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Hun Batz (Y11, 11.1) Conquest Jungle Build

17 4 35,210
by ElLobezno updated January 28, 2024

Smite God: Hun Batz

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Hun Batz Build


Notes Can get Purification Beads if they have a dangerous god as jungle like Fenrir/ Awilix or any other hard cc on their team

Any shard it's good but I personally prefer the cdr one

Mana pots are really helpful can get one instead of multi if you like


Can get Purification Beads if they have a dangerous god as jungle like Fenrir/ Awilix or any other hard cc on their team

Any shard it's good but I personally prefer the cdr one

Mana pots are really helpful can get one instead of multi if you like

Build Item Bumba's Dagger Bumba's Dagger
Build Item Mace Mace
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Vibrant Shard Vibrant Shard


Notes The reason I choose Bumba's Spear over Protector Of The Jungle as the standard build it's just for the extra sustain of hp and mp, but it's perfectly fine to go protector if this isn't an issue

Can replace Jotunn's Wrath with Transcendence
Brawler's Beat Stick can replace Bloodforge if necessary, but buy it as 4th or 5th item


The reason I choose Bumba's Spear over Protector Of The Jungle as the standard build it's just for the extra sustain of hp and mp, but it's perfectly fine to go protector if this isn't an issue

Can replace Jotunn's Wrath with Transcendence
Brawler's Beat Stick can replace Bloodforge if necessary, but buy it as 4th or 5th item

Build Item Bumba's Spear Bumba's Spear
Build Item Jotunn's Vigor Jotunn's Vigor
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Greater Blink Rune Greater Blink Rune
Build Item Greater Purification Beads Greater Purification Beads


Notes Basic protector build, with double lifesteal

Can swap Serrated Edge with Bloodforge

Can replace Bloodforge with Brawler's Beat Stick, but I would recommend getting it a little earlier


Basic protector build, with double lifesteal

Can swap Serrated Edge with Bloodforge

Can replace Bloodforge with Brawler's Beat Stick, but I would recommend getting it a little earlier

Build Item Protector Of The Jungle Protector Of The Jungle
Build Item Jotunn's Vigor Jotunn's Vigor
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Greater Blink Rune Greater Blink Rune
Build Item Greater Purification Beads Greater Purification Beads


Notes Last item it's flex


Last item it's flex

Build Item Bumba's Hammer Bumba's Hammer
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Hydra's Lament Hydra's Lament
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Greater Blink Rune Greater Blink Rune
Build Item Greater Purification Beads Greater Purification Beads


Build Item Scorching Blink Rune Scorching Blink Rune
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads


Notes Brawler's Beat Stick: Situational item for antihealing

Magi's Cloak: Essential against hard cc comps allowing you to go all in against certain gods like Fenrir/ Awilix

Titan's Bane: One of the best %pen item with 20% base pen and 20% more in your first ability each 8 seconds, does tons of damage against squishies and tanks

Mantle of Discord: Excellent defensive item with great stats and a really good passive


Brawler's Beat Stick: Situational item for antihealing

Magi's Cloak: Essential against hard cc comps allowing you to go all in against certain gods like Fenrir/ Awilix

Titan's Bane: One of the best %pen item with 20% base pen and 20% more in your first ability each 8 seconds, does tons of damage against squishies and tanks

Mantle of Discord: Excellent defensive item with great stats and a really good passive

Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Hun Batz's Skill Order


1 X Y
3 15 16 18 19

Overhand Smash

2 A B
Overhand Smash
2 4 6 7 10

Sacred Monkey

3 B A
Sacred Monkey
1 8 11 12 14

Fear No Evil

4 Y X
Fear No Evil
5 9 13 17 20
3 15 16 18 19


1 X
Hun Batz flips through the air, crashing down at his target location, doing damage to all nearby enemies and slowing them.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 65 / 105 / 145 / 185 / 225 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Slow: 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40%
Slow Duration: 2s
Range/Radius: 55/15
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 13 / 12.5 / 12 / 11.5 / 11s
Overhand Smash
2 4 6 7 10

Overhand Smash

2 A
Hun Batz smashes his staff to the ground in front of him, doing damage to all enemies. While Hun Batz is channeling, he is immune to Knockups.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage: 85 / 140 / 195 / 250 / 305 (+95% of your Physical Power)
Range: 35
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8s
Sacred Monkey
1 8 11 12 14

Sacred Monkey

3 B
Hun Batz commands a monkey through the air that pounces on enemy targets, doing damage on each pounce. It can hit minions more than once, but can hit each enemy god only once. Pressing the button again teleports Hun Batz to the next target hit.

Ability Type: Line, Teleport, Damage
Damage per Hit: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+70% of your Physical Power)
Max Targets: 4
Range: 55
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 13s
Fear No Evil
5 9 13 17 20

Fear No Evil

4 Y
Hun Batz summons a totem from the ground to ward off all evil. Any enemy caught within the radius is feared directly away from the totem and takes damage every .25s.

Ability Type: Circle, Fear, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 50 (+15% of your Physical Power)
Lifetime: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Damage (Maximum): 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 (+60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 45/35
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 120 / 115 / 110 / 105 / 100s

Hun Batz Threats

Tap each threat level to view Hun Batz’s threats


Hun Batz Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Hun Batz’s synergies



Hun Batz
"The Howler Monkey God"

Reject humanity, return to monke

This god its an easy start for anyone who wanna master the jungle, it has one of the best ultimates in the game and its a lots of fun playing it, but it takes time to understand positioning on teamfights and how to trade or gank the carrys due to your lack of scape and sustain

Remember that the builds are situational and you can buy whatever you want

I hope this build helps you with your games and have fun!


Tips for Hun Batz in general gameplay

  • Cancel autoattacks on all of your abilities

  • Avoid the 1v1 lategame trades against any adc's or gods like He Bo while Fear No Evil it's on cd, try to go safe and wait for it to come up first

  • When using Fear No Evil on an enemy, try to get them close to a wall or aim for the center of it, making sure they get all the damage

  • Remember you can recast Sacred Monkey to teleport on your last target or do an auto-cancel, use it when u wanna chase someone or simply doing extra damage on them

  • If possible, always enter the teamfights with Blink Rune

  • Can use Fear No Evil on the tanks if they're bad positioned, but is important to kill them as fast as possible

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Turtlesaregud | February 22, 2024 10:15am
ElLobezno (1) | February 22, 2024 10:26am
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ElLobezno
Hun Batz (Y11, 11.1) Conquest Jungle Build
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