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Kratos Ain't Got S**t

1 1 11,136
by Hassal updated March 31, 2015

Smite God: Ares

Build Guide Discussion 14 More Guides
Choose a Build: Lets Get Them Assists(Aggressive support)
Lets Get Them Assists(Aggressive support) If War Is What You Want("Bruiser") I'm Over Here!(Straight support)
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Ares Build

Starting Lane

Build Item Mark of the Vanguard Mark of the Vanguard
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Agressive Start

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus

2nd and 3rd

Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty

4th(More cooldown and some sustain and damage)

Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece

5th and 6th for more protection and dmg

Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence

Final should look like

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet


Build Item Wrath of the Gods Wrath of the Gods
Build Item Salvation Salvation
Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune


Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Reinforced Shoes Reinforced Shoes
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade

Ares's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 4 6 7 9

Bolster Defenses

2 A B
Bolster Defenses
3 15 16 18 19

Searing Flesh

3 B A
Searing Flesh
1 8 10 11 12

No Escape

4 Y X
No Escape
5 13 14 17 20
2 4 6 7 9


1 X
Chains extend from Ares' shield, doing damage to all enemies in its path. Hitting a god shackles them to Ares, Cripples them, preventing movement abilities, dealing the same damage every second while slowing them by 15% and buffing Ares. While shackled, Ares can fire another chain for free within 2s. Jungle Camps take an extra +40% damage.

Ability Type: Line, Cripple, Damage
Minion Damage: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 (+15% of your Magical Power)
God Damage per Tick: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+15% of your Magical Power)
Speed Buff per Target Shackled: 15%
Duration: 4s
Max Shackles: 3
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13s
Bolster Defenses
3 15 16 18 19

Bolster Defenses

2 A
Ares strengthens the defenses of himself and all nearby allies for 6s, granting Basic Attack Damage, Protections, HP5, and reducing Crowd Control durations. For each shackled enemy, the Protection Buffs are increased.

Ability Type: Circle, Buff
Protections: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40
CC Reduction: 30%
HP5: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 45
Shackle Bonus: 7
Radius: 35
Cost: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Cooldown: 15s
Searing Flesh
1 8 10 11 12

Searing Flesh

3 B
Flames pour forth from Ares' shield, engulfing enemies in a cone in front of him causing damage every .5s for 4s. Ares is immune to Knockback for the duration.

Ability Type: Cone, Damage
Damage Per Tick: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 (+8% of your Magical Power)
% Max Health Per Tick (Gods): 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 3%
% Max Health Per Tick (Minions): 4%
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Cooldown: 12s
No Escape
5 13 14 17 20

No Escape

4 Y
Ares throws chains out to all enemy gods in an area around him. All enemies hit by the chains are pulled to Ares after 2.5s, taking damage and are stunned.

Ability Type: Area
Damage: 200 / 275 / 350 / 425 / 500 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1s
Radius: 35
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
Cooldown: 100s


Feel The Blood of War On Your Face
Ares, what's to say about this beast? He can be played in a magnitude of ways. You can play the support and be there for the slow and assist. You wanna play more distraction build bulky and chase more. Want to "Try" and do top damage on the board? its possible! I find that Ares shines more in group fights more then solo but can still hold his own. I don't play a lot of conquest so my builds are more towards all other formats but should be applicable to conquest. Any comments and or suggestions will be valued and taken into deep consideration. Thanks for the read!


  • Can be Balanced between tank and aggressor
  • Anti-escape
  • Can be Bulky
  • Can hit Hard
  • Ultimate easily countered
  • Big target on his face
  • Mana hungry early game
  • Not as defensive as most guardian support


Lets do a run down of this guys skills. First up

Blessed Presence(Passive)

This is pretty self explanatory, buy an item with aura like Void Stone and you get an additional 30 magical power, making it easier to stack defensive items with aura and being still able to dish it out.

The bread and butter, what makes the world go round. Shoots a chain straight in front of you. hitting all minions in its way until it connects with a God. If you chain a God you are able to use another Shackles for up to 2s after for free having up to 3 Shackles out at one time. Each Shackles doing damage every second for 4s and slowing them by 15% for EACH shackles attached to that God. This works great for Gods like Loki that disappear because the chain is still visible when he is not.

Bolster Defenses
This skill is amazing and I when I see other Ares playing they don't use this to its full potential. When used it increase you and your allies magical and physical protection and lowers the duration of CC abilities on you to decrease in duration for 8s. Also note that if you have a Shackles on a God you and your allies get an additional 7 protection. Unfortunately this bonus does not stack but you are able to Shackles> Bolster Defenses> Shackles> Shackles

Searing Flesh
Pretty simple ability, For every .5s you deal a set damage to enemies in a cone in front of you and a % of their max health all awhile being immune to knock backs. This last for 4s and can be cancelled prematurely...just like Firefly :(.

No Escape
When using this ability you will have target ring around you once activated you will chain yourself to any enemy God in that ring and throwing yourself in the air. Should be noted that you can be damaged while in the air. After 2.5s you will slam into the ground pulling everyone changed in and stunning them for 1s+ a .2s increase for each God chained. Super nasty assist when you have ally Gods with nasty AoE damage like Scylla and Crush, Poseidon and Release The Kraken! or even Hou Yi and Sunbreaker along with others.

How do they work with each other?

When playing Ares you have to get a feel for your Shackles, once you have mastered placing those the rest will just fall in. head towards your target and hit them with you Shackles and then use your Bolster Defenses apply your 2nd and 3rd Shackles and chase your target with your Searing Flesh.
This is allowing you to get that chance through enemy Gods with allies with higher defense and go for that kill. In all likelihood your being chased yourself. That Shackles target is getting away from you! Oh no you don't! No Escape doing damage and pulling that bad boy and all Gods around you in and allowing your teammate to clear up your mess.

You want a quick start to that push? Well here use your blink(90s cooldown) to get in that fight and hit that enemy team up with a No Escape(90s cooldown with no reduction) walking back to your team and dropping that tasty treat right in front of them. it was like they were made for each other!

More then 1 enemy in front of you? don't why not give each one one of your Shackles, Bolster Defenses and hit them with a No Escape placing them infront of you for a nicely timed Searing Flesh to finish them off.

One thing i must say about No Escape is DO NOT just walk into a middle of a group and use it. doing so alerts the enemy of your intent greatly increasing the chance of them remembering their beads. work your way in with your Shackles or Searing Flesh


Let us go over the items and why I chose them.

shoes of focus

More cool down means for Shackles

void stone
Void Stone gives you protection and power, great item. the aura lowers enemies around you's magical protection by 15 increasing your damage but lets not forget our Blessed Presence giving Ares a total of 70 power for this. yes please

mystical mail
This item gives you some decent physical defense, some nice health and once again that aura is give your 30 magical power and a nice DoT to give to enemies near you to add onto your DoTs as is

some health, some physical protection, arua giving you and allies some hp5, magical protection and that 30 power for you!

Pythagorem's piece
120 power and 25% life steal and more CD. can't go wrong here

rod of asclepius
This gives you some more sustain for you and your allies. making things like Ra's solar blessin even more awesome. on top of some MS and health can be a good addtion

rod of tahuti
This is one of the few items i like to use that does not have aura. the MP5 and power you recieve from this can make your Ares a force to be reckoned with.

ethereal staff
This item allows you to keep that bit of beef from health and let your swing that patty right in your opponent's face

spear of the magus
Being that all of Ares's abilities are DoT based besides No Escape this spear makes a lovely addition to round out a damage focus Ares

This is great to counter those pesky healers like Ra or Aphrodite while giving you the protection and health to withstand their attacks and some power to throw back at them

heartward amulet
health, protections, mp5 and power. all good no bad.


To wrap things up don't be afraid to utilize that passive Blessed Presence every item you get giving you more damage is a great thing. Ares can be a blast to play, just be prepared to have your No Escape to be countered and being the target for most the hate. the soon you drop the less they have to worry about you and your CC. Hope this guide was helpful and I'll try to keep it updated and tweak a few things when I can. Any tips or info you wanna throw my way let me know. This is my first guide so be gentle.

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Setolino (18) | April 1, 2015 12:45am
There are actually dozens of tier list made by pro players for the current season and in each ares is between a to a+. And yes I play the game and know the current meta
Subzero008 (112) | March 31, 2015 7:07pm
Greenevers wrote:

Tier lists don't indicate player skill which is a huge factor for in-game experiences.

Well, the higher levels of play you go, the less individual skill matters. The capabilities of the gods themselves become more important than whether or not you can hit with [blank], since everyone will be able to hit with "[blank]."

Teamwork skill is beyond your control, so logically, the biggest factor you should feel are the differences in gods. I think.
Greenevers (105) | March 31, 2015 6:55pm
Tier lists don't indicate player skill which is a huge factor for in-game experiences.
Subzero008 (112) | March 31, 2015 5:42pm
Setolino wrote:

Lol sub Ares is a A+ Rank Support you are so out of date it isnt even funny. Welcome to 2015, this isnt 2014. Ares is a great pick against gods with a esacpe... which most gods have, his shackle does absurd amount of damage while still beeing tanky with the currten meta tank build. His ultimate force beads/aegis or ults out in every situation if they dont want to die. His flame can be used as a counter against knockup lanes like Bacchus+Anhur.

Ares right know is the very definition of the most aggresiv support god followed by Athena.

Even NA starting to play him, and he is for a reason a very often high comeptitiv picked god in the current meta.

That's exactly what they said in 2014, you know. "cripple shuts downs escapes, ult is a beads or die." Nothing new there.

The only difference between then and now is the itemization changes, and since all tanks across the board enjoy cheaper protections, the only real benefit that Ares gets is early, easier use of his passive.

Smite doesn't really have an official tier list like League does. But one I did find put him in A rank. You're telling me he got all the way from zero to hero because of that?

I find it much more likely that this is another case of Smite's hive mind-like mentality. There was a time where Artemis was top tier (maybe she still is), but I haven't ever had problems facing her. Apparently, Nemesis is top tier right now, and yet she's, to me, pathetic. There's always been this problem of Smite tier lists claiming one thing and completely contradicting my in-game experience.

And the logic behind Ares' supposed viability is as flawed as ever. "Chain counters escapes" So does Sylvanus' pull, or Athena's taunt, only those actually interrupt things, resulting in a crippling overspecialization. "Ult forces beads or die." Well, as your as long team is quick in following up, the same goes for every other tank's "giant AoE CC ult." "Flame counters knockup." That's only if they try to disable YOU with a knockup, and the enemy CCing the tank instead of the ADC is their own problem - and a support's job, at least in other MOBAs, is to help his allies, not himself, so I see self-knockup immunity as an extremely insignificant point.

And the one ranked game I played, no one picked Ares. No one even mentioned Ares. No one even considered Ares. So like I said, what you're saying is completely contradicting my experience with the game. I really have no clue if we're playing the same game or not.
Setolino (18) | March 31, 2015 1:43pm
Lol sub Ares is a A+ Rank Support you are so out of date it isnt even funny. Welcome to 2015, this isnt 2014. Ares is a great pick against gods with a esacpe... which most gods have, his shackle does absurd amount of damage while still beeing tanky with the currten meta tank build. His ultimate force beads/aegis or ults out in every situation if they dont want to die. His flame can be used as a counter against knockup lanes like Bacchus+Anhur.

Ares right know is the very definition of the most aggresiv support god followed by Athena.

Even NA starting to play him, and he is for a reason a very often high comeptitiv picked god in the current meta.
Zilby (132) | March 31, 2015 1:35pm
Sub, this is the comments section for a guide, if you just want to bash on Ares and wish for him to be blessed by the buff gods then make a new thread in the forums.
Subzero008 (112) | March 31, 2015 1:06pm
Zilby wrote:

In reference to the others' comments: Ares is not currently a very competitively viable god in high level play. He's fine in lower level play, and this guide fits very well into that niche... something that subzero seems to fail to understand. However, I would take Greenevers comments seriously since he brings some good points. I would argue that his suggestions are really situational items, but they're REALLY common situational items, at least one of which will probably be used in every match. I would still say that Pythagorem's Piece would be a good choice assuming the other team is not CC, slow or basic attack heavy since it does give your team a nice buff as well, but generally this is not the case.

I don't fail to understand anything. Lower level play is not a niche. That's like saying taking candy from a baby in a "taking candy from adults" contest is a "niche." Or that's like saying in chess, playing against a level 0 CPU is a "niche."

Is going all tank a niche? Is going Artemis jungle a niche? Is triple mid a niche? Those strategies are utterly absurd, and yet they work, because you're in lower levels of play. A niche isn't something defined by "your opponents are too stupid to handle it," a niche is defined by "what this god can do that others can't." Example: Apollo's global mobility was a niche.

Ares' ult isn't even that good, since most tanks have the same blink-initiation combo, and can do more things outside of their ults. Sure, other gods can't lock people from escaping for as long, but who would pick a 3 second cripple versus a 2 seconds stun or taunt or root?

Ares does have a niche, the problem is that it is worthless. No one cares about crippling three people for 4 seconds when you can stun three people for 2.25 seconds or taunt three people for 2 seconds, you get the point, and that's not even mentioning the other abilities they have. Hell, other tanks do more overall damage, too, since Ares is almost all single target damage, and the other tanks don't rely on skillshots. He's harder to play for less results, and that isn't a niche, but a grave.
Hassal | March 31, 2015 10:13am
Thanks for more insight. taking all the comments in note.I have also stated in my guide that this is not aimed towards conquest so it meant for things such as arena and joust. things like Pythagorem's Piece help with a tad bit off sustain and power for more aggressive stance. i know the lifesteal falls short on most guardians but i find the power you get from Ares's passive makes it stand out a bit more for him. Subzero you have argued more so if he is a God worth playing rather than if my build sucks. as for the statement on the ult, im not saying not to use it in a group, I'm saying don't just walk into the group. I see player just walk in with ares all the time and people just range his ult or have their finger on beads making it even more easy to counteract. where if you work your way into the line its less expected, just like using blink.

As for greenevers comment. Witchblade is somethings that i juggle for Mystical Mail on a a heavy hunter team or some left clicking assassins but its not often I do this because not often is there more then one. magi's blessing also great but I do not play conquest alot and once again Bolster Defensesi know it does not ignore the CC but the reduction is great. Still a very useful piece none the less.

Ares does not have the amazing CC like Ymir or Sylvanus making less useful when stacking common tank items like Breastplate of Valor. where Ares gets his edge is assisting in helping allies with the burst. I have taken all comments into consideration and will adjust my build or add more builds to this guide on making more of tank support then aggresive support
Zilby (132) | March 31, 2015 9:33am
In reference to the others' comments: Ares is not currently a very competitively viable god in high level play. He's fine in lower level play, and this guide fits very well into that niche... something that subzero seems to fail to understand. However, I would take Greenevers comments seriously since he brings some good points. I would argue that his suggestions are really situational items, but they're REALLY common situational items, at least one of which will probably be used in every match. I would still say that Pythagorem's Piece would be a good choice assuming the other team is not CC, slow or basic attack heavy since it does give your team a nice buff as well, but generally this is not the case.
Greenevers (105) | March 31, 2015 3:58am
The build is eh... It's alright but you're missing 3 items that are usually staple on a support or needed at sometime in the match.

Magi's blessing is required for those fights at objectives. The enemy support can blink in, cc you and hog the fg/gf in a split second. Also good for a scape goat incase you're caught out of position.

Witchblade is good to help against some physical auto attack based gods. The item is flexible too since it helps against magical auto atttack gods as well as physical ability based gods too. Not to mention it adds a stack to your passive.

Winged Blade is usually a good pickup as either a starting item or later in the game. Saves your *** against slow heavy comps and provides a variety of stats that can help your build come online sooner.

Pythags piece can work but the fact that you need other items to help your team, I doubt you can fit it in your build.
Subzero008 (112) | March 31, 2015 12:38am
"when I see other Ares playing they don't use this to its full potential"

It's an 8 second buff that has a huge AoE and stays active as an aura so you don't even need to time it. It's almost literally the most uninteractive ability possible, and with max CDR, there's a downtime of two seconds if you keep mashing it. It's pointless to talk about it because it has no depth to it at all - the only layer of strategy you need for it is "use it when you get in fight unless you need mana for something else." (and no, one layer is not depth)

Also, lifesteal is a terrible idea, just like how pure damage Ares is a terrible idea. It's fun, but unviable. There's just no point on building lifesteal on a tank/bruiser outside of some very specific champions that aren't even in Smite. Most of the time, your damage output isn't going to do much against the damage you'll take - you'll be better off taking protections rather than a psuedo-heal to mitigate damage, because that is simply more efficient.

Look at this:

"Well Rounded

He has no mobility or hard CC outside of his ult, so no, he is not well-rounded.
He's not bulky, at least compared to other tanks (Geb's shield, or Sylvanus's heal, etc, are superior to the protection buff, especially when considering that Sylvanus' heals actually gives protections, AND he has the lowest base stats of any tank), and certainly not with your build.

Powerful? I think you mean "damaging," and the distinction is important. Ares is not powerful, he is trash tier garbage who is 80% winmore - as in, he's a champion that's only useful if you're already ahead, making him pointless - and 20% early game damage, but the thing people never seem to understand is that if you want early damage, you might as well pick a mage or bruiser or Thor in lane, especially considering that most mages have more mana, CC, and/or damage than Ares and nearly all points of the game plus the range advantage.

Also, I think you're being idiotic when you say NOT to use his ult when a large group is in range because it'll make it harder for them to forget to use beads. You are literally telling us that an important part of effectively using his ultimate is that the opponent must be a complete moron. Because the truth of the matter is, your biggest concern isn't them remembering to use beads, but that they'll just walk away from you, out of range, while wearing you down with ranged attacks. Your best, and ONLY bet for initiation against a competent team, would be to simply wait for Blink to come off cooldown and use that.

Actually, I lied. The biggest concern is you using a garbage ult from a garbage god - I've seen teams literally ignore Ares in teamfights due to how his damage falls off and his ultimate is worthless. I've done it plenty of times, myself.

tl;dr: Morgana from LoL has a much better version of the ult, where you don't get stunned if you break the chain by walking out of range, turning it into a mostly defensive zoning tool. There's like no one who uses beads there, and yet the ultimate is balanced because it has counterplay, and can be avoided in ways that don't require a "get out of jail free button." In Smite, Ares' ult is an obnoxious indicator of your own incompetence at best, and a mild annoyance at worst, because this is a perfect example of how beads actually reduces counterplay options.

Whoops, I think tl;dr wasn't supposed to be a slightly tangential rant. Whatever, im done.
Zilby (132) | March 30, 2015 9:49pm
Oh I didn't even think about Bolster Defenses, that's a good point though. I will admit since Ares is more of an offensive support Shoes of Focus will almost always be more useful. I would still probably go more defensive if I fell behind early game though.
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