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Nu Wa: Absolute Sexyness.

3 1 15,730
by Annoyingness updated January 2, 2014

Smite God: Nu Wa

Build Guide Discussion 2 More Guides
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Nu Wa Build

Rushing rod. (arena and dom)

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon

Don't wanna rush rod.

Build Item Book of Thoth Book of Thoth

Offencive items.

Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver
Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Divine Wrath Divine Wrath

Defencive items.

Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Wall of Absolution Wall of Absolution
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Focused Void Stone Focused Void Stone
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion


Hi, i'm annoyingness, i make guides for sexy gods.

Nu Wa Is very sexy, And attractive, she isn't that powerful until late game, but i found a way to make her powerful also in early/mid, and the way is rushing rod, it's tested, with a promesing score of 12/0/? at arena and at dom 11/0/?. now, i will explain to you how to use Nu Wa in two words Be Careful! with nu, you must stay in the back at early, until a team fight on an obolisk, or an usual arena team fight. and when the team fight enters the battle ground, u should trap your enemies on the Obolisk/center of the arena, which gives you and your team a great advantage on them.

Pros / Cons

What is Nu Wa's Pros?

She can hide entire teams with fog, and herself.
If She lands her Flame Strike she can use polynomicon to reduce the enemy's health by 4/6 ( beacuse of the tahuti rush, Flame Strike deals lots of damage to enemies and polynomicon is very effective on squishy enemies). (if it's not clear, the enemy is squishy).
She can tank enemy minions by creating Clay Soldiers, or tanking obolisk with it, it can even can be used as an escape beacuse it can block enemies and raise Nu Wa's Physical Protection.
Pillars Of Heaven
She is a great team-fighter beacuse she can trap the enemy team, while hiding her team, which gives a huge advantage, also, her Pillars of heaven can slow and do damgae while passing trough it.
after Nu Wa's pros was shown, let's see what is bad at her.
She has a very high weakness to stuns and it if an Anubis is doing the stun, youre dead. (used anubis as an exapmle), also, tanks like ymir could make an Anubis's day by doing the stun for him.
She has low power untill buying Rod of Tahuti.
her fog could easily be removed with Ah Muzen Cab's passive, and it dosen't work on towers.

Team Work

This section is really important to Nu Wa beacuse of Nu Wa's main purpose: Team Fights. How to handle teamfighs? you will find that in this section.

Pillars of heaven
Pillars of heaven is a great ult for me. the 60 sec cool-down is very short, and don't use it to kill a enemie with low health. i think it has a better use for Nu Wa in teamfights.
1) The Trap: The slow is sure frightening, ( this use for team-fights uses slow, but the other one dosen't.) it can make enemies to not pass trough the Pillars of heaven and stay stuck there, which allows your team to rip them apart. enemies who pass trough the slow, is doomed too, and some tank ults like No Escape, or Shards of Ice make enemies dead for sure.
Elemental Crystals
2) The Damage: This one helps secure kills in pillars of heaven by giving a really great crystal that grants double damage. this crystal combines greatly with Polynomicon by giving 100% of your magical power to your basic attack, while making the basic attack do double damage with elemental crystals which gives Nu Wa the ability to do double damage with pillars of heaven which completely ends the enemy's life. if you want more time in double damage plus other crystals use all of your moves, which turnes you into her "True Snake Form" and gives you the other crystals bonuses.
As i said before, She can use fog to hide her whole teams and herself, which makes the enemies moves harder to land. fog is also one which turnes team fights way easier by the reasons i wrote. but there's one more advantage here. the movment speed buff.
One of the best items on Nu Wa beacuse it turnes her ult slow into a root, and makes fog better for invading pillars of heaven by slowing the enemy team, while damaging them and bringing other team-mates to pillars of heaven.
Her ult dosen't do lots of damage. true story. this item might change that a little, powering up Nu Wa combines great with x2 damage and completely (now it's for sure) ends the enemy's life with pillars of heaven. now did you get why rushing rod on nu is good? good viewers!.
Do you renembeer the great use of Polynomicon on her? well it's time that i explain it again, in order this time, it buffes Nu Wa's basic attack by a lot. it combines greatly with her x2 basic attack bonus. and it gives a lot of magical power.

Taking Down Obolisks.

Nu Wa is also very good at taking down obolisks. here's what you do.

these minions are not used only for escape and defence, meet your tanks! the damage they do is not important, you can tank obilisks with these little tanks, But note this: They will work the best when you upgrade them at least to level 2.
Pillars of heaven] renember those pillars of heaven? they have a really good use on obilsiks. i will explain the two things it does on obolisks team fights.
1) The Trap: on taking down obolisks, most pepole won't pass these Pillars Of KILLS! you can use that to your team advantage. especially when the obolisk is down and it's just your team aginst there team. also, this can be very good with Ymir's Shards of Ice.
Elemental Crystals 2) The Damage: This can completely finish the job. after taking down the obolisk, after taking down the obolisk, this is extremely useful.
: with this baby, when they damage you, you get more magical power, and also, 100 MAGICAL POWER!!!1 this is extremely useful after the obolisk was defeated for sustain in the obolisk.
a great start for evrey mage. it gives you movment speed to get to the obolisk as fast as you can, and it gives you cdr, to make your ult cool-down shorter. which helps you use your ult evrey time your team attack an obolisk.


i already told you what are the uses for her skills. now it's time to collect them.

Elemental Crystals
:Nu Wa draws upon the power of the five-colored elemental crystals. When she uses an ability, it activates its corresponding crystal for 10s, granting her an additional bonus. When all crystals are active, Nu Wa transforms into her true snake form, refreshing the duration of all crystal bonuses for another 10s.
Wood Crystal Bonus: 10 HP5. (Always Active).
This Passive is great. here's some reasons.
    2)crystal bounuses
    3)"True Snake Form".

:Nu Wa condenses moisture into fog in a 20 ft radius at her location which follows her at 95% of her movement speed and lasts 10s. She and all allies are stealthed while inside the fog. Attacking breaks the stealth effect. Enemies caught inside the fog cloud are slowly choked for 10/20/30/40/50 (+10% of your magical power) damage every second. This ability also activates Nu Wa's Water Crystal, granting her an increased move speed aura.
Water Crystal Bonus: 10/15/20/25/30% Move Speed.
Cost: 70 mana.
Cooldown 14 seconds.
This Ability is also great. reasons:
    2)Can Hide entire team.
    3)great with gem.
    4)while invading pillars of heaven it deals some dmg.

Nu Wa condenses moisture into fog in a 20 ft radius at her location which follows her at 95% of her movement speed and lasts 10s. She and all allies are stealthed while inside the fog. Attacking breaks the stealth effect. Enemies caught inside the fog cloud are slowly choked for 10/20/30/40/50 (+10% of your magical power) damage every second. This ability also activates Nu Wa's Water Crystal, granting her an increased move speed aura.
Water Crystal Bonus: 10/15/20/25/30% Move Speed.
Cost: 70 mana.
Cooldown 14 seconds.
This ability is not her greatest ability. pros:
    1) good at attacking obolisks.
    2) Mini tanks.
    3) Physical protection.

Flame strike
Nu Wa conjures an intense burst of flame in a 10 ft radius at her target location, dealing 60/100/140/180/220 (+60% of your magical power) damage, stunning enemies and enemy structures for 1s and igniting them for 5/10/15/20/25 (+10% of your magical power) additional damage every second for 2s. The damage increases the closer Nu Wa is to the source when cast, up to 1.5x at point blank range. This ability activates Nu Wa's Fire Crystal, granting her basic attacks splash damage that applies on-hit item effects.
Fire Crystal Bonus: Basic attacks hit targets within 15 ft for 50% damage.
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
This Ability is great. here's some reasons.
    2)it deals a lot of burst damage after rod.

Pillars Of Heaven
Nu Wa summons the pillars of heaven to imprison her enemies. Four metal pillars create a square with an electrical field in a 40 feet area. Enemies who pass through the field take 100/150/200/250/300 (+50% of your magical power) damage and are heavily slowed by 35/40/45/50/55% for 3s. This ability also activates Nu Wa's Metal Crystal, granting her basic attacks increased damage.
Metal Crystal Bonus: 2X Basic attack damage.
Cost: 80/90/100/110/120 mana.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.
This ability is Nu Wa's greatest ability. here's reasons:
    1) low cooldown.
    2) slow is very effective
    3) best crystal.
    4) very good for teamfights.



: I use this item for penetration and power, which helps to finish the enemy faster.
: Cdr mainly. this is good for losing no power and getting cdr.
: it gives attack speed, and it gives more mob ability.
: it gives a lot of power, and it gives a lot of bonus damage with abilities.
: gives power, it's basicly a power/supportive item. not much to say about that.
it gives penetration, and it reduces the enemey's magical protection.
use this to reduce enemy heals with basics for easier game.
This is a tanky replacment to chronos pendant.
Witch stone
This item is a very good support item, while giving you movment speed, attack speed and physical protection.
This item is mainly for body-blocking while giving you physical protection.
Warlock's sash
This item can be used for more health and mana.
This item is the only tank item that gives both power, defence and penetration.
This item is good for body-blocking beacuse it gives you physical protection reflects some of basic attack damage taken.


This is my Dom/Arena guide for nu wa, i combined subrezo's jungle guide with my playstyle, evrey feedback will be appreciated.

Updates log

1/2/14 guide published.

next updates

    1)conoquest update
    2) weird nu wa playstyle update.

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Subzero008 (112) | January 5, 2014 1:35am
Rather confusing.

Firstly, your info is REALLY DISORGANIZED! It looks like you just vomited your thoughts onto the interface. A bunch of grammar errors are also strewed here and there. I wish you could organize this guide better.

Build makes little sense, as rushing Rod is usually not a good idea, and your item explanations are also poor. You just write down what they do, rather than how they benefit Nu Wa specifically. Not to mention we have no idea which item to replace.

Skills are very badly explained. You need to list the how to use, the when and where to use, and the why behind their uses. You just give a tiny list of stuff they can do, and you just pad the rest with copy and pasted stuff. Not good.

Pros and Cons are alright, especially the tip on fog accidentally triggering towers. Very good.

As for gameplay, this is very disorganized and confusing, but it seems to be solid in the fundamentals. I'll give a tip: pillars of heaven can hit the same target multiple times, especially if it is standing still. Sand Guardian?

I was rather surprised that some of this was inspired by me. Can you put a section that gives some credit? It seems like you copied a lot.

Overall, this guide is rather...poor. You could stand to add some more info, expand skills and items, and touch up the organization on this guide. I'll downvote.

(And yes, she is quite attractive.)
KillingCreations (1) | January 3, 2014 2:07am
I love the guide. it's been helpful, waiting for your conoquest update!
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