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Tap each threat level to view Artio’s threats
Another **** guide that for the first time in three guides i'll actually dive in to my item choices and show you the viewer why i'm clinically insane. HOWEVER i'm gonna do it the way i'm used to doing it by overfilling it with satire......lets get this Fish.(get it? cuz she's a bear.....)
the build is pretty simple ya got your blue boots(cause you always need boots) and breastplate of valor(for cooldown and protections against furries trying to shag you)
Then you go into void stone for its aura effect and protections (but mainly it's JUICY aura effect) because it reduces enemy magic protections which makes you ten times scarier than a normal guardian because once you hit that life sap They will run in fear as they try to escape but they cant because they're crippled. then you go into mystical mail because why be a normal guardian when you can rip off chu chullain and just do damage by being near people....IT ALSO GIVES PROTE- then you go into bulwark and mantle for your last 2 items but not just because they give even more protections,but instead because if you fall below 30% health you will get a shield that scales with your level BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE You will also gain a small amount of cc immunity so you can hurry your semi depressing *** out of there. Now that i'm done explaining my build it's time to get into the real ****.....the abilities. keep in mind that artio is a stance changer and has 6 abilities cause the greedy **** couldnt settle for 4(not counting the 4th ability since it really doesnt change between forms)
Artio in her human form sends out a pulse of energy in a small cone in front of her dealing damage and healing herself because screw you for getting in her face
in bear form.....she just slashes you twice dealing
tbh idk how to feel about these abilities cause it seems that out of artio's whole kit it seems like these 2 have the least presence....until you use them as finishing blows then bing badda boom nothing happens because they get away and you have to use it at point blank
in her druid form artio summons a carpet of **** you around her anyone caught in the carpet has there physical and magical power decreased and is crippled as long as they are in it's range....pop your 3 in druid form then pop this and watch as your enemy repeatedly spams F7 in an attempt to end their suffering
In bear form you let out chu chullains roar stunning enemy gods for 1.4 seconds and giving you boosted protections until you realize that this ability is pretty much just a kill feeder for your team so you let them kill the stunned gods because oh well you're a support
Have you ever looked at an enemy and said "man i wish i could lifesteal,slow,root and stay at range at the same time"? No? Well to freakin bad because in her druid form that's exactly what she does to make you regret redownloading smite and to top it all off this ability ticks 5 ****ING TIMES....all god's hit by all 5 ticks are rooted,she heals off it,and Your slowed for each tick hit which omg if artio misses all 5 spam laugh her because this ability has no lag to it.....jk don't be too toxic
in her bear form she charges forward dealing some good damage and slowing all enemy gods hit......combine this with your bear form 2 and now they take damage,are slowed,and then stunned so you can finish the combo with your bear form 1 (the kitty scratches)
Artio gets Bear naked. she has her 4 at all times and her four lets her change between human and bear at will...this ability costs no mana and has a passive that each ability hit gives you a stack of invigoration which gives you increased movement speed and mp5......this is your bread and butter and decides an good artio between a bad artio because you need to know when to change at will since this ability does not reset the cooldowns on both forms. so what you do is spend your ability's in druid form then switch to bear form to **** em up and please the nature gods that turned you into a bear in the first place (**** YES A BROTHER BEAR JOKE)
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Hopefully more will come :)
NĂŁo tankei ashuashuashu, I'm really laughing now....
In all seriousness, this isn't a bad build. It's a bit on the expensive side, but I could see it working in Arena; it's obviously not a Conquest build, what-with
Humor is a bit juvenile perhaps (calling Artio c***), but to each their own.