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S7 Sol Guide Masters (Mid & ADC)

38 4 129,406
by Eledee updated September 21, 2020

Smite God: Sol

Build Guide Discussion 12 More Guides
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Sol Build

Starting Build

Notes Many Sol builds opt for a tier 1 ring to start but after trying out various starts, going into Typhon's Fang first feels better. The tier 1 Typhon's Fang provides way more than tier 1 Ring of Hecate. If you prefer Ring of Hecate before Typhon's Fang You can get ring.


Many Sol builds opt for a tier 1 ring to start but after trying out various starts, going into Typhon's Fang first feels better. The tier 1 Typhon's Fang provides way more than tier 1 Ring of Hecate. If you prefer Ring of Hecate before Typhon's Fang You can get ring.

Build Item Hunter's Blessing Hunter's Blessing
Build Item Tiny Trinket Tiny Trinket
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Full Build

Notes This is the build I would normally run on Sol. In cases where Divine Ruin is not 100% needed Soul Reaver or Charon's Coin are valid options into tankier comps.


This is the build I would normally run on Sol. In cases where Divine Ruin is not 100% needed Soul Reaver or Charon's Coin are valid options into tankier comps.

Build Item Shoes of the Magi Shoes of the Magi
Build Item Typhon's Fang Typhon's Fang
Build Item Ring of Hecate Ring of Hecate
Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Demonic Grip Demonic Grip
Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin

Items to replace boots.

Notes Pythagorem's Piece can be bought when the enemy cannot apply antiheal that well to you. Chronos' Pendant lategame can be a strong item to allow more ults and higher chances to poke. Mantle of Discord Gives Sol even more safety when combining this with Aegis Amulet and her Disapparate.
Telkhines Ring while good early game in my opinion is not a core item but can be built later and sometimes in place for Divine Ruin


Pythagorem's Piece can be bought when the enemy cannot apply antiheal that well to you. Chronos' Pendant lategame can be a strong item to allow more ults and higher chances to poke. Mantle of Discord Gives Sol even more safety when combining this with Aegis Amulet and her Disapparate.
Telkhines Ring while good early game in my opinion is not a core item but can be built later and sometimes in place for Divine Ruin

Build Item Pythagorem's Piece Pythagorem's Piece
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Telkhines Ring Telkhines Ring
Build Item Charon's Coin Charon's Coin
Build Item Obsidian Shard Obsidian Shard
Build Item Elixir of Speed Elixir of Speed

Main relics

Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Aegis Amulet Aegis Amulet

Sol's Skill Order


1 X Y
2 8 10 11 12

Stellar Burst

2 A B
Stellar Burst
1 4 6 7 9


3 B A
3 13 14 15 16


4 Y X
5 17 18 19 20
2 8 10 11 12


1 X
Sol burns bright, gaining a large amount of Heat, Healing herself over time, and igniting the ground around her. Enemies that walk onto the fire take damage over time. The damaging area persists for 3s.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Damage: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 (+25% of your Magical Power) every 1s
Healing: 18% of missing Health over 5s
Heat: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70%
Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100
Cooldown: 11s
Stellar Burst
1 4 6 7 9

Stellar Burst

2 A
Sol's next basic attack explodes, creating a shockwave that travels out, dealing damage. At full size, the wave retracts, dealing damage again and slowing enemies.

Ability Type: Area Basic, Slow, Damage
Damage: 40 / 65 / 90 / 115 / 140 (+40% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% for 1.5s
Heat: 10%
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 10s
3 13 14 15 16


3 B
Sol burns down her manifestation, gaining movement speed and immunity to Slows while leaving a trail of fire behind her that damages enemies. After 3s Sol loses corporeal form for a short time. Sol may leave her incorporeal form early.

Ability Type: Line, Buff, Damage
Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 (+25% of your Magical Power) every 0.5s
Movement Speed: 20 / 22.5 / 25 / 27.5 / 30%
Heat: 10%
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16s
5 17 18 19 20


4 Y
Sol unleashes all her flame and fury from the sky, striking 8 times along a moveable ground target location. Enemies are knocked back on the first strike, and take only 30% damage on successive hits.

Ability Type: Circle, Knockup, Damage
Damage: 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Heat: 40%
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s

Sol Threats

Tap each threat level to view Sol’s threats



While Sol is not the strongest of mages or hunters. Sol does what she is good at incredibly well. She is a mage designed to keep high pressure in lane with her passive and sustain. She can outbox quite early and outsustain forcing early rotations to her, relieving pressure from everywhere else. Sol is a hard God to gank especially when fed as she can out damage and heal alot of the damage from junglers so playing aggressively in lane suits her style of play really well.


Sol is a pressure god. She needs to be in a winning position to do much in the game. Her defence is quite lacklustre although her ult does provide good zoning. The reason for this is when on defence, Sol may find it harder to keep her heat up if Radiance is not available.

In lane Sol can really bully out the enemy laner. She can push up rather safely, so don't be afraid of the enemy jungler coming over.

Sol uses range and healing really well. Keep up the damage until the enemy is around 50% hp. This is where Sol can close the gap and use radiance while boxing at melee range. Using this method of boxing against another ranged character can really sway the fight for you as you are healing and applying damage over time if the enemy chooses to fight you inside it.

Once Sol has Typhon's Fang and Ring of Hecate online Sol can fight almost any adc or mid in the game. Don't be afraid to attack junglers as they need to chase you down to get the kill. This is where Sol can throw all 4 abilities down at her feet and really chase gods out.

With Sol you typically want to hit your stellar burst 2 times. combined with auto attacks before you can go for the kill. Throwing Stellar Burst and swiping your ultimate super nova up can finish off targets with ease.

Stay on objectives. If you pick Sol Mid over another character you need to focus on burning objectives. Stay on the towers and phoenixes and throw your Stellar burst and Supernova combo on targets who come close or get cc'd.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Sol once known as the best Sol was once known as the best tower pusher in the game. Now she has fallen into a spot where she is simply a good tower pusher along with being a poke orientated midlaner and brawler in the duo lane. Sols shares the same priority as other ADC. Objectives. Sol is area denial and large amounts of poke while having ADC capabilities. This is what makes Sol different from the rest.

While Sol excels in constantly fighting and constantly pressuring tower she has one major flaw being her passive Unstable Manifestation. While most Gods have stim abilities with a simple press of a button allowing them to retreat from the fight, Sol is required to be in combat as much as possible for maximum damage. This means when fighting anyone aware of this con will try their best to deny sol from keeping her passive up during a fight. For Sol to compete with physical hunters Unstable Manifestation must be at 100% so having to manage that early game can be quite annoying.

Ability overview

Sols First ability being Radiance is the main ability that keeps Sol hitting incredibly hard. While this is not the ability you prioritise in levelling first, once maxed out it allows Sol to reach maximum potential for fighting, healing, and doing damage.

Stellar Burst Is Sol's main damaging skill, especially for poking and clearing wave. It's also a great way to keep her Heat up. Like other mage abilities, Stellar Burst doesn't hit as hard, but the cooldown is low, and late game this ability can easily hit around 800 damage.

Disapperate is Sol's get out of jail free card. This ability has a lot of potential uses; not only does it allow you to gain CC and Damage immunity, it also allows you to do high damage while increasing your movement speed. Not to mention you're able to simply walk through player made obstacles. This ability has a ton of utility

Supernova While being tricky to hit this ability can hit for huge amounts of damage and also burn objectives pretty well. Supernova acts as a finishing move, self peel and huge area denial.

Core Items

Sol has two core items. Typhon's Fang and Ring of Hecate. These two items early game gives Sol incredible pressure as enemy adcs cannot build antiheal early.

After these items there a few items that can be bought. Some people enjoy full auto attack builds and some prefer a mix of power and attack speed. In my opinion both work but I prefer a mix. The reason being is sol has 4 abilities which all do damage. Going full auto attack feels pretty wasteful, so opting for Ring of Hecate and Demonic Grip in my opinion is all the attack speed you need. If Sol does not need
Divine Ruin feel free to purchase Telkhines Ring

Early Game


Sol should start by using her Stellar Burst in base and then go to speed buff. Throw Stellar Burstat the speed camp and throw 2-3 auto attacks on the big minion.

During buff downtime, Sol should be poking at the enemy tower. She has a great early game passive so if left alone, Sol can take down objectives quickly. Taking down the enemy mid tower really opens up the map, allowing your team to gain control. Once your tower is down helping other lanes get towers should be your next objective outside of general camp farming.

As an ADC Sol needs to play around having sustain over the enemy. utilise the passive and gain pressure in lane. Invading purple buff is 100% the goal as it is with most hunters with lane pressure.

Sol needs to be paired with a high pressure support. You need to take the tier 1 tower as soon as possible to secure an opening on the gold fury. Sol can easily burst down this objective with her Supernova. If the coast is clear, Sol should ult the gold fury at around 50% HP. Her burst damage isn't so hot early game, so ulting gets the objective done much faster.


In teamfights Sol still acts as a general ADC. Hitting targets that are stunned and any frontline that is diving your backline should be your priority. The only difference with Sol is that she is relatively safe and can use her Radiance into Disapperate to go in, throw out Stellar Burst, and calong with Supernova if you have neough time, then retreat back during her damage immunity from Disapperate. Her main goal in teamfights is to kill tankier targets or try and safetly poke enemy backline if the opportunity arises.

Good Matchups

Bakasura Sols Disapperate is not affected by cripples so she can easily throw down her Stellar Burst and peel off/kill Bakasura.

Poseidon: Sol can Disapperate out of Whirlpool making it harder for Poseidon to use Release The Kraken! on her.

Serqet: Sol Disapperate cleanses Last Breath if timed correctly.

Fenrir: Fenrir can never Brutalize you, he will die unless he is full tank. If he is tanky, you have nothing to fear from him. You can immune Ragnarok by using Supernova as he bites you.

Ares: Sol can use Supernova and Disapperate and be free from Ares No Escape.

Cupid: Sol can Disapperate out of Fields Of Love.

Baron Samedi, using Disapperate combined with Supernova Sol cannot be pulled by Baron.

Any form of CC Sol's Ult is CC IMMUNE

Tips and Tricks

When playing Sol and you are getting run down by the jungler or more than one person, look for a wall. You can kite enemies into walls and use Supernova on yourself and throw Stellar Burst towards the wall. This means you do not need to aim the Stellar Burst which can be tricky to hit directly when somebody is running towards you.

Sol really only has poke early to mid game but once enemies are in kill threshold her combo of Stellar Burst into Supernova works well togethers. Start by throwing Stellar Burst out and instantly follow up with Supernova this slows enemies in the Supernova allowing more opportunities to hit more ticks of the ult. Lategame getting hit by 2-3 ticks with a Supernova can devastate enemies.

If disapperate is up, don't use Aegis Amulet. The reason for this is after 3 seconds of using this ability Sol becomes immune. You can chian this ability and follow with an Aegis Amulet for a very long duration of immunity if needed.

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Kriega1 (143) | May 5, 2019 8:00am
Do you only build Shaman's Ring if you build Rod of Tahuti? Because it seems it turns it into a worthwhile item. I've been trying it on an ability based Chronos build and it does a **** ton of damage if you have Section III active (which I normally am not a fan of).
Kriega1 (143) | March 22, 2019 1:47pm
My criticisms:

Some games you will need Demonic earlier in the build, but for now the overall build is fine.

I can't agree with Shaman's Ring on Sol. She only gets good use from it on her 2 and ult which isn't exactly... stellar. Not to mention for basic attack usage Telkhines Ring is superior to it. I just don't see it as worthwile item on her.

Some alternative items for Mid and ADC I would like to see mentioned: Typhon's Fang (situational, dependent on how much anti-heal is present), Hastened Ring, Magi's Cloak, Mantle of Discord, Doom Orb, Obsidian Shard (you mentioned for ADC but should also be mentioned for Mid too).

Also, Void Stone on Sol? Is this against teams with high magical dps? Or you know their best players are using mages? I would usually think Void Stone would be quite the situational pickup.

No mention of Celestial Legion Helm for ADC?
Eledee | March 22, 2019 4:16pm
I respect the ideas but I disagree. Shaman's Ring is good on Sol because it boosters he combo to a 1shot level combo. Not to mention when getting dove the bonus damage on 4 skills is really nice. Never get Typhon's Fang as sol builds bancroft's and had a heal. This means you should not go for more healing because you are kicking yourself if they do buy antiheal. Cloaks on Sol are useless especially magis as you have 3 forms of cc immunity including Beads. Doom orb is not a good item. Shard, sure I agree I should have but that as a counterbuild item. For void stone. This item has been a bruiser item for mages for quite some time. It is also something I have bought for a while and it is really good. Celestial helm is overrated and for sol who can build 3 good pen items I would stick with dynasty right now as the price is too good not to purchase.
Kriega1 (143) | March 23, 2019 2:52pm
What about hastened?
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xmysterionz (72) | March 22, 2019 11:40am
Dinasty Plate Helm? If you are going to list a full build, you need put t3 items, not bridge omes.
Kriega1 (143) | March 22, 2019 1:39pm
He mentions Dynasty Plate Helm replacements lower down.
Eledee | March 22, 2019 12:10pm
I like the way I formatted it thanks for the tip though!
DiscoFerry (3) | March 22, 2019 11:34am
very little pen until last item bad mid laner
Kriega1 (143) | March 22, 2019 1:40pm
10 pen from magi, 10 from dynasty, 15 from deso? Did you look at the build?

I do agree though that Demonic is delayed for far too long.
BigBoiTIm | March 22, 2019 11:33am
Mid lane sucks
Kriega1 (143) | March 22, 2019 1:40pm
What do you mean?

Looking at your comment history, it either seems you know the author and perhaps DiscoFerry, or you're just a very silly individual.
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