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Reliable Eye Of The Jungle start.
Bumba's Dagger isn't very good right now but
Bumba's Hammer does synergize with
Infused Strikes, so it's useable.
Protector Of The Jungle
Seer Of The Jungle are interchangeable.
This is the cookie-cutter jungle build at the start of Year 10. Shadowdrinker could be replaced by
Heartseeker, and
Magi's Cloak is a more situational choice.
Items that are huge parts of Hun Batz' kit. Should feature 1 or more in a typical build.
Great options to get power depending on the situation.
Great options for survivability depending on the situation.
Blink Rune and
Purification Beads are nearly necessary.
Tap each threat level to view Hun Batz’s threats
Tap each synergy level to view Hun Batz’s synergies
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Taking the standard build, you have glyph options for both Jotunn's and Magi's Cloak as you've stated. If Pupp listed Jotunn's Cunning, for example, people referring to the guide might think you should build it immediately as shown. However, in almost all cases, the glyphs provide a nice bonus but are usually upgraded once you've gotten most/all items online.
I think you can have arguments for upgrading to either
Just wanted to say that, I have been playing Hun recently and it looks pretty strong right now with these new pen item changes and I would love to see this guide to be updated, so more people can enjoy playing him this season
That PTS nerf to Blackthorn is harsh. It needed to be toned down, but a bit more moderation in their adjustments might be in order.
As far as
In your core items I would show
I would move
You could still keep
In your skill leveling you have a slight error where you have put a level into your ult at level 8 instead of 9.
You have a typo where it says "jotunn's wrath]" in your do's and don'ts. Speaking of which, [[jotunn's wrath is a fine choice for an early power spike and hitting your ult off cooldown, just make sure to sell it late game when you get
All in all great content and write up just some small tweaks and stuff so it's an upvote from me(:
I didn't really want to show
For the additional items, I don't disagree with any except for maybe
I'll go ahead and fix the levels.
I'll go ahead and fix that type too. Going Jotunn's just feels dirty but I understand what you're saying. But I think its a little confusing and risky for new players.
Thanks a lot for the feedback. I didn't mean to counter-criticize, just defend why I did what I did. I'll try and get a few games in and test out some of the other items more. <3