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Lightning Odin

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by MikeDiB updated August 18, 2016

Smite God: Odin

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Odin Build

Final Build

Build Item Talaria Boots Talaria Boots
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger
Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge


Build Item Ancile Ancile
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer
Build Item Stone Cutting Sword Stone Cutting Sword


Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh

Build Explained

A build I've been testing out a bit that focuses primarily on CDR and movement speed. The advantage of this build is that is makes you extremely difficult to kill using a combination of your abilities and pure speed. However, the real advantage here is that this is extremely unconventional for a warrior, much less one as slow as Odin, giving you the element of surprise when facing inexperienced players. I have found this build allows your to outrun even some of the fastest assassins, so combining speed with Odin's shield and lunge abilities makes you extremely hard to kill.


Path to Valhalla

This new passive activates when either an enemy or a ally is killed and provides Odin a movement and power boost for 8 seconds. This can stack up to 5 times, helping you clean up an extra kill or two and give you a boost when escaping.


Odin's lunge is his main initiator and escape, putting him quickly at a target location and dealing damage on impact. This ability can be combined with Raven Shout to deal additional damage.

Raven Shout

This ability gives him a shield that can be used both offensively and defensively. After a few seconds the shield will burst, dealing AOE damage. Having the shield at full health will provide a damage boost and if used in combination with Odin's Lunge will increase the damage on landing (the shield will never burst mid-air). When initiating, it is better to use the shield before jumping, but as an escape be sure to save the shield for after you jump and are running away. I find it is important to time the shield so that you jump at the very last second, as Odin can be extremely predictable for seasoned players.

Gungnirs Might

Odin swings his spear in a circle, slowing on the first hit. The ability doesn't hit very hard but has low cooldown and should be used after initiating, to clean up a kill, or to slow an enemy chasing after you.

Ring of Spears

Odin's signature ability, this creates a ring that reduces attack speed and healing to any enemy trapped inside. This is extremely useful during team fights (especially for mage teammates) and provides a permanent boost to attack power whenever an enemy dies within the ring. Odin and his teammates are free to pass along the walls, so it is also useful for escaping or saving a teammate. This ability falls short against Gods with an escape or using the Phantom relic, so try your best to get them to burn that ability/item before using.


Talaria Boots

Provides a movement speed boost as well as an additional boost to speed and HP5 when out of combat. I like the passive, however if you're looking for more physical power you can go with Warrior Tabi.

Jotunn's Wrath

A critical item for damage, mana, and CDR. Don't leave home without it.

Ritual Dagger

Ritual Dagger
The second CDR item and boost to movement speed. This also gives you some extra time using relics, maximizing your Sprint and Curse.

Spectral Armor

Some physical defense and much needed mana. At this point in the match you'll be really noticing how quickly you're going back to base, so feel free to pick this up before ritual dagger if you need more early game defense and mana. I like this item because it's passive reduces your cooldowns by 3 seconds when using a relic, which can be critical in finishing a kill or escaping an enemy.

Genji's Guard

Magical defense to match Spectral Armor, as well as the final 10% of your CDR. This gives you a boost to mana regeneration as well, and the passive gives you a 2 second cooldown reduction when hit with magical damage. At this point your abilities should have virtually zero cooldown and you'll have the mana for them.


The lifesteal is a nice bonus, but the point of this item is really the MASSIVE boost to physical power and it's great passive. Every time you kill an enemy, you gain a damage shield which can help you to stay in the fight or escape if necessary. This combined with your passive can really improve your chances of a double kill, triple kill, and so on. When I'm doing well against a team, I'll pick this up earlier to help rack up kills, but even as last built it provides great late-game damage that Odin lacks.


Pretty self explanatory, but use whatever relics you're comfortable with.

Other Items

A few other items I considered when making this build. Feel free to swap them in if you really like them, if you do leave it in the comments!

Pros / Cons


  • Extremely fast
  • Max CDR
  • Difficult to kill
  • Unconventional and difficult to catch on to
  • Easy to annoy enemy team, frustrated players make mistakes!


  • Mana hungry early game
  • Can be predictable
  • Somewhat squishy

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