I start off the game by purchasing
, along with
and a
although sometimes I pick up
I do this because it gets me closer to finishing my first item and at the beginning of the game.
Now, with Medusa I like to play very aggressive, but not until I complete the first 2 items of my build because once I build those 2 items I can take advantage of Medusa's passive very well.
The reason I pick up the
is because of it's passive and how well it synergizes with Medusa's Passive. The
passive gets rid of the movement penalty while attacking if you hit an enemy, meaning as long as you are hitting either a minion or another god, you keep moving around at your normal walking speed while still putting out damage and early game this is VERY powerful.
Pick this item up first and you will notice just how quick Medusa can get in and out of combat all while protecting herself and that gives you the chance to pick up a kill even if you get out of position because you can work your way back into a safe area while still keeping up damage, just make sure you're hitting at least the minions.
Item number 2
Next, I like to pick up
because of the increase to attack power. This helps deal more damage and due to the later pickup of
you won't need the attack speed of the ninja tabi.
3rd item, Life Steal
Now, depending on how the game is going I'll either pick up my lifesteal here, or pick up my defensive item first, be that
or Magi's Blessing. I'll assume for this guide that you aren't in terrible danger and can afford to put off the defensive items and go strait into an offensive mode. But if you are in danger of dying due to any reason pick up an item towards your defense here because you can't afford to feed and get out leveled.
Assuming you decide you can go offense, I pick up
here or
. I normally choose
because it's cheaper and allows me to start building crit sooner which is where Medusa really starts to dominate.
gives you decent lifesteal which let's you heal off of minions and duel really well.
does more once you get stacks built, but I feel it won't become better than
until you get closer to maxing out the stacks and by the time you get to buying this, you could already be half way to the crit items and like I mentioned previously that's where Medusa really starts to take off. If you choose to go with the starter item build order, you want to pick up Devourer's over Asi, simply because how when you purchase it, you'll have enough time for you to get max stacks sooner. Then near the end game if you notice you don't have enough life steal from Asi or Dev Gauntlets, I go ahead and pick up Soul Eater here at the end just because it offers a lot of stats Medusa needs and gives you a good bit of lifesteal. Normally I'll choose crit but if I'm doing pretty good damage but I'm losing my sustain I feel it's just needed to keep yourself alive.
Crit Your Pants!
I've been tinkering around a bit and once you get your first 3 items, you need to start coming into your role as a carry. Right about now I will pick up
in order to start building Crit. I'll pick up Deathbringer first most of the time. Right at this time I have 2 items left I can build. 100% of the time I get another crit item. Personally I'm torn between Malice and Rage, and honestly it boils down to your preference. Some people like the super amount of crits you get from Rage and some people like having more damage when you crit from Malice. Like I said, personal preference and you can't go wrong with either.
Finishing the build
Now this is where you can let your creativity flow. Honestly you can choose whichever item you want here, and my choice usually boils down to how the match is playing. If I have a good amount of sustain and I'm not dying a lot or I can box perfectly fine with no issues, I'll pick up either
And honestly this choice is completely up to you depending on the match. If they're building protections grab titans bain. Lately I've been building
, it gives me some nice cool down reduction and it gives me some mana which my build was otherwise lacking. Sometimes I like to pick it up before I get into crit depending on how the match is playing. If they're not building defense and you can just add to the burst with Jotunn's Wrath or Hydra's lament so you can also get some cooldown reduction. Then honestly it goes to whichever item you prefer, I usually stick with Breastplate or Titan's Bane because those 2 items are great counter build pieces due to the fact if the enemies build defence you can pick up some great pen with Titan's Bane but if they build offensively you get some defense along with cooldown and mana making it a solid contributor towards your offense too.
Summing all of this up real quick. Pick up
first and foremost because of its passive and how integral it is to this build, the attack speed also comes in handy because once you get crit items, you can just turret people while running circles around them. I pick up
for the increased attack power because you don't 100% need the attack speed offered by ninja tabi but that power will help secure kills. Next either defensive item but I usually tend to stick with
because the lifesteal can help make up for taking a lot of damage and with the increased attack speed you can get a lot of health in a short period of time. This is where the crit comes, pick up
. Then lastly finish off with either defense if you need it, but if you don't pick up whatever flavor item you choose, I like
, you may prefer a different item here and that's fine.
Good guide. I did one for Arena and I totally agree with
One thing that just looks confusing to me is that you put both
Based on your build already having 2 high attack speed buffs (30% each from
SIGH: this build will probably only work in arena or joust, mabye ***ult, any other mode wont work with medusa. Her ability's scale with her power so POWER ITEM help out more than just AA. this build will probably work on a god like Apollo the best due to his passive and his ONE dmg ability (his whole fight is AA). Like i said try this build with apollo it will be better. And plz take out Ninja tabi for warrior, its just better
Well, this is how I choose to use my build. I understand a lot of people view her as a mainly ability based god, but I choose to use her differently. I find her basic attacks to be very powerful and only use her abilities for either starting a fight, or ending one. I could go through and explain each item and my reasoning behind it for you, but with the tone of your post I know you wouldn't listen.
Have you considered building Transcendence with Medusa?
And I tried using it, and it worked out pretty well. I like that it offers a little bit more power and provides a little bit more use out of her abilities and that was welcome during mid game. It's something I'm going to have to put more time into but I'm going to enjoy tinkering with it. After a bit of testing, I personally prefer my playstyle over an ability based medusa, but I can see where people enjoy the ability aspect of her. I kind of use my abilities for finishing someone off because my basics will pretty much kill anyone pretty quick and I only use abilities to finish off a running away enemy.
Yeah, I have. The reason I don't is because this is more of an AA based build. It focus's on really landing your autos and using your abilities for a quick burst. Usually what I will do though is depending on who I'm teamed up with ( I play mostly joust) I'll try and grab the mana buff in early game but honestly, once I get to mid game I don't personally have very many mana problems.
Now, she also plays really well as an ability hunter and you can stack transcendence and I'd probably drop Fatalis for it because if you're using abilities you don't need the movement bonus. But honestly I love fatalis on medusa so much that I use her more for her basics.