiscoFerry (3) | October 12, 2020 4:33pm
Honestly at that point you would probably pick up nemean instead, but midgard still isn't a bad pickup due to its health and it still movement speed slows them.
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 12, 2020 11:30pm
Acknowledged on health and the MS slow.
Kriega1 (143) | October 12, 2020 3:48pm
I think Midgardian still works well against overcapped Attack speed. It lowers it from 2.5, not the overcapped value.
Branmuffin17 (401) | October 12, 2020 11:31pm
Does it really? Seems like a weird mechanic.
Hades4u (54) | September 17, 2020 4:55am
Cool videos and guide! I wanted to make a small suggestion that would improve the aesthetics of your guide. You can tag items, abilities and Gods by using double brackets around their names. For example you have Yemoja and Bouncing Bubble. You can do this by using the following format:
[[Yemoja]] and [[Bouncing Bubble]]

I would like to suggest to include more information on why your item choices are the best ones, to make sure that newcomers understand the thought process behind your build so they can properly pick items on their own in the future. Also, a key element in keeping your guide at the top and continuously getting people on your videos is to keep the guide updated! That's the best way to stay ahead. :)

All in all, keep it up and feel free to send me a private message if you need more help!
DiscoFerry (3) | September 17, 2020 10:58am
yeah honestly im rather clueless about the whole aesthetics thing on here, ill definitely look into it more for the future and maybe some updates on my previous guides. Thanks!
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