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by plumepath updated September 16, 2020

Smite God: Horus

Build Guide Discussion 17 More Guides
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Horus Build

Build Item Attacker's Blessing Attacker's Blessing
Build Item Warrior's Blessing Warrior's Blessing
Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi

Build Item Shifter's Shield Shifter's Shield
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Rage Rage
Build Item Hastened Katana Hastened Katana
Build Item Caduceus Club Caduceus Club
Build Item Runeforged Hammer Runeforged Hammer

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plumepath | September 16, 2020 11:22am
Ymir has a lot of basic damage, so you can build it whith low power and deal consistent damage...I agree with that.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 16, 2020 11:41am
Ymir has a lot of basic damage potential due to his passive. This makes it viable to situationally build more offensively, and include items that increase basic attack damage such as Polynomicon. That discussion doesn't really have anything to do with this one.
plumepath | September 16, 2020 11:20am
Btw spear of the magus has a correct description of its passive, why didn't they put from all sources?
I still don't get the point of having basic attack and dealing little damage, the main thing of a thank should be body blocking...Six of your hits would make the damage of a thanatos' blow...
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 16, 2020 11:40am
Basic attacks are needed because everyone has limited ability use, and when abilities are down, it would be stupid for the game to not allow you to do anything but pick your nose. Higher basic attack damage is absolutely appreciated, but when you learn the game more, you realize that other things may be more important depending on the god and build.

And while Magus provides increased damage from all sources, as I described below, Void is only physical sources.
plumepath | September 16, 2020 11:15am
oh ok I forgot it's reduction... thought it was increased damage.
plumepath | September 16, 2020 11:14am
Thank you I didn't know void shield helped your team-mates dealing damage. So auras works on all friendly gods even if it's not specified?
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 16, 2020 11:38am
Void Shield provides a physical protection debuff of 15% of the enemy's total physical protections. Since it's phys prots, it only affects gods that deal phys damage (warriors, hunters, assassins), though any incoming damage they might inadvertently take from map NPCs would affect them also. The enemies affected have to be within your range of effect.
plumepath | September 16, 2020 10:53am
It's fun how whith void shield I dealt less damage than with shifter. Do you agree with me that shifter fits better than void shield on Horus? You can heal yourself: I took that in consideration...
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 16, 2020 11:10am
You have to take into consideration a variety of factors.

Void Shield has 20 base power, 60 physical protection, 150 health, and 15% protection reduction aura.

Shifter's Shield has 2 forms:
  • Over 75% health: 70 physical power, 15 physical protection.
  • Under 75% health: 35 physical power, 50 physical protection, 35 magical protection.
Based on this, and only considering power, absolutely Shifter's will deal more damage, no matter your health level. That said, DAMAGE ISN'T YOUR MAIN JOB. I have to stress that. Until the point where you accept what I'm saying is more accurate with a better base of understanding, anything else I say probably won't matter much.

Anyway, the higher physical protection (at all times) of Void, plus the added health, mean that you're going to be able to tank significantly more physical damage than Shifter's. Health and protection calculate together to form a concept stat called "effective health." An explanation of that is found in The Word of Thoth that I already linked to you. Another point on this is that minions, structures, and other objectives all deal physical damage. So being tankier against those means you can take more hits from structures if you're sieging, or be more aggressive in the midst of a wave.

Granted, at below 75% health, you do get more tankiness against magical damage, so there is that consideration.

One point I'll make is that depending on role, you're not necessarily getting Void Shield at the same point you're suggesting getting Shifter's (immediately after Warrior Tabi).

Finally, it's important to clarify you understand how protections and penetration/protection reduction work? Just because YOU don't necessarily deal as much damage due to having less power, the 15% protection reduction aura means that you are helping your teammates deal more damage. This is a core concept in picking up Void. It's a bruiser item that gives you some power to deal a bit more damage, but has prots, health, and an offensive utility aura that helps your team output more damage overall.

And while you can heal yourself, I don't know if you take into consideration that enemies can affect you with anti-heal, significantly decreasing your healing amount. You can heal yourself with or without Shifter's, so that's not really an argument.
plumepath | September 16, 2020 10:33am
How ever regarding hastened I had to consider thath with this build you are mooving so slow...and attacking reduces even more your moovement speed...
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 16, 2020 10:52am
You could then apply the "need" for Hastened to pretty much all gods.

The point I'll make here is that you need to learn how to play around these limitations, rather than pick up an item that helps it but really hinders the rest of your build, handicapping you in different ways.

Examples of gods that can use hastened well: Kali, Arachne, Bakasura. Those are your main gods where the item is core.

Gods that it can work well with or be fun with but is not core: Mercury, Nemesis, Thanatos (definitely off meta for Thana and I don't encourage but it CAN be useful), Vamana.

Horus is basically at the absolute bottom of the list when it comes to using Hastened.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 16, 2020 9:53am
So, going to point out how this build is generally awful, with no intent to be demeaning or insulting. But honestly, I really suggest taking a step back at this point and learning a bit more on build concepts. You might try reading my Items guide, and in the case of individual gods, you might look at some builds/guides that have good ratings. In Horus' case, you might start with Stuke's guide.

Now, for your current build, it reads as getting Attacker's Blessing or Warrior's Blessing, getting Warrior Tabi, then getting in the items in the following order: Shifter's Shield, Malice, Rage, Hastened Katana, Caduceus Shield, Runeforged Hammer.

Attacker's in non-Conquest modes, or Warrior's in Conq specifically, are perfect. Warrior Tabi is also a good choice for all modes. We'll leave those as-is.

While Shifter's Shield is a decent item, it's usually not built early-game. People typically find getting items with higher prots, some power, some CDR, some health, or a combination thereof are more helpful. The Sledge would fit, as would Breastplate of Valor, for example, at least against a physical solo-laner in Conquest.

Horus is not a god that should build crits. Yes, crit damage can be pretty powerful, but mostly that's for gods where crits are synergistic with their builds, or when they dedicate the entire build to basic attack damage, such as hunters. Horus has none of this. And while again crits can deal a lot of damage, you're completely lacking in a stat that helps crits with higher damage potential. The name of that stat is penetration. I will again point you to my items guide...check out the chapter dedicated to discussion on penetration. When people build significant damage items but don't build any pen, it's a clear indication they don't understand the mechanics of building, and how protections mitigate incoming damage.

Hastened Katana is for gods that dedicate the majority of their builds to damage, and have kits that benefit from basic attacks and sticking to enemies, similar to building crits. Horus is again not that kind of god. He's mostly a support/utility god, and his kit helps set up kills. He should not be building HK.

I will say that Caduceus Shield is a solid item for him.

Runeforged Hammer is at best a situational / utility item. Again, if you understand mechanics and calculations in the game, you'll understand that the passive "15% increased damage" is not going to be 15%. That's base damage and is subject to mitigations. With no pen in your build, even the squishy gods are going to mitigate almost 40% of incoming base damage, meaning this will provide around a 9.5% increase in damage against gods with 60 inherent protections (squishy gods building 0 prot items at level 20 typically have around 60 phys prots). Against tankier gods that build even 1 phys prot item, they'll probably mitigate at least 50% of your damage.

Again, no insult meant, but it's clear that better understanding of building needs to be learned here, and I suggest starting to ask questions, read my items guide, read the Word of Thoth (Smite Mechanics guide), etc. This will really help your concept of proper building.
plumepath | September 16, 2020 10:25am
Now, I chose shifter as first because I couldn't do otherwhise. It has a decent amount of pp and under 75% per cent health it gives you a pprotection boost. I could go whith Hastened increasing attack speed, but considering that minions at the start are a big deal I preferred dealing more damage whith my abilities... Then I build crit to deal more damage, I've already built some protection: I start with malice which 1/4 times reduces your cooldown by 3s. Even Genji do this, but at the beginning you should not have trouble whit mages (at low competitive levels). Then I build crit with Rage cause it's pretty cheap and increases the probability of critting, even power grows, which mean you can potentially heal your carry and deal damage... Then I chose hastened, but honestly I could have gone with Caduceus. The big thing is building this item at this point for two reasons: you're doing crit damage but your attack speed is so low; you can heal better all your team-mates and also have some more protection and pp. At the end you buy Runeforged cause it makes you reach 720 crit to low protection enemies and it fits well with horus CC, it also gives you more power, no doubt it should be built at the end. The only thing i would change considering the mindset of the build is hastened.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 16, 2020 10:46am
So depending on mode, your main function isn't going to be "more damage." Yes, if you're playing Solo, it will help your clear speed, but he's not the strongest Solo and isn't a bully, so if anything you're looking to stalemate the lane and wait until later-game to be of major help to your team.

In Support, you're absolutely not looking to deal damage for minion clear. You're looking to be tanky to absorb damage in place of your ADC. You'll be in front of them, and sometimes you'll initiate to set up kills, and for that you need to be able to take damage, not get blown up. This means health and protections. Using those CC and healing abilities also means you want some CDR to use them more often.

Hastened and the crit items are just not good items for him.
plumepath | September 16, 2020 10:09am
Starting whith the consideration that I realized at the end of the build, after trying it at low competitive levels (maybe that's the main issue): I realised that stats are important, basic stats even more, but I have to consider also the ability of a god and the situations in which these ability can put you in. In fact your reaction depends on your moovement skill and even on the set of ability you are dealing with. In my opinion Horus could be a good support,due to the fact that he can heal pretty consistently and his passive increases his magical and phisical protections. You have also a good CC, I think it is how it's called.
Branmuffin17 (401) | September 16, 2020 10:42am
All of this I agree with.

And in fact, Horus's best role currently is considered as Support, with Solo 2nd. He's not meant to be a direct damage dealer, though his base stats allow him to deal pretty decent damage. His CC and team utility (heal, transporting ult) allow him to be a great potential support, and this is how he is typically built...with CDR, health, protections, and the occasional bruiser/offensive item (e.g. Void Shield, which provides some prots and health, while also providing a form of penetration that helps both you and your physical damage dealing teammates).
plumepath | September 16, 2020 10:03am
Now I'll try to show you what I thought about the items I chose while building...
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