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Nike is one of my favorite gods for the solo lane with decent early game clear and the safety tools to get out of potential ganks from the enemy jungler or mid laner along side the ability to turn into an unslayable back line diver she has earn a reasonably high pick rate for me in ranked
personal l believe starter items are way too powerful not to use at the start of the game, so the start for the build is Bluestone pendant 3 health potions and the health chalice this will give you good sustain for the early levels 1 - 4. Once you hit level
5 and have your ultimate zeus's sentinel you become very safe from ganks and aggression from the opposing laner. next up is warrior tabi followed by the items above showen above in order warrior tabi , mystical mail, stone of the gaia, talisman of energy, void shield, mantle of discord and upgrade the starter into bluestone brooch. The relics of choice for this build are Blink rune, Teleport glyph, Purification beads and Belt of frenzy. other items of notes are warriors axe, manakin Spector, runic shield and pestilence
These items all serve an important purpose to the overall success of the character and here are my reasons for each choice. Warrior tabi is the choice of shoes for this build as the early power is a key to the early brawl potential and lane clear, rushing boots is increasly more important as the maps is becoming bigger and bigger you need to be able to move from fountain to lane asap and boots is the best way to do so. Mystical mail is one for the first big spikes you gain in the game the passive helps pressure the wave and the opposing laner along with protections, health and CCR which make this item all the better, in late game it will be a good source of constant damage in the team fights.mid game item is stone of the gaia one of the strongest items in the game at the moment, it provides great sustain and the passive keeps you alive if you are to be caught out of position and try to crowd control you to death. In the fifth spot you get to make some choices base on your team and the enemy team runic shield, talisman of energy and the pestilence all provide magical protects which are needed for any tank in conquest. if the enemy has a heavy magic team runic shield is the choice for the protections and the magical power reduction on the enemy gods. pestilence is the go to for anti heal vs healing based teams as it provides an anti heal aura (note if your support has pestilence it may not be the best choice to pick it up as the aura does not stack). Lastly talisman of energy is great for a balance team on both sides its passive provides movement speed to you and your team which make chase the enemy team alot easier and hard for them to escape. nearing the end of the game void shield will help round out the build with a similar effect to runic shield but instead for physical gods. To finish the build we are building mantle of discord a item that provides both physical and magical protections, the passive can provide a burst stun if brought to 30 percent hp. the point of sell boots for the 6th item will be pridwen provides even more protections along with a great passive when you use your ultimate you gain a shield on top of nike shield makes you unkillable for a limited time.
The four best relics for nike in solo are blink rune, teleport glyph, purification beads and belt of frenzy, these relics are very different in there purpose but all suit the play style of nike aggressive diver. Lets start with teleport glyph the most simple of the four relics it allows you to teleport to any ward, tower or phoenix. in the early game TP allows you to keep pressure in lane or prevent lose of wave pressure if you are to be poked out or slain early. late game TP can be use for some interesting plays with wards allowing you to back in a team fight and jump back in the fight fast or potentially steal objectives if the enemy does destroy your teams wards. These qualities make teleport glyph a great relic to buy early at level 1. Following Tp is blink rune, blink is a relic that allows you to teleport a short distance in front of you as long as you can stay out of combat. blink is a great relic for nike as she wants to been in the fights all the time slipping past the frontline and getting you to where you want to be the back line. It is also a great defensive tool allowing you to distance yourself from the enemy while being dived or chased through out the game. note mystical mail is a small anti combo with blink as the aura tends to put you in combat alot still this relic is so strong it is usually still worth buying. third up is purification beads, beads provides a cleansing effect removing any and all forms of CC applied to your god for 1s allowing you a window to escape. l usually only build beads if you are being focused alot or there team has alot of CC, the reason for that is because beads does not help your team in the fights which is a very important for the late game, Knowing this beads is a good choice if you feel you can confidently disrupt the enemy team. Lastly is belt of frenzy is a aura effect for you and your team which increases attack damage and speed for 5 seconds. Easily my least bought relic but very important when bought, it provides a instant power spike in a team fight helping turn the tide of battle which can be great for a very defensive teams with low damage. it also makes taking towers phoenixes and objectives a breeze creating split push opportunities out of nothing. Why l dont buy it buy that often is because it is a relic for the late late game like 30 - 40 mins and games dont always last that long so it can be wasted at times defiantly a second choice relic never level 1 relic
Nike has very strong early game clear with her rend ability in combination with bluestone pendant will make farming the wave a breeze. you level 2 ability is usually valiant leap it keeps you safe if there is a level 2 gank from the jungler. However this usually wont matter too much as you will hit level 3 after the second wave. you will almost always out pressure the enemy laner in the early stages of the game with a strong escape in the valiant leap and the zeus's sentinel as a catch all safety net. early game is a important and strong part of nikes game plan for the match.
after the early game the next step is team fights and late game which is the worst for nike. nikes goal is to fight the backliners (hunters and mage) jump on them and start disarming with the rend or slow them with the ult for your team to come a finish them off. alternatively you will also jump on a group of enemies and slow them with your ult for your team to have a movement advantage in the fight. Your protections and ult shield will keep you alive for a while, while you are fighting the team. your job is to start the team fight on the right foot so your team has an easier time taking the enemies down. late you are the tank phoenixes towers objectives, your tanking it all to protect you team from the persistent damage from those structures. you not look the flashes on the team or the coolest but you are a key part of your teams overall success. so keep tanking keep diving and have fun on this amazing god. thanks for reading :)
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For example,
I haven't tested it yet but
In terms of main build items,
A skill leveling order will also be beneficial (order 4 > 1 > 2 > 3)