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Quick, Mobile, and Merciless - Complete Sol Guide (season 4)

9 6 181,670
by YaxLeader updated April 3, 2017

Smite God: Sol

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Sol Build

Main build (All purpose)

Build Item Traveler's Shoes Traveler's Shoes
Build Item Hastened Fatalis Hastened Fatalis
Build Item Book of the Dead Book of the Dead
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring

Situational Items

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi


Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Sol's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 7 11 14 16

Stellar Burst

2 A B
Stellar Burst
1 4 6 8 10


3 B A
3 12 15 18 19


4 Y X
5 9 13 17 20
2 7 11 14 16


1 X
Sol burns bright, gaining a large amount of Heat, Healing herself over time, and igniting the ground around her. Enemies that walk onto the fire take damage over time. The damaging area persists for 3s.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+25% of your Magical Power) every 1s
Healing: 18% of missing Health over 5s
Heat: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%
Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100
Cooldown: 11s
Stellar Burst
1 4 6 8 10

Stellar Burst

2 A
Sol's next basic attack explodes, creating a shockwave that travels out, dealing damage. At full size, the wave retracts, dealing damage again and slowing enemies.

Ability Type: Area Basic, Slow, Damage
Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% for 1.5s
Heat: 10%
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 10s
3 12 15 18 19


3 B
Sol burns down her manifestation, gaining movement speed and immunity to Slows while leaving a trail of fire behind her that damages enemies. After 3s Sol loses corporeal form for a short time. Sol may leave her incorporeal form early.

Ability Type: Line, Buff, Damage
Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+25% of your Magical Power) every 0.5s
Movement Speed: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Heat: 10%
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16s
5 9 13 17 20


4 Y
Sol unleashes all her flame and fury from the sky, striking 8 times along a moveable ground target location. Enemies are knocked back on the first strike, and take only 30% damage on successive hits.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Heat: 40%
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Sol - Mobile Hybrid Attacker

A Little About Myself

I have been playing Sol ever since she came out and thought it was time to publish my build because no one else seems to see it's strength. I played her on xbox first and got all the way to diamond with around 1500 kills and quite a few assists/wins.

Then when I switched to PC, I absolutely wrecked with her for awhile and got her to diamond again with 1300+ kills. I also maintain a win percentage above 50% at all times and, on average, win two out of three of my games anytime I play her. She is also the only god I have ever gotten a Penta kill with, and I got two with her!

She is my old standby god. Anytime I'm tired of other gods or just tired of losing, I switch to her. Maybe I can make her your standby god too!

Understanding Sol

Sol is not your typical mage, she doesn't have any super high-damaging abilities or specific ways to build her that get you kills in two hits. She is, however, quite hard to hit and can still dish out significant amounts of damage, it's just not burst, it's all consistent damage over long periods of time.

Her passive and her other abilities are mostly based around basic attacks like a hunter. But unlike a hunter, she can't do criticals and she can easily dance around her opponents late game and just make herself as hard as humanly possible to hit, kind of like an assassin.

Early game though, you do want to use your abilities and hang back, you are squishy after all! Once you have Hastened Fatalis and some extra attack speed to make misses more forgiving, dance away!! That's why it's among the first on the build!

She takes some practice to play this way but once you get it, there will rarely be a game where your KD is negative any more than a couple kills.

Pros / Cons


+High Mobility
+High Single Target Damage
+Good Escape/Immunity
+Good Pokes
+Some Sustain


-Quite Squishy
-Immunity takes time to activate
-Not CC friendly
-No CC
-Literally Too hot for you


Travelers Shoes

Travelers Shoes

Shoes of the Magi

Hastened Fatalis

Rod of Tahuti

Book of the Dead

Shaman's Ring

Telkhines Ring

Demonic Grip

Shoes of the Magi



Aegis Amulet

Horrific Emblem

Purification Beads


Unstable Manifestation


Stellar Burst




Early Game (All game types)

Before you have your Hastened Fatalis, don't charge in the enemies face too much. Standing back and popping your Stellar Burst at enemies while you build up heat using your basic attacks and Radiance. Chances are is that they won't charge you immediately and you can try to have your heat as high as possible (hopefully full) for when they charge you or when a teammate decides to rush and you can back them up.

Once you have your Hastened Fatalis, go ahead and start charging and getting in the enemies face when you see an opportunity to kill someone who's alone or low health. Remember to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge!

Also, make sure you don't charge in if you don't have the advantage. The best situation is when there are no enemy minions, your enemy is low health, you have a full shield from Book of the Dead, and you have your heat all the way up. In this case, dance away, my friend, dance away.


Basically, the idea is to make yourself hard to hit while landing hits on the enemy as often as possible. If you start missing, your Hastened Fatalis will no longer work and you'll be an easy target. But if you keep hitting them, zig zag, encircle them, do whatever you see fit in the situation to increase your chances of survival.

The more you do it, the better you will be.

Team Fights

Generally, you want to avoid these if you can. You won't last long when everyone is popping their abilities. Poseidon's Kraken is especially deadly to you and if there is a Poseidon on the enemy team, you bet he's going to try to pop it on your team.

The best thing to do is to try and single out an enemy. lure them away from the team fight where you can take them on one on one. Sol is built for one on one, and many gods are not. You can dominate most enemy gods this way (especially the ones that rely on accuracy), and your team will have one less enemy to deal with.

If you end up luring multiple enemies away from the fight, more than you can take on, this is also a good thing. It gives your team an opportunity to take out whoever is left in the team fight area and then come up to eliminate the rest. Divide and conquer so to speak. Just try to escape once you've lured them a significant distance if you can. Otherwise you'll probably die.

General Fighting

While fighting, popping your Radiance isn't a bad idea because combat doesn't negate the healing. Basically, it will have a similar effect as if you had a little extra lifesteal. plus, if you're right next to the enemy, it also damages them over time.

Another useful tip is to always throw your Stellar Burst to the side of enemy minion lines so you hit more minions. Throwing it at the front will only result in the front minions being hurt at all. Also, this is a small AOE ability, so if you can get gods and minions in the burst, that is a good use of the Stellar Burst.

Special Thanks

Special thanks to nanoyam for the creating a guide, guide. I wouldn't have been able to do this without that!

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Mattdew | August 12, 2017 9:48pm
just asking
since the only solo i know how to play is chronos, and that i find chronos kinda like sol because theyre both reliant on their aa's and things, how do you play sol solo?
xZeroStrike (46) | August 13, 2017 4:04am
I don't see Sol to be much of a solo laner, though she has got some nice things going for her which can prove useful in solo lane. The reason Sol isn't much of a solo laner is because gods in that lane usually build one type of defense item which can seriously cut into Sol's damage, unlike other mages who can go to solo such as Hades.

If you do decide to take Sol for a spin in the solo lane though, here's what I recommend:
  • Buy Wards - You have Disapparate to escape from ganks or your enemy, but if you don't know the enemy is coming, by the time you do realize it it may be too late.
  • Clear waves with Stellar Burst - Throw this ability just to the side of the minion wave to hit both melee and archer minions. Can be quite tricky to do this consistently and the ability is very weak until its 3rd or 4th level which can prove challenging early.
  • Use Radiance to heal any damage you might've taken. With this, you'll be able to stay in lane for a fairly long time, unless you run out of mana.
  • Buy Mana Potion and get Mana buff. - Your biggest enemy is your own mana pool in the early game. You run out, you'll have to go back to fountain and you'll be guaranteed to lose your lane.
  • Use Disapparate to escape and get back to your tower if things get tricky. While this is a powerful escape ability, it's not always guaranteed to save your life so stay alert.
  • Only use Supernova to get the enemy off your back or to get a kill on low level enemies.

I believe that'd be everything you should know. Regarding a build, I would go with a full damage build. You could buy a defense item during the laning phase and sell it later, as you'll lose a ton of damage because of it. IMO Sol just has these weird power spikes.
Other than that, not much more I can add to that. Maybe someone else can.
Kriega1 (143) | August 13, 2017 4:04am
Sands of Time for starter, especially if you think your blue buff will be stolen. Then build Shoes of the Magi, Bancroft's Talon, either Breastplate of Valor or Genji's Guard (depends on opponent), Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti, situational (e.g. Polynomicon or Chronos' Pendant for example.)

Or, you can go Shoes of the Magi, Warlock's Sash, Breastplate of Valor or Genji's Guard, Obsidian Shard, Rod of Tahuti, situational (e.g. Polynomicon).

I wouldn't really recommend Sol in solo though, Chronos is better at it than her.
boogiebass (46) | August 13, 2017 3:44pm
Omg guise kriega is slive :0
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Kriega1 (143) | May 30, 2017 4:22am
Dude your build has way too much attack speed and not enough magical power , and also fatalis second? Thats way too expensive for second item (especially since the price increase) and will make you hit like paper until you have a high power item, I would delay fatalis until fifth or sixth item. After boots (Travellers really? thats more of a Guardian thing) I would recommend go into a high power item like Bancrofts, Book Of Thoth or Book Of The Dead (and if ahead only, Warlocks Sash). Then you could get Demonic Grip, Telekhines , Rod and then Fatalis.

For example: Pen boots, Bancrofts, Demonic/Obsidian, Telekhines(a bit expensive for its stats would rather get Spear Of Desolation for power , pen and cooldown reduction), Rod of Tahuti, Fatalis. This build would at least be decent, even if it has three attack speed items (two would better) since it has some power from the Bancrofts to help Basic attack damage. For a serious Sol build though , I would recommend only a fatalis with high power items , or a build that has Telekhines and Demonic grip (no fatalis) for attack speed items.

If you go attack speed items , you need some power to compensate. And definitely do not go Shamans Ring in a build that already has high attack speed, Shamans Ring works well with Bancrofts in the mid game to improve sustain and boxing potential (It offers hardly any power , but a good amount of attack speed that you probably will not need any other attack speed items), and you could probably get it third item since fatalis is only suitable lategame.
sunny108108 (3) | April 14, 2017 5:11am
great build for sol!
Technotoad64 (46) | August 14, 2017 8:24am
Who dares downvote sunny?
Tlaloc1050 (17) | August 14, 2017 9:55am
I do not know but I do not like it
Bernardozomer (33) | August 14, 2017 8:44am
Someone without a soul.
huntingBunny | April 8, 2017 7:12am
Tried Sol for the first time last night against bots (Just came back to Smite after a long break and don't feel confident enough to face other people yet). She's tricky, yet amazing. I'm gonna master her :D
Arbitrarysnake | March 16, 2017 12:00pm
I have to admit i really enjoyed sol's style when i started playing her today, i was terrible tho, and spent the entire day figuring out how to play her and now i'm halfway decent, the build you put up helped a lot. To be honest i don't see a lot of sol's and whenever shes played sometimes gods just don't know how to counter her, but thanks for the build it helped a lot.
YaxLeader (1) | March 17, 2017 11:09am
Thanks a lot man! If you want some advice on your play style with Sol, you can send me video if you like and i'll critique it!
YaxLeader (1) | March 10, 2017 2:29pm
Hey guys and gals!! Just finished updating my guide with new builds that work amazingly with the newest patch! Not quite as quick, but certainly a dominant presence on the battlefield!
Meow_Wow_Pow | March 4, 2017 2:02pm
Hi Yax firstly I wanted to say I love your build and it really throws people and its different than mos copy and paste burst build but i'm having trouble using this build and sol to the fullest potential I find myself dying after getting kills or assisting in team fights even from the back i still end up dead do you have any advice it'd be much appreciated
YaxLeader (1) | March 10, 2017 1:24pm
Biggest thing is you have to use your Radiance and Disapparate correctly. Jump in and deal damage, then drop back with your Disapparate if you have to and use your Radiance to heal while you're dropped back. You can jump in with your Disapparate to get there quicker but only do that if you know you'll easily win the fight. Also, popping your Radiance right before a fight can help you stay alive as well, as it is a consistent, over-time, heal that can't be cancelled. Add this to your life steal and hopefully you'll have better sustain.

If you're using book of the dead, try to get your full shield while dropped back as well by hitting minions before jumping in.

As for securing kills, I personally like to use Stellar Burst and Supernova when I see that the enemy is low health, it's pretty much the only burst damage you have and can easily help you finish someone off. But if another member of your team is better at burst damage, which is very likely, expect them to get most of the kills in team fights, especially if they're a critical based god like Artemis.
YaxLeader (1) | March 17, 2017 11:08am
correction, going incorporeal at the end of Disapparate cancels the heal from radiance
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 3, 2017 12:46am
Hey Yax,

This is a really interesting build. I can't argue with your win record or your K/D, but I do think the build has some ways it can be optimized.

Obviously, this build is completely centered around basic attacking. That said, someone else commented on the lack of damage, and there's at least one big reason for that...your main penetration item, Demonic Grip, is built last. If you want to take an example from the best magical ADC, this should be built mid-game. But the thing is, Freya is different...she gets a huge damage boost from her abilities, Pulse and Irradiate. Without those, her basic attack damage is frankly pretty pitiful.

Sol has a different kind of basic attack enhancement, through heat. Unstable Manifestation, at full stacks, provides 25% increased power and 30% bonus attack speed, and thus is meant specifically to enhance her kit for more hybrid function, and that's great. That said, there's a point at which more attack speed, at the cost of power and penetration, is going to start hurting her potential. Rod of Tahuti, the purest mage damage item, really should be considered for her no matter what. And I know you're trying to think of something different, that's good, but know that when doing this, you're decreasing the effectiveness of the other parts of her kit, and so it's always good to consider how you can keep the build as effective as possible.

In any case, here are some things I think are good to consider...I'll touch on them one by one.
  • Travelers Shoes is great for roles/gods that have issues with gold, movement speed, etc. Stacking this along with Hastened Fatalis is going to give you some crazy speed, but, in modes where there are lanes, Sol isn't really going to need it. She's going to be the main one in her lane, and gold shouldn't be an issue. Leave Travelers to Support roles that need to rotate often. Instead, she's better off getting either Shoes of the Magi for early pen, or Shoes of Focus for the CDR. Both also give higher power...not a huge deal to Sol, since magical basic attacks only increase by 20% of power and her scaling isn't amazing...but it's still something. The real reason for Shoes of the Magi really is the pen (not the power as you mention it), and against most squishy gods, especially early in the game, that's going to have a significant effect on your damage output.

  • Hastened Fatalis is sorely missed from her kit, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's best for her to get it this early. Especially when choosing the shoes you do, her easiest wave-clear/poke, Stellar Burst, is going to greatly lack oomph. And it's the most functional wave-clear early, because of the AOE. Combined with Soul Stone, that's what's going to help you hold your lane against an experienced enemy. With Sol in particular, I really think this should be purchased a bit later. But to each his own with your playstyle...just understand if you're playing against a good player, you're going to be out-pushed.

  • You've got 2 lifesteal items in her kit, back to back. One may be more than enough, but Shaman's Ring is unique...only procs against gods, and provides the stat you obviously covet: attack speed. Now with patch 4.3, she's got much stronger healing in her perhaps Shaman's Ring is more than enough for her normal uses. I also get that Book can provide a buffer of extra health...but without other health items, the bonus is okay, but not great. Just something to think about.
If I were to propose an alternate build but still focusing on basic attack function, this might be how I'd do it...
You're not me, of course, but perhaps some of my discussion points may make you think more about the build. In the end, you may still just straight up prefer yours.
YaxLeader (1) | March 3, 2017 2:32pm
This is really good info actually, I was going to add a second build to this guide that focused a little more on damage. I play every game type (exept Siege) so this was just a build I made that worked for all types, but it was made rather early into season 4 and therefore, needs some revision now. I'm still working on improving it and seeing what works best where and when.
I actually like your build though! I tried one pretty similar to it just a couple days ago, just very different order. Would you be ok with me including some of this info and your more damage focused build into my guide?
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 3, 2017 4:33pm
Hi Yax, it's totally fine if you want to include it (or alter it as you see fit) in your guide. Glad you see some use for it!
Time2medicate (4) | February 14, 2017 8:06pm
Great build works great
Time2medicate (4) | February 14, 2017 8:38pm
Ok I tried this build for a few games it really good but it's lacking a few things it doesn't have enough damage and she is super squishy any suggestions
YaxLeader (1) | February 16, 2017 11:30pm
You can try replacing one of the rings with book of thoth, warlocks sash or rod of tahuti (probably go for the rod). But you will be sacrificing on attack speed and whatever benefit from the rings you choose to forego
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Swoodz | February 11, 2017 9:11pm
I can't find shaman's ring and book of the dead on xbox one. Or is their a certain way to unlock them?
xZeroStrike (46) | February 12, 2017 1:42am
Season 4 for Console isn't released yet.

It will be released tomorrow, Monday the 13th of February.
Kali, due to a bug that saw her disabled for a while, will be re-enabled on Tuesday, the 14th of February or Wednesday, the 15th of February.
Zilby (132) | February 12, 2017 12:32am
You start out with every item available for purchase. If you tried to buy those items before the feb 10th, then the most recent patch hadn't hit consoles yet so those items wouldn't have been added yet. Alternatively, it could also be that if you were playing a physical god you couldn't see these items since they provide magical power.
Zhalinth | February 5, 2017 7:38am
Worked very well for me, perfect game against and with a balanced team. 7/0/14
Time2medicate (4) | January 31, 2017 6:25pm
Soon fatalis will not work on Sol I wonder if that applies to new fatalis?
Branmuffin17 (401) | March 2, 2017 10:32pm
I think you might have been thinking about how the Fatalis effect was being taken away from Sol's kit...because it sure is still an option.
YaxLeader (1) | February 4, 2017 9:11pm
Just started trying her out in season 4 with the new fatalis, it still works on Sol but it is less forgiving. Early game, you miss once and the movement debuff is back. Just work on accuracy and fatalis will work.
YaxLeader (1) | February 1, 2017 5:33pm
possibly, we'll see. I'll try it out and see how it does when it changes
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Quick, Mobile, and Merciless - Complete Sol Guide (season 4)
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